Carnegie Art Cornerstones — Honoring our Past, Embracing our Future

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Keeping Art as the

Cornerstone of our Community


Honoring our Past – Embracing our Future

Carnegie Arts Cornerstones had been a major financial contributor to the planning and support of the now defunct Carnegie Art Museum in Oxnard, CA.

So while there is no longer a physical museum to support, the spirit of our mission lives on, and our future is bright. We still believe our mission to promote creativity, learning, and growth in the careers of artists, and to inspire passion and appreciation for the visual arts is still vital to the communities around Oxnard and throughout Southern California.

We’re completely rethinking how we support young artists in our area, and how we keep art at the forefront of our community. The spirit of our work will live on, just in a new format.

We are so excited to share this transformation with you – so stay tuned.