Wishing loyal Amigos805 readers a very Happy Holiday Season and a Very Safe and Prosperous New Year.
The new year often brings changes so we are pleased to introduce a couple of options that will make it easier for our readers to contribute their media releases, guest commentaries and calendar items of upcoming events for Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties.
We have been testing a couple of new user-submitted options for posting news and calendar events. Thank you to those readers, communications agencies and non-profit organizations that have already submitted content this week. Very much appreciated.
To have your media release or guest commentary appear on our home page, visit http://amigos805.com/submit-your-posts, fill out the information, submit your photo or image (maximum 500 pixels wide) and click on “Submit Post.”
To submit your upcoming event, go to http://amigos805.com/805-regional-events, click on “Add Event” below the calendar to submit your item.
The deadline for submission of media releases, news items and guest commentaries for inclusion in our weekly e-newsletter is 5 p.m. Wednesdays.
Amigos805 reserves the right to approve all submitted media releases, news items, guest commentaries and calendar events.
We will continue to work on improving our user-submitted system and will also be streamlining our weekly e-newsletter to provide links to our latest postings.
For suggestions, questions or information on advertising, send an email to frank@amigos805.com.
Once again, wishing you all a very Happy Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year.