Reiter Affiliated Companies will be recognized for funding Clinica-FreSalud, private health clinics for their workers and their families. Photo by BB Rivas / El Concilio Family Services
Editor’s note: Part of a continuing series of stories profiling the award-winners of El Concilio Family Service 2013 Latino Leadership Awards. The awards gala will be held on Friday, June 7, 2013 at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. The event is sold out. Click here or call 805-486-9777 for more information.
Amigos805 staff reports
Reiter Affiliated Companies, a family-owned business, will be recognized for its commitment to the health of farm workers by funding private health clinics for their workers and their families.
The Reiter family began planting strawberries in California around 1900, coming to Oxnard in the mid-1960s. Reiter Affiliated Companies’ Philanthropy Program is focused on improving the health and nutrition of the farm worker community, the company reported. The RAC Healthy Lifestyle Initiative strives to improve health outcomes among the farm worker population by implementing an obesity and diabetes prevention and management pilot program in the U.S. and Mexico districts, with the potential to be replicated in other farm worker communities.
La Clínica FreSalud was launched in January 2009 in partnership with Healthstat Inc. Three clinics, one in each of their districts in California (Oxnard, Santa Maria, and Watsonville) currently operate as a primary care practices and offer acute, chronic and episodic care to employees.
La Clínica FreSalud providers are encouraged to develop valuable relationships with patients and provide the highest and most appropriate levels and frequency of care. This continuity of care improves the outcomes of treatment. Additionally, providers can perform a variety of assessments and functions as a healthcare advisor and coach for participating employees and focus on prevention of diseases and improving the health and quality of life of agricultural workers and their families.
For more information on El Concilio’s programs and services, visit www.elconciliofs.org or call 805-486-9777.