Podcasting gives businesses a creative and entertaining way to reach customers. Photo courtesy of Metro Editorial Services (MS)
By Metro Editorial Services (MS)
mall businesses, understand the importance of establishing an online presence. Identifying new content strategies can help keep a company’s name and business motto fresh in the minds of consumers. Search engine optimization, or SEO, and social media use can greatly improve a business’ online visibility.
Podcasting is another tool small businesses have at their disposal. Podcasts, often referred to as on-demand audio content or audiocasts, are usually short audio or video clips. Typically they’re episodic and are released at key intervals. Podcasting enables listeners to determine when and where they would like to receive content. Podcasts can be informative, entertaining or a combination of both. All that’s needed to tune in is a mobile device or Internet access.
Although podcasting was once a way to present on-demand radio and other audio programming, businesses have redesigned podcasting to use it for training and marketing and as another avenue to disseminate marketing materials to the public and a target market. As opposed to visiting a website or reading newsletters and emails, podcasts are often described as more customer-friendly and accessible.
There are several ways businesses can benefit from podcasting, including:
• Businesses can distribute valuable content to increase customer loyalty.
Podcasts enable you to be an industry and news trend provider, which can set you apart from the competition.
• Audio and video are very engaging media and can keep customers interested for longer periods of time.
• Podcasts increase marketing reach and online visibility and can strengthen SEO.
• Syndication and repeat scheduling gives listeners a reason to keep coming back for more content.
• Podcasts can be promoted through social media channels to make online marketing efforts even more cohesive.
• Downloads of podcasts and transcripts can be offered directly from your company’s website to drive even more traffic to the location.
• It’s possible to measure the success of digital audio because it can be tracked by the number of downloads and the number of social interactions with the content.
• Podcasts work with consumers’ schedules. If they are unable to listen to a podcast immediately, they can download content and enjoy it on their own time.
• Podcasts reach anyone around the world with an Internet connection, dramatically increasing your potential customer base.
• Content that is creative and fun shows an entirely new side of your business.
Consistent podcasts can be a great way to share information about your business and improve your online presence. A 20- or 30-minute podcast may be better received than a barrage of marketing emails or a monthly newsletter.