Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — New Masking Requirements for Businesses

With the increasing spread of the COVID-19 Delta Variant, masking requirements are changing rapidly. Review the new requirements and regional information below to help protect your employees and customers.
Current Requirements for Businesses
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
On July 27, 2021, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new masking guidance for fully vaccinated individuals in substantial or high transmission areas. According to the CDC’s COVID-19 Tracker, transmission in Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties is currently high. This information can be tracked HERE.
California Department of Public Health:
On July 28, 2021, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) quickly followed suit by updating its Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings.
NEW information for Mega Events:
  • Indoor mega events (crowds greater than 1,000 attendees) now require vaccination verification or proof of negative testing. Self-attestation may not be used to verify status as fully vaccinated or as proof of negative test result for indoor settings.
  • Outdoor mega events (crowds greater than 10,000 attendees) recommend vaccination verification or proof of negative testing. For outdoor settings, it is recommended not to use self-attestation to verify status as fully vaccinated or as proof of negative test result.
  • CLICK HERE for more information.
Information by County:
  • UPDATED: Ventura County: As of Friday, August 20, 2021 at 11:59 pm County of Ventura Public Health Department requires that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks indoors in public places. CLICK HERE for more information.
  • As of Monday, August 23, 2021 businesses, venue operators and other public entities must require all individuals to wear face coverings and post clearly visible and easy-to-read signage at all entry points. Signage is provided by the Ventura County Public Health Office CLICK HERE.
  • UPDATED: Santa Barbara County: As of Friday, August 6, 2021 at 5:00 pm County of Santa Barbara Public Health Department requires that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks indoors in public places. CLICK HERE for more information.
  • Los Angeles County: As of July 24, 2021 masks are required in indoor public spaces, regardless of vaccination status. CLICK HERE for more information.
Employers are still required to comply with Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention – Emergency Temporary Standards requirements.
  • Looking for PPE Supplies? PPE Unite is a public and private partnership program creates access to PPE, promotes PPE use and provides additional resources for businesses. We encourage our local businesses to learn more about accessing PPE HERE.
  • Fisher Phillips: The EDC partners with attorneys from Fisher Phillips to produce our quarterly legal update webinars.
  • Access their COVID-19 Resource Center for free CLICK HERE
  • For individual guidance you can contact:
  • Hannah Sweiss,, 213.330.4497
  • Aymara Ledezma,, 213.330.4470
  • Cal/OSHA Resources:
  • Resources Homepage CLICK HERE
  • Industry Guidance CLICK HERE
  • Consultation Services CLICK HERE
  • FREE on-site visits and telephone support from Cal/OSHA representatives for employers and employees. Get started by calling 800.963.9424 or email
  • Safer at Work COVID-19 Employer Portal: Employers and employees can access customized guidance by industry. CLICK HERE
  • EDC COVID-19 Business Resource Page: Stay up-to-date on local, state and federal resources related to the pandemic by visiting our page regularly CLICK HERE.
Looking for NO-COST Business Consulting Services?
The EDC SBDC call team and experienced advisors are available to answer questions and help you navigate today’s complex business environment. The Economic Development Collaborative hosts the Small Business Development Center and is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Signing up as a client takes just a few minutes and provides you with lifetime access to all of our no-cost services.
Get started today with no-cost consulting by calling our
Business Assistance Line at 805.409.9159.
Resources and advising are available in English and Spanish.
Access our Loan Program by calling 805.409.9497.
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This document is intended to be used as a starting point to help business owners understand federal, state and local and Cal/OSHA COVID-19 requirements. It is not comprehensive. While everything this article is intended to be accurate it is not intended legal advice and should not be relied on as such. To obtain legal advice please contact a licensed California attorney. The EDC does not endorse a particular law firm or practice.