County officials issue an apology while critics say it’s ironic this comes during the same time as the heightened awareness of race issues during the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests

Courtesy images submitted by a reader. Facebook is currently not allowing individual views of the offending poster.
VENTURA COUNTY — During the same weekend the County of Ventura issued a media release regarding the death of George Floyd (see Bilingual report — A message from County of Ventura CEO Mike Powers dated June 7) new social distancing posters created by the County drew fire from many for their social insensitivity.
The English-language posters featured two professionally-attired business people separated by skies while the Spanish-language version featured two faceless silhouettes separated by food packing crates.
Some of the nearly 300 facebook comments include:
“Who does the communications for the county? Don’t you have a committee to vet these posters? If not, maybe it’s time to have more input. Even if these posters were not side by side they are stereotypical and racist. It doesn’t matter if they “were only intended to go to farms”. Do you not think migrant farm workers understand other visuals without vegetable crates/boxes? I believe you need to post an apology together, side by side, in English and Spanish on all social media. Twitter included. Folks that do not live in Ventura County are appalled and offended as well.”
“Seriously, how could you? Printed material typically take a while to be created, edited, type-set, printed & distributed. Even prior to the heightened awareness currently happening with the #BLMmovement, this shows a blatant display of insensitivity that you have had IN YOUR HOUSE amidst some staff! And to know that there was more than one version of these posters? How incredibly tone deaf…”
“It’s quite sad that whoever worded this and whoever this message went by before hitting post thought that this was the right way to respond. It’s great that you were not TRYING to offend people but that it not the point. I don’t think anyone that reached out regarding the concern ever thought “hey they are purposefully trying to be offend us!”. Own up to the mistake. An apology works by saying the words “we’re sorry” NOT “we’re sorry that you were offended”.
“The irony is that it was published this week, when hardly any coronavirus updates were shared in favor of sharing how the county is standing up against inequality and racial bias.”
“Heather Christena Schmidt The irony is that it was published this week, when hardly any coronavirus updates were shared in favor of sharing how the county is standing up against inequality and racial bias.”
“So let’s start with accountability, the person that suggested these posters and the group that approved it and thought it was ok all should be fired. This is the steps we all need to do to start a new way of thinking and to stop racial profiling. Saying sorry is not going to work anymore we need ACTIONS.”
Here is the apology issued by the county in English, which was translated in Spanish:
A message from Ventura County Executive Officer Mike Powers — I want to apologize for the County social distancing posters many of you have seen at local businesses. Thank you to those who shared their concerns and contacted us to point out that Spanish and English versions are offensive to members of our diverse community. That certainly wasn’t our intention in attempts to share ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus. We will go out and replace the signs immediately. We pledge to do better. Continue to commit to us as we work to get involved and support our diverse community during these difficult times.
Un mensaje del Funcionario Ejecutivo del Condado de Ventura, Mike Powers — Quiero pedir disculpas por los carteles de distanciamiento social del Condado que muchos de ustedes han visto en empresas locales.
Gracias a quienes compartieron sus inquietudes y se pusieron en contacto con nosotros para señalar que las versiones en español e inglés son ofensivas para los miembros de nuestra diversa comunidad. Eso ciertamente no fue nuestra intención en los intentos de compartir formas de prevenir la propagación del coronavirus.
Saldremos y reemplazaremos los carteles de inmediato.
Nos comprometemos a hacerlo mejor. Continúe comprometiéndose con nosotros mientras trabajamos para involucrarnos y apoyar a nuestra diversa comunidad durante estos tiempos difíciles.
The County also issued the following statement:
We understand some people hadn’t seen the posters that brought concern and have been asking questions. Here are the posters. Farm specific in English and Spanish, skis in English and Spanish and an arrow in English and Spanish. A new version will be distributed tomorrow. The intent was to provide social distancing messaging tailored for Farmworkers at the farms. We understand this has caused offense and we apologize.

Image capture from County of Ventura facebook page. Facebook is currently not allowing views of the individual pages.