CSU Channel Islands to hold career fair April 21

CSU Channel Islands will hold its 9th annual Career and Internship Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, April 21 at the John Spoor Broome Library Plaza.

This is an opportunity for university undergraduate students to meet local businesses and organizations who are actively looking to fill internships and/or part or full-time employment positions, the university reported in a media release.

The university is seeking employers who currently have internships or employment opportunities to participate in the event. Businesses have an opportunity to recruit highly-qualified students ready to transition from college into a professional career, the university reported.  For CSU Channel Islands students looking for an internship, this event will help them develop the necessary skills, training and experience sought by leading companies.

The university’s Career Development Center will provide an opportunity for employers to conduct on-campus interviews from 3 to 5 p.m. after the Career and Internship Fair.  The center will also provide room location and optional time slots to conduct interviews.

The cost for business participants is $175, which includes two representatives from each company, continental breakfast, lunch and a table. To participate in the Career and Internship Fair, register online at: https://www.regonline.com/9thannualcsuchannelislandscareerandinternshipfairc

For more information, call Amanda Carpenter, coordinator of Career Development Services at 805.437.3565 or send an e-mail to amanda.carpenter@csuci.edu