Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for April 16, 2021

April 16, 2021 – COVID-19
Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin flashes a smile after receiving her second dose today at the Rose Avenue Clinic in Oxnard! Leading by example for communities in California’s 44th Assembly District including the cities of Camarillo, Moorpark, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Thousand Oaks, and Westlake Village.
Also a message from Carmen, a community member who also received a second dose today:
“I just got my second vaccine in Oxnard. I just wanted to say how amazing my experience was. The Porta potty‘s outside were really clean. I had to bring my children with me as I have no child care and everyone was so nice. From the security Guards to the person giving us the shot. Everything was clean and everyone working there was warm and welcoming! Not sure who I could tell about it but I thought here would be best.”
COVID-19 Update
There are 44 new COVID-19 cases. There have been 5,592 new tests performed.
There have been 3 additional deaths: 65 year old female, 76 year old female, and a 94 year old female. We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have passed away.
Doubling time is 2167.5 days.
The current R-effective (average number of people each infected person will pass the virus onto and represents the rate at which COVID-19 is spreading) is .84 which means that spread of COVID-19 is likely decreasing; R-effective for CA is .88 right now.
Click here for information about the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy for information about the guidance for different sectors.
The State announced updates to gatherings, receptions, conferences, and indoor live events and performances effective April 15. Learn more by clicking here.
Vaccine eligibility is now open to everyone 16 and older. Make your appointment as they become available at or 833-422-4255.
Do you need a 1st dose of the COVID-19 vaccine? Please make your appointment at If you already received a 1st dose and did not make your appointment on My Turn you will make your 2nd dose appointment at or by calling 805-477-7161.
The State has released guidance for fully vaccinated people. Allowable activities include:
  • Spending time with other fully vaccinated people, including indoors, without wearing masks or physical distancing.
  • Spending time with unvaccinated people from a single household who are at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing.
  • Refraining from quarantine and testing following a known exposure if asymptomatic (outside the workplace setting).
Housing is key
Updates to gatherings, receptions, conferences, and indoor live events and performances are effective April 15
California’s framework for loosening and tightening restrictions is governed by the level of COVID-19 spread
With vaccination rates increasing and the state’s COVID-19 test positivity rate near a record low, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today released updates to the state’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy reopening framework allowing additional activities to resume with modifications to reduce risk. The updates include gatherings, private events or meetings such as receptions or conferences, and indoor seated live events and performances. These updates take effect April 15. California’s framework for loosening and tightening restrictions is governed by the level of COVID-19 spread.
“Today’s update to the Blueprint for a Safer Economy is a result of the progress we are making both in vaccinations and in controlling the spread of COVID-19,” said Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency. “By following public health guidelines such as wearing masks and getting vaccinated when eligible, we can resume additional activities as we take steps to reduce risk.”
“As we continue to expand vaccine distribution, California is poised for a safe and equitable recovery,” said Dee Dee Myers, Senior Advisor to Governor Newsom and Director of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). “We will continue to work with businesses, arts organizations, community groups and others to open carefully, with health and safety top of mind, so that we never have to go backwards.”
Updates to the Blueprint include:
  • Gatherings beginning April 15: In the Red Tier, outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people are allowed. The gathering size increases to 50 people in the Orange Tier and 100 people in the Yellow Tier. In the Purple Tier, only outdoor gatherings are allowed, and they are limited to three households. Indoor gatherings are strongly discouraged in all tiers but are allowed with modifications and capacity limits in the Red, Orange and Yellow tiers.
  • Private events or meetings such as receptions or conferences beginning April 15: In all tiers, modifications are required to reduce risk. This includes pre-purchased tickets or a defined guest list and assigned seating.
  • In the Purple Tier, these activities are only allowed outdoors and capacity is limited to 25 people. If all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination, capacity increases to up to 100 people.
  • In the Red Tier, outdoor gatherings are limited to 50 people, and capacity increases to 200 if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination. In this tier, indoor activities are allowed if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination; capacity is limited to 100 people.
  • In the Orange Tier, outdoor gatherings are limited to 100 people, and capacity increases to 300 if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination. In this tier, indoor activities are allowed if all guests are tested or show full proof of vaccination; capacity is limited to 150 people.
