Commentary: Honor, integrity, sacrifice

By Mona AlvaradoFrazier /Guest contributor

Many Americans mistakenly believe that Veterans Day is the day America sets aside to honor American military personnel who died in battle or from wounds sustained from combat. That’s not quite true. Memorial Day is the day set aside to honor Americans who died in a war.

In 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day. In 1954, Congress replaced the word Armistice with Veterans Day to commemorate the men and women who served in World War II and the Korean conflict.

Veterans Day honors all American veterans, both living and deceased. It is a day set aside to thank living veterans for dedicated and loyal service to their country. This site says it simply and eloquently:

“This week we celebrate a very special holiday. It isn’t Thanksgiving, even though it is a day to give thanks. It isn’t Independence Day, even though it is a day to celebrate freedom. It isn’t Valentine Day, even though it is a day to think about love.”

November 11th of each year is the day that we ensure veterans know that we deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made in their lives to keep our country safe.

This is also a day to educate others, perhaps your children and teenagers. You can choose one or all of the following ideas:

Show your children the following two-minute video clip from the Department of Veterans Affairs. It discusses the significance of Veterans Day and how you and your family can acknowledge the holiday.

Tell stories about your loved ones and friends’ military service.

Say thank you to someone you see in uniform or someone you know has served.

Thank the manager of Applebee’s and other businesses for providing free and discount meals to veterans on November 11. You can find these places at The Military Wallet.

Send an active duty or veteran a thank you card. A list of California hospitals and their addresses are here.

Visit the Dept. Of V.A site for more ideas.

Celebrations to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good will take place at the following areas in Ventura County and Santa Barbara.

To any active duty Military Personnel and Veterans who are reading this article, I thank you for your service and wish you and your family well.

— Mona AlvaradoFrazier is a writer and proprietor the BookNook in Downtown Sol, 328 W. Third St., Oxnard. To see more of her work, visit