According to information provided, the non-sworn University Police employee was on campus May 6-9, 2020, and worked in the Police Department located in Placer Hall. As part of the campus’ ongoing COVID-related operations to regularly clean areas, the Police Department has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis.
The incubation period for COVID-19 is up to 14 days. Ventura County Public Health (VCPH) guidelines indicate that if you have not yet developed symptoms, it is unlikely that you will at this point. However, if you believe that you may have visited CSUCI’s Police Department on May 6-9, you should be alert for symptoms of respiratory illness such as fever, cough or shortness of breath.
The campus community was notified today of its first positive case and students were advised that if they experience symptoms they should contact the campus’ Student Health Services (SHS) at 805-437-8828 or their personal health care provider. Faculty and staff should contact their personal health care provider.
CSUCI will continue to implement safety protocols such as social distancing, cleaning surfaces and other hygiene measures that will help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and continue to work closely with VCPH.
CSUCI resources and FAQs are available on the University’s COVID website at: go.csuci.edu/covid19 and updates are also provided on the University’s Information Hotline at 805-437-3911. Questions may also be directed to csuci.news@csuci.edu.