Michelangelo Buonarroti, Study of a Mourning Woman (detail), ca. 1500-1505. Pen and brown ink. J. Paul Getty Museum. Courtesy image.
SANTA BARBARA — The Santa Barbara Museum of Art will present “Art Matters Lecture Michelangelo: Burning Inspiration — Julian Brooks, Senior Curator of Drawing, J. Paul Getty Museum,” at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6 at 1130 State St. Santa Barbara, Mary Craig Auditorium.
Michelangelo is regarded as one of the most creative artists in western art history, using countless drawings to explore the dynamics of the human form and to solve compositional problems. Yet he is recorded as burning hundreds—perhaps thousands—of his sketches and cartoons. Julian Brooks, Senior Curator of Drawings at the J. Paul Getty Museum, looks into the extraordinary phenomenon of Michelangelo and his draftsmanship.
Art Matters is a premier lecture series intended for continuing adult education in the history of art. Distinguished speakers come from the Santa Barbara area, as well as across the country and abroad. Art historians, curators, and conservators offer fascinating insights into their areas of specialization.
Free SBMA Member (Curators’ Patron & above)/$10 SBMA Member (Collector’s Patron and below)/$15 Non-Member/Free Students (with valid ID)
Purchase tickets at the Museum Visitor Services desk, or online at tickets.sbma.net.