County of Ventura COVID-19 update for July 23

Good afternoon,

Here is your COVID-19 update for the County of Ventura.

107 new cases

6,156 total cases

1,641 new people tested

3,360 recovered cases

88 hospitalized

18 current ICU

2,733 active cases under quarantine

63 deaths

100,289 total people tested



Summary #
New cases 107
Total cases (Active, Recovered, and Deaths) 6,156
Recovered Cases 3,360
Ever* hospitalizations 402
Current hospitalizations 88
Ever ICU* 118
Current ICU 18
Active Cases Under Quarantine 2,733
Deaths 63
New People Tested 1,641
Total People Tested 100,289
*Current hospitalizations does not include those from LTC facilities that no longer require acute care but are being held at the facility to protect others.  Current ICU is underreported because we do not get notification when hospitalized patients are transferred to ICU. 
Age and Sex* of Confirmed Cases: Female Male Unknown %
Age 0-17 349 332 0 11.1%
Age 18-24 508 512 0 16.6%
Age 25-44 1,044 1,190 2 36.3%
Age 45-64 808 834 1 26.7%
Age 65+ 288 278 3 9.2%
Unknown 3 4 0 0.1%
Total 3,000 3,150 6 100.0%
% by Sex 48.7% 51.2% 0.1%  
Race/Ethnicity*** % Cases % Deaths % of Population
Latino 61.9% 39.7% 44.5%
White 23.4% 50.8% 43.2%
Asian 2.6% 4.8% 7.4%
African American/Black 1.0% 1.6% 1.7%
Multiracial 0.2% 0.0% 2.5%
American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.3% 1.6% 0.3%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.2% 0.0% 0.2%
Other 10.5% 1.6% 0.2%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
***1,377 cases with unknown Race and / or Ethnicity were excluded from this analysis.
Confirmed Cases: # %
Travel Related 17 0.3%
Person-to-person acquired 1,924 31.3%
Community acquired 1,722 28.0%
Under investigation 2,493 40.5%
Total 6,156 100.0%
City/Zip**** # % of Total Population***** Rate per 100,000 pop.
91320 – Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park 217 3.5% 46,191 469.8
91360 – Thousand Oaks 239 3.9% 42,104 567.6
91361 – Thousand Oaks/Lake Sherwood/Westlake 65 1.1% 20,487 317.3
91362 – Thousand Oaks/Westlake 149 2.4% 34,056 437.5
91377 – Oak Park 53 0.9% 14,226 372.6
93001 – Ventura 259 4.2% 33,139 781.6
93003 – Ventura 245 4.0% 51,304 477.5
93004 – Ventura 134 2.2% 30,473 439.7
93010 – Camarillo 184 3.0% 44,240 415.9
93012 – Camarillo/Santa Rosa Valley 96 1.6% 37,622 255.2
93015 – Fillmore 313 5.1% 18,832 1662.1
93021 – Moorpark 275 4.5% 38,325 717.5
93022 – Oak View 24 0.4% 5,550 432.4
93023 – Ojai 43 0.7% 20,656 208.2
93030 – Oxnard 785 12.8% 62,016 1265.8
93033 – Oxnard 950 15.4% 83,319 1140.2
93035 – Oxnard 157 2.6% 28,321 554.4
93036 – Oxnard 376 6.1% 48,022 783.0
93040 – Piru 78 1.3% 1,831 4260.0
93041 – Port Hueneme 150 2.4% 24,129 621.7
93060 – Santa Paula 423 6.9% 34,229 1235.8
93063 – Simi Valley (Santa Susana) 369 6.0% 56,563 652.4
93065 – Simi Valley 543 8.8% 74,780 726.1
93066 – Somis 29 0.5% 3,481 833.1
Total 6,156 100.0% 853,896 720.9
****39 cases provided a PO Box address that has been assigned to another zip code within the city.
*****Population estimates for 2020 from (Demographics Dashboard).
Data Current as of 8:00 am on 7/23/2020 from CalREDIE