Jackson Applauds Responsible, Visionary Budget That Helps California Families

Budget addresses family leave, wildfire response, and growing senior population

SACRAMENTOState Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (Santa Barbara) released the following statement (June 13) on the passage of the state budget.

“At a time when California has a strong economy and a healthy surplus, we passed a budget today that very carefully plans for our future while meeting the challenges facing Californians today. We have put away the largest reserves in our state’s history, while providing record funding to our schools, increasing investments in early care and education, in our community colleges and universities, and providing support for wildfire prevention and response. This budget includes $2.4 billion to address our housing and homelessness crisis, a significant challenge in so many communities. It provides vital support to working families needing to care for a newborn or a sick loved one by lengthening Paid Family Leave from six to eight weeks.

I am very pleased that this budget also includes significant funding for our growing senior population, including $5 million to fund a program at the California Department of Aging to help older adults reduce the risk of falls at home, a program I have prioritized through my Senate Bill 280.

All of the funding prioritized in today’s budget helps California boldly rise to meet its challenges while wisely planning for our future.”