Farm Bureau of Ventura County — Events Happening in the New Year

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CERF’s 2023 Ventura County Economic Forecast

“Looking Ahead During a Time of Recovery”

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Scherr Forum Theatre

2100 E. Thousand Oaks Boulevard

Thousand Oaks, CA 91362

The Center for Economic Research and Forecasting (CERF) at California Lutheran University will present the latest Ventura County economic forecast at the County’s premier networking event. CERF will provide in-depth analysis of the county’s economic performance through COVID-19 and into the post-pandemic environment. CERF will also present its award-winning forecasts for the United States and California. The event will provide important context for individuals and organizations operating in the current policy environment. Featured speakers will include: Kimberly Strassel, member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board, and Matthew Fienup, Executive Director of CERF.
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If you missed it

The slides from the last UCCE Grower meeting, held on Wednesday Dec. 14th have been made available for your viewing.

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