Carnegie Art Cornerstones — Meet Vanessa Wallace-Gonzales

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The Core of Our Mission:

Support – Mentorship – Audience

Meet Vanessa Wallace-Gonzales

Vanessa’s story really embodies the spirit of the Carnegie Art Cornerstones mission. We aim to empower emerging artists to grow, create, and share their art. Our ability to do this in a traditional sense has been challenged, but artists like Vanessa, and the art she creates, are still incredibly important to our communities.

Cornerstones lifts emerging artists by providing them with resources, mentorship, and exposure that helps artists pursue dedicated careers – we believe this kind of work is vital to keeping art as the cornerstone of our local communities.

However, the pandemic – while it has created many barriers – has not suppressed the passion of the board members and their love of the arts and artists in Oxnard. The board has worked to adapt the mission to these distanced times by pivoting to offer “in home” art discussions led by local artists. We believe this pivot continues to reflect the manner in which Cornerstones wanted to support artists – by connecting them to our supportive, engaged online community.

We look forward to lifting artists throughout our community this year, and hope you’ll join us. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram (via the links below) for more updates, and also know that your financial support is needed just as much now, as it was when we had a physical space to highlight these artists.