Inspiring Stories of Ventura County’s 2022 High School Graduates

Focus on Education - Ventura County Office of Education

June 2022

Inspiring Stories of Ventura County’s

2022 High School Graduates

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Students graduating this year have had more than half of their high school experience impacted by the pandemic. In addition to the regular pressures of adolescence, they’ve experienced the stresses associated with school closures and quarantines and the debates over masking and vaccinations. They’ve also missed out on all types of activities, from dances to sporting events to school plays.

I want to acknowledge the amazing work of our teachers, administrators and school staff, who have helped guide students through these turbulent times. I also want to express my gratitude to the parents, relatives and community members who have so admirably supported our students and schools these past few years.

The pandemic has taken a toll on mental health that schools are working hard to address. But it has also shown us how incredibly strong and resilient students can be. Many have not only survived the pandemic and their own personal challenges but are thriving as they journey into life after high school. In our annual year-end edition of Focus on Education, I am honored to share of few of the inspiring stories from members of the Ventura County Class of 2022.

Dr. César Morales

Ventura County Superintendent of Schools

First-Generation College Student Has Her Eye on Career with the FBI

Maggie Melendez

Simi Valley High School

Maggie Melendez’s road to high school graduation hasn’t been an easy one. The daughter of Guatemalan immigrants, she started school without knowing a word of English. And at her young age, she’s struggled with health issues, including celiac disease and an ovarian tumor that had to be surgically removed.
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Harvard-Bound Grad is an

Advocate for Equity in Education

Hans Bach-Nguyen

Adolfo Camarillo High School

He hasn’t even graduated from Adolfo Camarillo High School yet, but Hans Bach-Nguyen has built an enviable resume that spans five pages. In addition to stellar grades and test scores, it lists an impressive array of activities and achievements.
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Student’s “Beautiful Journey” is Leading to a Bright Future

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Alex Loza

Foothill Technology High School

When schools were closed due to the pandemic, Alex Loza decided to make good use of the extra time he had on his hands. He got a job delivering meals to the elderly and remembers how some of the recipients were so grateful they were brought to tears. “That really made me feel good about myself,” he says.
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Teen Mental Health is a Priority for the Accomplished Grad

Nikita Manyak
Nikita Manyak

Oak Park High School

With all the pressure to make friends, get good grades and get into college, high school is often a stressful experience. Throw in a worldwide pandemic that’s lasted for years, and it’s no surprise that students are feeling it. “Especially with COVID, everybody has been so much more stressed,” says Nikita Manyak, who recently graduated from Oak Park High School.
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Daughter of Migrant Workers is Headed to UC Berkeley

Carolina Mendez
Carolina Martinez

Santa Paula High School

Carolina Martinez will be the first person in her family to attend a four-year university – and not just any university. She was admitted to the University of California, Berkeley, which is consistently ranked one of the nation’s best. “I started screaming, and my family thought something was wrong,” she recalls of the moment she got the good news.
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This Grad Bounces Back when Things Don’t Go as Planned

Kendall Brown
Kendall Brown

Thousand Oaks High School

Kendall Brown learned about loss at a young age when his father was infected by a life-threatening flesh-eating bacteria. The doctors said the only hope for survival was amputation. But his dad, who had re-learned to walk after surviving a plane crash when he was in the military, couldn’t bear to give up his legs.
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He’s Inspired to Teach Thanks to the Support He Received at School

Nate Padilla
Nate Padilla

Phoenix School

Nate Padilla had a difficult family life as a boy. After his mom and dad split up, he bounced between his parents’ distant homes and by the time he got to middle school, he was angry. “It was always easier to be angry than any other emotion,” he says.
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