Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 23, 2021 — COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund

March 23, 2021 COVID-19
2021 National Doctors Day
COVID-19 Update
There are 24 new COVID-19 cases. There have been 3,174 new tests performed.
There have been 7 additional deaths: 83 year old female, 79 year old female, 78 year old male, 87 year old female, 72 year old male, 95 year old female, and a 65 year old female
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have passed away.
The current R-effective (average number of people each infected person will pass the virus onto and represents the rate at which COVID-19 is spreading) is .55 which means that spread of COVID-19 is likely decreasing; R-effective for CA is .80 right now.
Tune in for the weekly COVID-19 press conference briefing at 1 pm on Wednesday streamed at
Ventura County Community Foundation Announces Matching Fund Opportunity for COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund
Amgen Foundation to contribute $300,000 in matching support to
Since the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Ventura County Community Foundation donors have granted out an incredible $14 million to support local small businesses, individuals and families in need, our essential workers, and our indispensable nonprofits on the front lines.
This crisis is not over! As the current health and economic challenges continue, so do community needs. This is evident by the increase in services from Ventura County Community Foundation partner, FOOD Share Inc. whose organization has gone from serving meals to 75,000 people per month to 150,000 per month since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To meet the demand for support, Amgen Foundation has announced it will contribute another $300,000 in matching funds to VCCF’s Rapid Response Fund.
“Over the next 6-8 weeks, our goal is to raise a total of $600,000 with the help of these matching dollars,” said Vanessa Bechtel, President and CEO. “We are so profoundly grateful to the Amgen Foundation for their partnership over the last year and their continued generosity in supporting COVID-19 relief efforts.”
Funds raised from the matching campaign will benefit local nonprofit organizations addressing the ongoing needs of individuals and families with food and housing support, childcare, wage replacement, mental health care, and more related to COVID-19.
As a critical partner in the launch of the Rapid Response Fund for Ventura County in March 2020, the Amgen Foundation has been there to propel this vital community-wide effort since the very beginning.
“This new $300K grant brings the Amgen Foundation’s support of VCCF’s Rapid Response Fund to $1M. We commend VCCF for its ongoing/steadfast efforts to address the enormous challenges faced by our community, particularly supporting local small businesses, individuals, families and our essential workers,” said Eduardo Cetlin, president of the Amgen Foundation.
To date, funds raised and distributed through the Ventura Rapid Response Fund have aided:
  • 385 seniors through the delivery of 150,753 meals with Conejo Valley Senior Concerns
  • Close to 500 families on the verge of homelessness with direct cash support to help pay essential bills through the Southeast Ventura County YMCA
  • Close to 3,000 undocumented families, mostly farmworkers and local service workers with direct cash assistance for rent and basic needs
  • 3,500 farmworker families impacted by COVID-19 with safe housing
  • More than 2,000 local small businesses directly supported by the Economic Development Collaborative and Women’s Economic Ventures
  • 150,000 people in need of food each month, through the support of FOOD Share Inc.
  • 83 local Veterans navigating housing insecurity through the support of Gold Coast Veterans
  • Over 6,400 families coping with school closures by providing safe environments for learning, including providing lunches and additional support services through Safe Passage, local YMCAs and Boys & Girls Club
“Over the coming weeks, we have an opportunity to raise vital funds for our community members still facing urgent need,” said Bechtel, “Ventura County is a place of deep compassion with a desire to help our neighbors. Time and again, we have come together in incredible ways, and I know we can continue our efforts together.”
To support the Rapid Response Fund during this critical matching period, VCCF welcomes financial contributions from individuals, organizations, companies, and institutions. Donations can be made at
VCCF will not charge any administrative fees for this fund, 100% of donations will be awarded based on the criteria of the fund.
Established in 1987, the Ventura County Community Foundation builds philanthropy in the region by stewarding legacies through careful management of charitable capital. The foundation honors donor intent by protecting endowments. The nonprofit specializes in connecting philanthropic resources with community needs for the benefit of all. The organization also serves the community through scholarships, grant making, and collaborative partnerships. For more information, please visit
The Amgen Foundation seeks to advance excellence in science education to inspire the next generation of innovators and invest in strengthening communities where Amgen staff members live and work. To date, the Foundation has donated more than $350 million in grants to local, regional and international nonprofit organizations that impact society in inspiring and innovative ways. The Amgen Foundation brings the excitement of discovery to the scientists of tomorrow through several signature programs, including Amgen Scholars, Amgen Biotech Experience and LabXchange. For more information, visit
Vaccine Information
How to make an appointment:
Appointments open weekly at: If you have limited internet access you can also call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.
