Bilingual report: CSU Channel Islands’ week long César E. Chávez Celebration continues through March 30


CAMARILLO— CSU Channel Islands (CI) invites the public to join in a weeklong celebration honoring the late labor leader and civil rights activist César Chávez.  A series of events are planned on the CI campus and at Café on A in Oxnard throughout the week of March 25, leading up to César Chávez Day on March 31.

The events are intended to engage students, faculty, staff and community members in a shared celebration of Chávez’s life, legacy and core values, the university reported in a media release. Throughout the week, CI students will also participate in activities promoting service, advocacy and volunteerism.

The weeklong celebration is made possible by funding from Instructionally Related Activities and sponsored by CI’s Centers for Community and Multicultural Engagement, the Chicana/o Studies, Communication, and History programs, the John Spoor Broome Library and Project ISLAS, the CSU Channel Islands’ Center for Community Engagement reported.

A detailed listing of free, public events is provided below:

Volunteer Fair: Spring Into Service
Monday, March 25, 2013 at 10 a.m. in the Library Courtyard
“Spring into Service” will allow you to find volunteer, advocacy and service-learning opportunities that match your interests, major, and career goals. Ventura County non-profits will be visiting the campus to offer a wide variety of opportunities. Come get involved, take action, and make a difference in your community today.

Voice of a Generation: Spoken Word Performance Workshop
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 4 p.m. in the Student Union Building
Come learn from nationally recognized spoken word poet Paul Flores, featured on HBO’s Def Poetry Jams, as he leads a spoken word workshop for CI students who want to learn more about performance poetry, hip hop activism and using your words to create social change and impact.

Rhyme for a Reason: Social Justice Poetry Slam
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union Buidling
Don’t Mince Your Words, Deliver Your Message, Come Speak Your PEACE at the Social Justice Poetry Slam. Come for a night of words, music and fun. MC will be nationally recognized spoken word poet, Paul Flores, a past performer on HBO’s Def Poetry Jams.

Equitable Language for a Just Community
Wednesday, March 27, 1 to 3 p.m. in Petit Salon
The Language Justice workshop, facilitated by Alena Marie and Greg Brieto, from Just Communities, introduces participants to an analysis of power, privilege, and language. Participants will consider how language can be both a tool of oppression as well as a critical strand of movements for social justice.

César E. Chávez: A Legacy of Service: Photo Exhibit Opening & Reception
Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 1 p.m. in the Broome Library 1320 Exhibition Hall
Join us for the debut of two exhibits that pay powerful tribute to the memory of César Chávez.  Photojournalist Jess Gutierrez has captured the spirit of Ventura County farmworker communities for over four decades. Artist Xico González honors labor leaders of the United Farm Workers movement in celebration of the 50th Anniversary.  The event will include a 6 p.m. panel discussion, moderated by Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers (UFW) union with César Chávez. The panel will feature faculty members, community activists and artists who will discuss the intersections of Chávez’s core values of service and learning, art, and community activism.  A reception will follow at 7 p.m.  Limited complimentary campus parking will be available.  Follow signs to event parking. Please RSVP to the exhibit opening at:  For more information, contact Dr. Frank Barajas at This event is sponsored by Laborers’ International Union of North America-LIUNA-Local 585, Ventura and Cabo Seafood, Grill and Cantina.

cinÉngage: Children in No Man’s Land

Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 6 p.m. in Broome Library 1320
A documentary that uncovers the current plight of the 100,000 unaccompanied minors entering the United States every year. This film gives this timely political debate about the U.S./ Mexico border a human face by exploring the story of Maria de Jesus (13) and her cousin Rene (12) as they attempt to cross the U.S./Mexico border alone to reunite with their moth¬ers in the Midwest. Focusing on minors crossing through the Sonora Desert area in Nogales, Arizona, this film explores every detail of these children’s journey as well as the journeys of other children we meet on the way. We uncover in an intimate and personal way where they are coming from, what their journeys have been like, and how they’ve gone about making the United States of America their new home.

Revoltoso: The Art of Xico González
Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 7 p.m.
Café on A – 438 South A Street, Oxnard, CA.
Brash, evocative, and never shy, González’s “Revoltoso” features silkscreen posters created in support of numerous political causes, but mainly the fight for immigrants’ rights. In this Metizo Gallery Stroll González’s art “over-turns” conventional thought and popular images to make his audience react in visceral ways. In his own words, González “seeks to empower people uniting in common cause against a common oppressor disguised in different mascaras [masks].” This has madeå him not only an artist, but an activist/organizer who puts his artistic skills to the benefit of his community. Xico’s work contributes to the long dialogue of art, activism and the legacy of the Chicano Art Movement.

