Das Williams
Assemblymember Das Williams (D-Santa Barbara) provided a key floor vote and co-authorship for proposed legislation that would restrict the use of Bispenol-A (BPA) in certain baby products, Williams reported Tuesday in a media release.
“I am pleased to co-author this bill and provide a deciding vote to carry this through,” Williams said following Tuesday’s vote. “BPA is a known toxic material, especially for young children. We know it’s toxic, it’s time to get it out.”
The Toxin-Free Infants and Toddlers Act, AB 1319 (Butler, D-Marina del Rey) is among several bills co-authored by Assemblymember Williams that have passed the floor of the lower house and are now on the way to the State Senate for consideration.
Williams support of AB 1319 in a floor vote, provided the 41st vote to give the bill a majority of the 80-member body.
Other bills Williams has co-authored that have also passed the floor of the State Assembly include;
AB 459 (Hill, D- San Mateo): Would ratify an interstate compact whereby the state agrees to award its electoral votes to the Presidential ticket that received the most popular votes nationwide, if certain conditions are met.
AB 529 (Gatto, D- Los Angeles): Aims to provide more local control when setting speed limits. Specifically, it allows local governments to round speed limits down to within 5 miles per hour of the 85th percentile of the speed on the road.
AB 697 (V. Manuel Pérez, D- Coachella): Would provide the CalVet Home Loan Program, which is administered by the California Department of Veterans Affairs, more flexibility to refinance an existing mortgage loan for veterans.
AB 765 (Achadjian, R- San Luis Obispo): Expands the definition of “rape by fraud” to include submission of the victim to sexual intercourse under the belief that the perpetrator is a “cohabitant,” as specified.
AB 913 (Feuer, D- Los Angeles): Requires that the Department of Toxic Substances Control develop a California Green Business Program that provides certification of businesses that adopt environmentally preferable business practices, including, but not limited to, increased energy efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, promotion of water conservation and reduced waste generation.
AB 1155 (Alejo, D- Salinas): Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, age, gender, marital status, sex or genetic characteristics in the process of apportioning medical causation for purposes of determining an employer’s liability for the permanent disability of an employee injured on the job. The bill also provides that a workers’ compensation claim shall not be denied based on worker’s injury or death was related to one of the protected classes noted above.
AB 1226 (Committee on Veterans Affairs): Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to include in its annual report regarding the activities of county veterans service officers, the percentage of veterans receiving federal veteran compensation and pension benefits, and how California ranks among the states in this percentage.
Assemblymember Das Williams is also supporting;
AB 12 (Swanson, D- Oakland): Creates an additional fine of up to $25,000 for any person convicted of procurement of a minor, under the age of 18, for the purpose of engaging in prostitution. The bill also specifies that the fine shall be available to fund programs and services for commercially sexually exploited minors in the counties where the offenses are committed.
AB 246 (Wykowski, D- Fremont): Extends the ability to prosecute for violations of the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act to district attorneys and certain city attorneys.
All of the above Assembly Bills that have been co-authored or supported by Assemblymember Williams have passed the floor in the house of origin and headed to the State Senate for consideration.
Website for Assemblymember Das Williams: http://assembly.ca.gov/Williams