Keeping it local: COVID-19 Vaccine appointments are for those that live or work in Ventura County. Those who do not live or work in Ventura County will be turned away at their vaccine appointment. The State’s My Turn platform allows anyone from anywhere to make an appointment. Please share with any out of County friends or family that a person must show proof of living or working in our County to get vaccinated at one of our sites.
Eligibility: COVID-19 Vaccines are available for adults age 65 and older, healthcare, food and agriculture, education and childcare, emergency services, qualifying regional center family caregivers and those 16-64 with serious health conditions. More information at the following link:
The Area Agency on Aging provides transportation services for older adults that are in need of transportation to a vaccine appointment or for COVID-19 testing. This includes people that need lift assist as well as gurney transportation. The driver will take the individual, wait for them, help them at the site and take them home. To schedule a ride call 805-477-7300. Please note, you must have a vaccine appointment before you schedule a ride to a vaccine site.
NEW VACCINE PHASE OPENED 3/15: Individuals aged 16-64 who are deemed to be at the very highest risk to get very sick from COVID-19 because they have the following severe health conditions are now eligible:
  • Cancer, current with weakened immune system
  • Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 or above
  • Chronic pulmonary disease, oxygen dependent
  • Down syndrome
  • Solid organ transplant, leading to a weakened immune system
  • Pregnancy
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies (but not hypertension)
  • Severe obesity (Body Mass Index ? 40 kg/m2)
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hemoglobin A1c level greater than 7.5%
If as a result of a developmental or other severe high-risk disability one or more of the following applies:
  • The individual is likely to develop severe life-threatening illness or death from COVID-19 infection
  • Acquiring COVID-19 will limit the individual’s ability to receive ongoing care or services vital to their well-being and survival
  • Providing adequate and timely COVID care will be particularly challenging as a result of the individual’s disability.
To protect confidentiality, verification documentation of the diagnosis or type of disability is not required but instead anyone meeting the eligibility requirements will be asked to give a verbal self-certification that they meet the criteria for high-risk medical conditions or disabilities. Learn more here: ?Vaccines for People with High-Risk Medical Conditions or Disabilities
2nd Dose Appointment
After receiving your first dose, you will become eligible for your second dose after a waiting period of 21 days if you received Pfizer and 28 days if you received Moderna.
You do not need to receive your second dose on the exact date you become eligible. You have a window of 6 weeks from getting your first dose to receive your second dose. Please do not schedule your second dose earlier than recommended. Refer to your vaccination card, which will list the date you received your first dose.
Appointments open weekly. There are two ways to secure a 2nd dose appointment:
1) You can also make an appointment on our website when appointments are available. Appointments open weekly:
2) You can also call the registration hotline 805-477-7161. This hotline is intended for those with limited access to the internet.
COVID Business Assistance Grant Webinars
Click on a date below to register
• Must have a physical location and operations in Ventura County
• Must have been in business prior to 2021
• Annual gross revenue must be between $25,000 and $2.5 million
• Must have not received a County of Ventura COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant in 2020 (prior grant recipients are not eligible to apply).
• Nonprofit organization must be qualified as exempt from taxation under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), or 501(c)(19)
• Churches and other faith-based institutions may apply
All eligibility, use of funds, required documentation and additional information can be reviewed at or call 888.405.1004
Housing is key
Revd. M G "Lupita" Alonso-Redondo, El Buen Pastor United Methodist Church


23 de marzo de 2021 – Información del COVID-19
Kit de Prueba COVID-19 en Santa Paula
Información de COVID-19
Hay 24 nuevos casos, 3,174 pruebas adicionales, y 7 muertes adicionales:
mujer de 83 años, mujer de 79 años, hombre de 78 años, mujer de 87 años, hombre de 72 años, mujer de 95 años y una mujer de 65 años
Nuestro más sentido pésame a todas las familias de los miembros de la comunidad que han fallecido y nuestra compasión a los proveedores médicos que continúan trabajando para salvar vidas y cuidar a personas muy enfermas.
Por favor ayude a disminuir la propagación del COVID-19. Use mascarilla, practique el distanciamiento social, no se reúna y lávese las manos frecuentemente.
Ayuda con la renta para californianos afectados por COVID-19 será disponible pronto. Para ver si es elegible, visite ahora.
Para apoyar a nuestra comunidad agrícola durante esta pandemia, el Programa de Recursos para Trabajadores Agrícolas ha creado un programa de salud: Cultivando Salud en la Agricultura, en colaboración con Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC). A través de este nuevo programa, un equipo de médicos de VCMC está disponible para visitar a ranchos locales para proporcionar información la cual incluye:
• Cómo reconocer los síntomas del COVID-19
• Recomendaciones para el tratamiento del COVID-19
• Sitios y horarios de las pruebas
• Cómo los trabajadores y sus familias pueden
mantenerse seguros
• Muchos otros recursos disponibles
Para programar una visita in situ, llame al
O mándenos un correo electrónico al
Más información:
Seminarios Web de la Subvención de Asistencia Empresarial
Haga clic en una fecha para registrarse
  • Tener una dirección física y operar en el condado de Ventura
  • Negocio establecido y abierto antes de 2021
  • Ingresos brutos anuales entre $ 25,000 y $ 2.5 millones.