Rhyme for a Reason II: Social Justice Poetry Slam
Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 8 p.m.
Café on A – 438 South A Street, Oxnard, CA.
Nationally recognized Chicano poet Paul Flores will be coming to Oxnard to speak his rhyme. The Center for Community Engagement will host San Francisco poet Paul Flores, a past performer on HBO’s Def Poetry Jams, as he weaves spoken word, theater and hip-hop around issues of social justice.

Farmworker Immersion Project

Saturday, March 30 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Farmworker Immersion Project guides students through a firsthand experience of typical farm work life in Ventura County. We will speak with farmworkers and their families in their homes and visit a local berry farm, to  learn about the agricultural business in our county, harvest berries and eat lunch with the farmworkers. We will return to CI for reflection and pizza.Students are required to apply for this project and attend an orientation session, applicants will be notified of further trip details. This event is limited to 35 students. Please apply at:

For more information please contact:
Pilar Pacheco, Associate Director,
Center for Community Engagement at


CI Patrocina una Semana de Eventos para Celebrar el Día de César Chávez

Los eventos comunitarios incluyen competencias de poesía, fotografía y exposiciones de arte

CAMARILLO — CSU Channel Islands (CI) invita al público a participar de una celebración de una semana de duración en honor del fallecido líder laboral y activista de los derechos civiles César Chávez. Se han programado una serie de eventos en las instalaciones de CI y en Café on A de Oxnard a lo largo de la semana, a partir del 25 de Marzo, hasta el 31, día de César Chávez.

La intención de estos eventos es la de lograr la participación de los estudiantes, la facultad, el personal y los miembros de la comunidad en una celebración compartida de la vida de Chávez, su legado y sus principios medulares. A lo largo de la semana, los estudiantes de CI también participarán en actividades promoviendo la idea de servicio, apoyo y voluntariado.

A continuación presentamos la lista de eventos públicos y gratuitos.

César E. Chávez: Un Legado de Servicio: Apertura y Recepción de la Exposición de Arte y Fotografía

Miércoles 27 de Marzo a las 7:30 PM, John Spoor Broome Library, CI campus

Le invitamos a participar junto a nosotros en el debut de dos exposiciones que rinden un gran tributo a la memoria de César Chávez. El fotoperiodista Jess Gutierrez ha captado el espíritu de las comunidades de braceros de Ventura County por más de tres décadas. El artista Xico González rinde tributo a los líderes laborales del movimiento United Farm Workers en su celebración del 50 Aniversario. El evento incluye, a las 6 PM, un panel de discusión moderado por Dolores Huerta, cofundadora del sindicato United Farm Workers (UFW) junto con César Chávez. Seguirá una recepción a las 7 PM. Habrá limitado estacionamiento de cortesía en las instalaciones. Siga las señalizaciones que conducen al estacionamiento del evento. RSVP a la apertura de la exposición a: Para obtener más información, puede ponerse en contacto con Dr. Frank Barajas en

Revoltoso: El Arte de Xico González

Jueves 28 de Marzo, a las 7 PM, Café on A, 438 South A Street, Oxnard

Impetuoso, evocativo y nunca tímido, “Revoltoso” de Xico González presenta serigrafías creadas en apoyo a numerosas causas políticas, pero fundamentalmente a la lucha por los derechos de los inmigrantes. Su arte subvierte el pensamiento convencional y las imágenes populares para que su público reaccione de forma visceral. Activista y organizador, al mismo tiempo que artista, González utiliza sus habilidades artísticas para beneficio de su comunidad y contribuye al largo diálogo del arte, el activismo y el legado del Chicano Art Movement.

Rhyme for a Reason II: Competencia de Poesía por la Justicia Social

Jueves 28 de Marzo, a las 8 PM, Café on A, 438 South A Street, Oxnard

Nacionalmente reconocido, el premiado poeta Chicano, autor y dramaturgo Paul Flores  viene a Oxnard para presentarnos su rima. Ex-integrante de Def Poetry Jams de HBO, Flores entreteje la palabra hablada, el teatro y el hip-hop en torno a la problemática de la justicia social.

Esta semana de celebraciones es posible gracias a: CI’s Centers for Community and Multicultural Engagement; the Chicana/o Studies, Communication, and History programs; the John Spoor Broome Library; Project ISLAS; Instructionally Related Activities funds; Laborers’ International Union of North America-LIUNA-Local 585, Ventura; Cabo Seafood Grill &Cantina; Xavier Montes; and Marie Gregorio-Oviedo.

Para obtener más información, puede comunicarse con Pilar Pacheco, Associate Director, Center for Community Engagement, enviando correo electrónico a: ó 805-437-8851.

Para preguntas de medios publicitarios, contacte a Nancy Covarrubias Gill, Directora de Comunicaciones y Publicidad de CSU Channel Islands, llamando al 805-437-8456 o por correo electrónico a