Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — Free Business Training and Entrepreneurial Scholarship Program for Latinx & Indigenous Entrepreneurs offed by MICOP, WEV

Looking for NO-COST Business Consulting Services?
The EDC SBDC call team and experienced advisors are available to answer questions and help you navigate today’s complex business environment. The Economic Development Collaborative hosts the Small Business Development Center and is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Signing up as a client takes just a few minutes and provides you with lifetime access to all of our no-cost services.
Get started today with no-cost consulting by calling our
Business Assistance Line at 805.409.9159.
Resources and advising are available in English and Spanish.
Access our Loan Program by calling 805.409.9497.
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This document is intended to be used as a starting point to help business owners understand federal, state and local and Cal/OSHA COVID-19 requirements. It is not comprehensive. While everything this article is intended to be accurate it is not intended legal advice and should not be relied on as such. To obtain legal advice please contact a licensed California attorney. The EDC does not endorse a particular law firm or practice.