First District Supervisor Das Williams — Get Rid of Your Gasoline Bill, Fire Safety, & Eastside Neighborhood Cleanup

Educational Community Forum on Electric Vehicle (EV) Incentives for Residents

Join me for a Education Community Forum on EV incentives for residents hosted in collaboration with my office, Central Coast Community Energy(CCCE) & Community Environmental Council(CEC)


May 11th, 2022 from 5:30-7:00pm


Alcazar Theatre

located at 4916 Carpinteria Ave, Carpinteria, CA 93013

WHAT: Community Forum


Wade Nomura, Carpinteria Mayor

Michael Chiacos, CEC Director of Environmental Policy

Catherine Stedman, CCCE Director of Communications and Outreach

Oswaldo Martinez, CCCE Energy Programs Analyst

Community members will learn all about electric vehicles, including which models are available, the difference between an all-electric vehicle and a plug-in hybrid, charging, incentives, and more. They will learn how EVs get over 100 mpg equivalent, can be fueled up for around $2/gallon equivalent, and which used ones can be purchased for under $10,000 after incentives.

Click here to view flyer.

Wildfire Preparedness Exposition

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Join the Santa Barbara County Fire Safe Council as they welcome the community to the Wildfire Preparedness Exhibition. Learn how to live in wildfire threatened landscape! There will be several fun, family-friendly activities and exhibits. There will be booths from over a dozen organizations so residents can get tailored information about how to prepare for the next wildfire.

May 6-8, 2022 at Direct Relief

6100 Wallace Becknell Road, Goleta

Click here to access the agenda for the event and learn more about the exhibition. To visit the event website click here.

Annual Recruitment for Advisory Groups

Participation Provides Members an Opportunity to Get Involved in Shaping the Community

The City of Santa Barbara is seeking individuals to serve on its various City Advisory Groups. The City has more than 40 Advisory Groups and the members of these groups play an important role in shaping our community.

Application Deadline: Monday, May 9, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.

Interviews by the City Council:


·    Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. (Estimated Time),

·    Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. (Estimated Time); and

·    Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. (Estimated Time)

·    Appointments: Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Applications are available online at


General information about each advisory group (including videos for some of the advisory groups), and the Application for Appointment, list of vacancies, vacancy notices and recruitment schedule may be obtained by accessing the City’s website at: , or from the City Clerk’s Office.


If you’re interested in serving, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at or (805) 564-5309.

Eastside Neighborhood Clean Up

Join me for a Eastside Neighborhood Clean Up

Saturday, May 21, 2022


Meet at Sunflower Park at 9:00am

Sunflower Park located at 1124 E. Mason St. (Across the street from Franklin School main entrance)

Bring friends and family to for a morning of community improvement and beautification. Activities to include litter clean-up, graffiti removal, and reporting illegal dumping and abandoned shopping carts for pick-up.

All equipment provided (including gloves).

2 Million Going to Expand Childcare Slots for Infants and Toddlers

At our Board of Supervisors meeting this week, we received a presentation on the child-care needs within Santa Barbara County by First 5. The numbers were astounding. The largest gap we saw was in infant and toddler care, with 1627 spaces available and 9,967 who need are. That makes a gap of 8,089 spaces.

I am happy to say that collectively, we decided to use $2 million of American Rescue Plan Act funds to go to local child care, in efforts to expand and support providers serving infants and toddlers. This funding will allow the County to see where the needs in our County are the highest when it comes to infant, toddler child-care and give opportunity for our city and community partners to match our efforts.


Fire Prevention

Neighborhood Chipping

This year is on track to be one of the driest years. With that it is imperative that we all take measures to help prevent wildfires. The Neighborhood Chipping program is a great preventative measure. In preparation for wildfire, the Montecito Fire Department works in collaboration with identified neighborhoods to assist residents in improving community defensible space. Below are upcoming Chipping dates and the neighborhoods included:

May 9:

Arcady, Knapp, Cowles, Cottage, El Rancho, Sky View

May 23:

Sierra Vista, Nicholas, Ridge View, Canyon View, Sycamore Vista, Ranchito Vista, Calle Elegante, Calle Hermosa, Crest View

The Montecito Fire Department now has an Interactive Neighborhood Chipping Map available HERE. Type in your address for your neighborhood’s chipping date details. For more information visit Montecito Fire Protection District.