Camarillo Hospice offers grief support groups focusing on the holidays

CAMARILLO — When grieving the death of a loved one, the holidays can be a painful time. It can feel as if the holiday light has diminished as face the challenge of finding continued meaning in our rituals and connection with those we love. Camarillo Hospice, a Program of Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association, has two general bereavement groups that will be focusing on the holidays and grief, Mondays 11:30 to 1:00 pm and Thursdays 6:00-7:30 pm. Support group can offer compassion and understanding during this difficult time.

Our support groups are committed to maintaining an open, accepting, confidential atmosphere.  The groups are free of charge and held at 400 Rosewood Avenue, Suite 102, Camarillo.  To register for a support group, please contact Stacia Sickle, LCSW, at 805-389-6870 x452 or ssickle@lmvna..orgFor more information on Camarillo Hospice, visit

Ongoing Support Groups

General Bereavement Support Group:Healing after the Loss of a Loved One Mondays 11:30 to 1:00 pm and Thursdays 6:00-7:30 pm

Young Widow and Widowers Support Group Tuesdays 5:30 to 7:00 pm

Good Grief Club: 1stand 3rdTuesday of every month 5:30 to 7:00 pm

Widow and Widower’s Support Group Wednesdays 1:00 to 2:30 pm

Survivors of a Suicide Loss Support Group:  1stand 3rdWednesday of every month 6:30 to 8:00 pm

Reinvesting in Life after Loss of a Loved One:  2ndand 4th Thursdays 3:00 to 4:30 pm

Adult Loss of Parent Support Group:  1stand 3rdThursday of every month 6:00 to 7:30 pm

Bereaved Mother’s Support Group: 2ndThursday of every month 6:00 to 7:30 pm