CORE – Chiques Community Coalition to present virtual ‘People’s Summit 2020 on Civil Gang Injunctions’ on Sept. 12

OXNARD — The Third California State-wide People’s Summit on Civil “Gang” Injunctions will be a virtual event, streaming live on the both, our Zoom link and Face Book from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 12, 2020.

The People’s Summit will be a focused first-hand account and reflections on the historic 16 year fight and ultimate victory of CORE and the people in Oxnard in defeating the Civil “Gang” Injunctions. The unconstutional Oxnard Civil “Gang” Injunction is Dead!

The Keynote speakers at the People’s Summit will be Gaby Hernandez-Castillo an activist organizer from Santa Ana will discuss the people’s ongoing effort to abolish Civil “Gang” Injunctions throughout the state of California. The second keynote speaker will Sean Garcia-Leys, a civil rights attorney who has worked actively with various communities throughout California to end law enforcements counterproductive gang suppression strategies.  Seize the moment is time for the people to take full control of law enforcement reform in California with the formation of Community Police Review Board state-wide. All Power to the People!

Pre-register today: