Guest commentary: A Shoddy Façade of a Solution: The Recent Executive Order

WASHINGTON, D.C.—  Statement from Sindy Benavides, COO and Acting CEO of the League of United Latin America Citizens (LULAC):

“People across the nation and beyond have heard our voices, forcing President Trump to reverse the injustice of his Administration’s own making: the separation of families at the border. Unfortunately, the signing of his Executive Order constitutes nothing more than a hollow ceremony because it does nothing to change the zero-tolerance enforcement policy; the Trump Administration still plans to incarcerate immigrant families. Attorney General Sessions still plans to incarcerate migrant children by modifying the 1997 Flores Settlement, which would eradicate the 20-day cap on the detention of children. Never mind that these families and their children are seeking asylum. Never mind that they are fleeing imminent death and unspeakable violence. The Trump Administration has zero tolerance for their pain, struggle, nor their humanity.

Clearly, this Order has taken the shoddy façade of a solution as a truly lackluster attempt at masking what it really is: a political ploy that tries to appease the President’s political base. It may displease the President to learn that his masquerade was not convincing, not even for two hours.

There is no resolution within this Order. LULAC maintains that the jailing of immigrant families who are seeking asylum is unacceptable, and the lack of detail on the promised reunification of families by HHS Secretary Alex Azar is, once again, unacceptable. LULAC will not tolerate these familial incarcerations, and we demand that a detailed plan outlining the immediate reunification of families be released at once. What’s more, we demand that migrants be allowed to exercise their legal right to apply for asylum in the United States.

The necessary improvements do not end at the border, though; they extend into every-day life throughout the rest of our country. Accordingly, we demand that President Trump stop the ICE raids at worksites, which engender fear and distrust. We demand that he cease the rhetoric that stereotypes all immigrants as drug dealers, gang members, rapists and insects. And, Mr. President: I cordially invite you to take the lead in helping to heal our nation from the divisive political discourse with which you have plagued us.

LULAC will continue to move forward and urge all Americans outraged by the President’s actions at the border. Contact your Members of Congress to ensure families are reunited immediately! Text ‘UNITED’ to 52886 to send a message to your Member of Congress today. It is vital that we uphold family unity in our country as a core American value.”

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit