Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for April 2, 2021

April 2, 2021 COVID-19
Public Health Director Rigoberto Vargas had his turn at getting
the J&J Covid-19 Vaccine today!
The County of Ventura Public Health Department is urging the community to continue adhering to safety guidelines aimed to reduce the spread of COVID-19, during the Easter weekend and Spring Break.
“While our metrics are improving and we are close to entering the Orange Tier, we are issuing this plea to remind everyone to not let our guard down, especially during Spring break and Easter. We need to continue to bring our numbers further down as we approach a significant milestone in the pandemic: almost 80,000 Ventura County residents have tested positive for COVID. The 15 new deaths reported so far this week are a reminder that COVID is still having a significant impact in our community. Our thoughts and prayers are with these 15 families and the almost 1,000 families that have lost a loved one during the pandemic,” said Public Health Director Rigoberto Vargas.
When considering how to spend Spring Break, the community is asked to make efforts to stay local. Continue to practice safety guidelines including wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.
“We must remain diligent and continue to take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. If we are able to prevent another wave of increasing infections, we will soon be able to realize the profound benefits of our mass vaccination efforts in reducing spread and, most importantly, preventing COVID hospitalizations and deaths,” said Public Health Officer Robert Levin.
Residents should continue to avoid all non-essential travel outside of California unless they are traveling for essential purposes. A Travel Advisory remains in effect in California. The advisory includes the following information:
  • Except in connection with essential travel, Californians should avoid non-essential travel outside of California, to other states or countries. Avoiding travel reduces the risk of virus transmission, including by reducing the risk that new sources of infection and, potentially, new virus strains will be introduced to California.
  • Non-essential travelers from other states or countries, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status, are strongly discouraged from entering California, and should adhere to the quarantine procedures set forth below.
  • Non-essential travelers should get tested 3-5 days upon arrival into California and stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel, even if their test is negative.
  • Non-essential travelers who don’t get tested should stay home and self-quarantine for 10 days after travel.
The County of Ventura is in the Red Tier of the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy. In this tier, the State’s gathering guidance allows for a private gathering to occur indoors with up to three separate households, with masking and distancing required at all times and limited to two hours. Outdoors is still safer than indoors. People who are fully vaccinated can gather indoors, without required masking and distancing, with either two other households of people who are fully vaccinated or with one other household of unvaccinated/partially vaccinated people, unless any of those people or anyone they live with is at risk for serious illness from COVID-19.
People are considered fully vaccinated:
2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series (the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines), or
2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine (the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine).
If it has been less than 2 weeks since your shot or you still need to get your second dose, you are NOT fully vaccinated.
Gatherings, even with people you know who have no symptoms and who have tested negative, can still result in spread of the virus to many people. The risk of spread increases when people are not diligent about consistently and correctly wearing face masks or keeping their physical distance and when people gather indoors.
“It’s good news that cases are coming down, but we can’t let down our guard. We can easily go back to a spike in cases if we are not cautious. We must remain steadfast in our commitment to help one another move forward. This can only happen if we all do our part,” added Dr. Levin.
COVID-19 Update
There are 57 new COVID-19 cases. There have been 7,263 new tests performed.
There have been 2 additional deaths: 64 year old male and a 66 year old male.
Current doubling time is 1249.8 days.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have passed away.
The current R-effective (average number of people each infected person will pass the virus onto and represents the rate at which COVID-19 is spreading) is .74 which means that spread of COVID-19 is likely decreasing; R-effective for CA is .80 right now.
COVID-19 testing will be closed on Sunday. View the schedule by clicking here.
Learn more about the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy to learn about what activities can happen now in the Red Tier and next in the Orange Tier by clicking here.
Housing is key


2 de abril de 2021 – Información del COVID-19
¡Hoy, el Director de Salud Pública, Rigoberto Vargas, recibió la vacuna J&J!
Información de COVID-19
Hay 57 nuevos casos, 7,263 pruebas adicionales, y 2 muertes adicionales:
hombre de 64 años y hombre de 66 años.
Nuestro más sentido pésame a todas las familias de los miembros de la comunidad que han fallecido y nuestra compasión a los proveedores médicos que continúan trabajando para salvar vidas y cuidar a personas muy enfermas.
El tiempo de duplicación actual es 1249.8.
El R-efectivo (número promedio de personas a las que cada persona infectada transmitirá el virus y representa la velocidad a la que se propaga el COVID-19) es .74, lo que significa que la propagación del COVID-19 probablemente esté disminuyendo; R-efectivo para CA es .80 en este momento.
Las pruebas de Covid-19 estarán disponibles este fin de semana en Oxnard College (4000 S. Rose Ave, 10-7) únicamente el sábado. Estará cerrado el domingo de Pascua. Para actualizaciones, visite:
Para apoyar a nuestra comunidad agrícola durante esta pandemia, el Programa de Recursos para Trabajadores Agrícolas ha creado un programa de salud: Cultivando Salud en la Agricultura, en colaboración con Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC). A través de este nuevo programa, un equipo de médicos de VCMC está disponible para visitar a ranchos locales para proporcionar información la cual incluye:
• Cómo reconocer los síntomas del COVID-19
• Recomendaciones para el tratamiento del COVID-19
• Sitios y horarios de las pruebas
• Cómo los trabajadores y sus familias pueden
mantenerse seguros
• Muchos otros recursos disponibles
Para programar una visita in situ, llame al
O mándenos un correo electrónico al
Más información:
Si usted recibe un resultado positivo de COVID-19 y tiene preguntas:
  1. Las personas que tienen un resultado positivo de COVID-19 y que proveyeron un número de celular en el sitio de pruebas cuando se hicieron la prueba del COVID-19, recibirán un mensaje de texto de Salud Pública del Condado de Ventura (VCPH) con un enlace a una encuesta con el propósito de investigación de cao/seguimiento de contactos. El mensaje es en inglés y español. Por favor responda al mensaje de texto completando la encuesta.
  2. En la encuesta de texto, encontrará información sobre el aislamiento/cuarentena, enlaces a más información y recursos y la línea telefónica de la unidad de Enfermedades Contagiosas de VCPH.
  3. Si completa la encuesta e indica que no pueden aislarse, se anota su caso y usted será asignado a un investigador del caso. El investigador del caso se comunicará con usted para brindarle asistencia.
  4. Si usted no provee un número de celular en el sitio de pruebas, se le asignará un investigador del caso para darle seguimiento.
  5. La línea principal de enfermedades contagiosa de VCPH (805) 981-5201 cuenta con personal 7 días a la semana de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm. Si alguien llama fuera de este horario, se les da otro número para llamar, o pueden dejar un mensaje para que VCPH les regrese la llamada al siguiente día. La grabación está en inglés y español.
Las personas que necesiten asistencia con aislamiento/cuarentena serán evaluadas y referidas, si es apropiado, a un hotel. La línea de ayuda (805) 981-5201 tiene personal 7 días a la semana de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm.Una enfermera también está disponible después de las 5 pm.