  • No haber recibido una subvención del Programa de Subvención de Asistencia Empresarial COVID-19 del Condado de Ventura de 2020
  • La organización sin fines de lucro debe ser calificado como exento bajo el Código del IRS sección 501 (c) (3), 501 (c) (6) o 501 (c) (19).
  • Pueden postularse iglesias y otras instituciones religiosas.
Toda elegibilidad, uso de fondos, documentación requerido e información adicional puede ser revisado en o llamando al 888.405.1004
Las citas para vacunas ya están disponibles.
Los que tengan acceso limitada a una computadora/internet pueden llamar a la línea de registración 805-477-7161. Esta línea telefónica está abierta de lunes a viernes de 8-5.
La Agencia en el Área Sobre el Envejecimiento provee servicios de transportación para los adultos mayores que necesitan transportación a su cita de vacunas o para hacerse la prueba de COVID-19. Esto incluye a las personas que necesitan asistencia de ascender al igual que transportación en camilla. El chofer lo lleva, lo espera, y le ayuda una vez en el sitio y lo lleva a casa. Para programar transportación, llame al 805-477-7300. Por favor tome en cuenta que debe tener su cita de vacuna antes de programar la transportación al sitio de vacunas.
Vacunación de las personas con mayor riesgo
A partir del 15 de marzo, los proveedores de atención médica pueden usar su criterio clínico para vacunar a las personas de 16 a 64 años que se considere que tienen el mayor riesgo de enfermarse gravemente de COVID-19 por tener las siguientes afecciones de salud graves:
• cáncer en la actualidad con sistema inmunológico debilitado
• enfermedad renal crónica en etapa 4 o superior
• enfermedad pulmonar crónica, dependiente de oxígeno
• síndrome de Down
• trasplante de órganos sólidos que conlleve a un sistema inmunológico debilitado.
• embarazo
• enfermedad de células falciformes
• afecciones cardiacas, como insuficiencia cardiaca, enfermedad de las arterias coronarias o miocardiopatías (pero no hipertensión)
• obesidad grave (índice de masa corporal ? 40 kg/m2)
• diabetes mellitus tipo 2 con nivel de hemoglobina A1c superior al 7.5 %
Si como resultado de una discapacidad del desarrollo u otra discapacidad grave de alto riesgo, se da una o más de las siguientes circunstancias:
• Es probable que la persona desarrolle una enfermedad grave que ponga en peligro su vida o muera a causa de la infección por COVID-19.
• Adquirir COVID-19 limitará la capacidad de la persona para recibir atención o servicios continuos vitales para su bienestar y supervivencia.
• Brindar una atención para COVID adecuada y oportuna será particularmente desafiante como resultado de la discapacidad de la persona.
Si usted recibe un resultado positivo de COVID-19 y tiene preguntas:
  1. Las personas que tienen un resultado positivo de COVID-19 y que proveyeron un número de celular en el sitio de pruebas cuando se hicieron la prueba del COVID-19, recibirán un mensaje de texto de Salud Pública del Condado de Ventura (VCPH) con un enlace a una encuesta con el propósito de investigación de cao/seguimiento de contactos. El mensaje es en inglés y español. Por favor responda al mensaje de texto completando la encuesta.
  2. En la encuesta de texto, encontrará información sobre el aislamiento/cuarentena, enlaces a más información y recursos y la línea telefónica de la unidad de Enfermedades Contagiosas de VCPH.
  3. Si completa la encuesta e indica que no pueden aislarse, se anota su caso y usted será asignado a un investigador del caso. El investigador del caso se comunicará con usted para brindarle asistencia.
  4. Si usted no provee un número de celular en el sitio de pruebas, se le asignará un investigador del caso para darle seguimiento.
  5. La línea principal de enfermedades contagiosa de VCPH (805) 981-5201 cuenta con personal 7 días a la semana de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm. Si alguien llama fuera de este horario, se les da otro número para llamar, o pueden dejar un mensaje para que VCPH les regrese la llamada al siguiente día. La grabación está en inglés y español.
Las personas que necesiten asistencia con aislamiento/cuarentena serán evaluadas y referidas, si es apropiado, a un hotel. La línea de ayuda (805) 981-5201 tiene personal 7 días a la semana de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm.Una enfermera también está disponible después de las 5 pm.