International Women’s Day on March 8 is a special cause for celebration for Thousand Oaks non-profit

THOUSAND OAKS — This year’s International Women’s Day theme of “Innovation and technology for gender equality” is a special cause for celebration to The Greater Contribution,  a Thousand Oaks non-profit that provides women in Uganda with a hand up, not a hand out.

For the past 17 years, the organization’s grassroots fundraising here at home has empowered thousands of women in remote villages of Uganda, Africa, with micro loans so that they can start their own businesses, lift their families out of poverty, and elevate their status in a culture that has oppressed them for generations.

On International Women’s Day March 8th, The Greater Contribution will be celebrating a new milestone as it reaches a record of 26,076 loans issued to date, with a remarkable 93% repayment rate. And for every woman enrolled in the program, an additional seven people are aided by their triumphs.

“Upon competition of a two-year curriculum where we provide literacy and business skills training, along with mentoring and peer counseling, our women borrowers enjoy dignity with their successes,” says founder Karon Wright. “That translates into more gender equality in the workplace, or food on the table, and a chance for their children to attend school.”

Here is what the Ugandan women in the program have to say:

“This program has removed the embarrassment I faced having to beg for money from relatives and friends.”

“I am very happy I can feed my children and dependents.”

“Before this program, I never knew I could start a business and earn money of my own.”

“Our family is more united in hard work and doing business.”

“I have more hope for the future. My children are learning like others.

The Greater Contribution is a 95% volunteer-based organization known for being frugal with low overhead so that the majority of all donations go directly to empowering Ugandan women. The business model relies on the personal approach. Before initiating a new loan group, women are surveyed by peer volunteers to assess their living conditions and economic situation, then evaluated again upon completion, to see how their lives have improved.

In celebration of International Women’s Day donations can be made at