Feb. 24 — Festival Mozaic Music Director hosts masterclass at Allan Hancock College

Acclaimed violinist and Festival Mozaic conductor Scott Yoo is hosting a free masterclass at Allan Hancock College Feb. 24 • El violinista y director de Festival Mozaic, Scott Yoo, ofrecera? una clase magistral gratuita en Allan Hancock College el 24 de febrero. Courtesy photo.

SANTA MARIAAcclaimed violinist and Festival Mozaic Music Director Scott Yoo is hosting a free masterclass for a select group of Allan Hancock College music students, and the public is invited to watch. 

Yoo will conduct this free, public masterclass on Feb. 24 from 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. at the Boyd Concert Hall (bldg. F) on the college’s Santa Maria campus. Members of the public can sit in on the class and watch as Yoo works with Hancock music students Olga Arutyunyan, Amelie Loya, Jorge Arturo Perez, Daniel Moreno and Andrew Genge.?The master class is sponsored by the Allan Hancock College Foundation.

“This masterclass gives the students a chance to perform and receive instant feedback from a professional musician on their performance,” said Hancock music professor Nichole Dechaine. “The students will have access to a professional musician with whom they might not regularly have the opportunity to study under, and the audience can learn as much as the performers.”

Tickets to watch the masterclass are free, but space is limited. Members of the community can reserve their tickets on the Festival Mozaic website at www.festivalmozaic.org/scott-yoo-class.

Yoo is the Music Director of Festival Mozaic, and Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the Mexico City Philharmonic.?He is also the host and executive producer of the PBS miniseries Now Hear This, the first series about classical music on American prime-time TV in 50 years.

“Teaching masterclasses to young musicians is crucial. It’s not just about skills, but also about instilling passion and a love for classical music,” said Yoo. “Through live performance experiences, they gain essential stage presence that allows them to build confidence and grow in any career they may pursue.”

Following the masterclass at Hancock, Yoo will perform at the Harold J. Miossi Cultural and Performing Arts Center at Cuesta College on Feb. 25.

Festival Mozaic hosts more than 30 events each year including a two-week summer festival and a year-round chamber music and presenting series and maintains a vibrant virtual presence. The Festival emphasizes offering performances in unique Central Coast venues, including historic and outdoor venues, as well as contemporary concert halls. 

Hancock’s music program prepares students for employment in the areas of music teaching, music performance, merchandising, recording, church music positions, public recreation departments, private teaching, and many other related fields of the music industry. To learn more about this and other Hancock degree and certificate programs, visit https://www.hancockcollege.edu/pathways



SANTA MARIA – – El aclamado violinista y director de Mu?sica de Festival Mozaic, Scott Yoo, estara? organizando una clase magistral gratuita para un grupo selecto de estudiantes de mu?sica de Allan Hancock College, y se invita al publico a asistir y observar.

Yoo dirigira? esta clase magistral el 24 de febrero de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m. en el Boyd Concert Hall (edificio F) en el campus de Santa Mari?a. El pu?blico esta? invitado a asistir y observar co?mo Yoo trabaja con los estudiantes de mu?sica:

“Esta clase brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de recibir orientacio?n de un musico profesional sobre sus interpretaciones”, dijo Nichole Dechaine, profesora de mu?sica de Hancock. “Los estudiantes tendra?n la oportunidad de estudiar bajo la direccio?n de un mu?sico profesional y la audiencia tambie?n tendra? la oportunidad de aprender junto con los estudiantes”.

Los boletos para observar la clase magistral son gratis, pero el espacio es limitado. Los miembros de la comunidad pueden reservar sus boletos en el sitio de Festival Mozaic: www.festivalmozaic.org/scott-yoo-class.

Yoo es el director musical de Festival Mozaic y el director principal y arti?stico de la Orquesta Filarmo?nica de la Ciudad de Me?xico. Tambie?n es el anfitrio?n y productor ejecutivo de la miniserie de PBS Now Hear This, la primera serie sobre mu?sica cla?sica en la televisio?n estadounidense en 50 an?os.

“Dar clases magistrales a jo?venes mu?sicos es crucial. No se trata solo de habilidades, sino tambie?n de inculcar pasio?n y amor por la mu?sica cla?sica”, dijo Yoo. “A trave?s de experiencias de actuacio?n en vivo, adquieren una presencia esce?nica esencial que les permite construir confianza y sobresalir en cualquier carrera que elijan seguir.”

Despue?s de la clase magistral en Hancock, Yoo se presentara? en el Centro Cultural y de Artes Esce?nicas Harold J. Miossi de Cuesta College el 25 de febrero.

El Festival Mozaic organiza mas de 30 eventos cada an?o, incluyendo un festival de verano y una serie de mu?sica de ca?mara. El festival destaca por ofrecer actuaciones en lugares u?nicos en la Costa Central, como en lugares histo?ricos, al aire libre, y en salas de conciertos contempora?neas.

El programa de mu?sica de Hancock prepara a los estudiantes para carreras que abarcan muchas ares de mu?sica, incluyendo la ensen?anza de mu?sica, la interpretacio?n musical, la Olga Arutyunyan, Amelie Loya, Jorge Arturo Perez, Daniel Moreno y Andrew Genge. La clase magistral esta? patrocinada por la Fundacio?n de Allan Hancock College.

Para obtener ma?s informacio?n sobre este y otros programas en Hancock, visita www.hancockcollege.edu/pathways