  • In the Yellow Tier, outdoor gatherings are limited to 200 people, and capacity increases to 400 if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination. In this tier, indoor activities are allowed if all guests are tested or show full proof of vaccination; capacity is limited to 200 people.
  • Indoor live events or performances beginning April 15: In the Purple Tier these activities are not allowed. In the Red, Orange and Yellow tiers these activities are allowed with capacity limits and modifications including physical distancing, advance ticket purchases, designated areas for eating and drinking, and attendance limited to in-state visitors.
  • Venues with a capacity of up to 1,500 people: In the Red Tier capacity is limited to 10% or 100 people, and capacity increases to 25% if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination. In the Orange Tier, capacity is limited to 15% or 200 people, and capacity increases to 35% if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination. In the Yellow Tier capacity in limited to 25% or 300 people, and capacity increases to 50% if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination.
  • Venues with a capacity of 1,501 and above: In the Red Tier testing or proof of vaccination is required, and capacity is limited to 20%. In the Orange Tier capacity is limited to 10% or 2,000 people, and capacity increases to 35% if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination. In the Yellow Tier capacity is limited to 10% or 2,000 people, and capacity increases to 50% if all guests are tested or show proof of full vaccination.
California will continue to update the Blueprint periodically based on science and vaccination progress. View the updated sector chart to see which activities and businesses are allowed in each tier.
Local public health departments may implement policies that are more restrictive than the state and should be consulted to confirm if there are any local stricter variations.
For more information on the state’s response to COVID-19 visit
County of Ventura to pause use of
Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
These reactions are extremely rare, as nearly 7,000,000 people have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in the United States to date. People who received the vaccine in the last 3 weeks should look for any symptoms of these unusual clots, including severe headaches, abdominal or leg pain, and shortness of breath, and contact their medical provider if symptoms develop. People who don’t have a medical provider can either go to an Emergency Room or an Urgent Care or call 2-1-1 to connect with a healthcare provider or call 9-1-1 if emergency response is needed.
There have been no reports of serious adverse reactions in Ventura County from COVID-19 vaccines. 13,685 Johnson & Johnson doses have been administered in Ventura County.
Joint CDC and FDA Statement on Johnson & Johnson can be found at
The County of Ventura is now in the State’s Orange Tier!
All activities authorized under the State’s Orange Tier can resume:
Amusement parks: smaller parks can open outdoors with 25% max occupancy or 500 people, whichever is fewer; there must be reservations or advanced ticket sales
Bars (where no meal is served): open outdoors with modifications
Cardrooms and satellite wagering: open indoors with 25% max occupancy
Family entertainment centers: open indoors 25% max occupancy
Fitness centers and gyms: open indoors with 25% max occupancy; indoor pools open at 25% occupancy
Hotels and lodging: fitness centers can now open indoors with 25% max occupancy; indoor pools open at 25% occupancy
Movie theaters: open indoors with 50% max occupancy
Museums, zoos, and aquariums: open indoors with 50% max occupancy
Offices: open indoors with modifications though telework is still encouraged
Outdoor live events: open at 33% capacity
Places of worship: open indoors with recommended 50% max occupancy
Retail (including standalone grocers): open indoors at full capacity
Restaurants open indoors with 50% max occupancy
Shopping centers (including swap meets and indoor malls): open indoors at full capacity with modifications; common areas must remain closed and food courts are at reduced capacity
Wineries, breweries and distilleries: open indoors with 25% max occupancy or 100 people, whichever is fewer
Youth sports: competitions between two teams are allowed in certain sports according to the State’s Youth Sports Guidance
For further information by industry sector, visit the State’s Industry Guidance website.


16 de abril de 2021 – Información del COVID-19
Miembro de la Asamblea Estatal de California Jacqui Irwin brinda una sonrisa después de recibir su segunda dosis hoy en la Clínica de Rose Avenue en Oxnard. Liderando por ejemplo por todos especialmente las comunidades en el distrito 44 de la Asamblea de California, incluyendo las ciudades de Camarillo, Moorpark, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Mil Oaks y Westlake Village.
Información de COVID-19
Hay 44 nuevos casos y 5,592 pruebas adicionales.
3 muertes adicionales: Mujer de 65 años, mujer de 76 años, y una mujer de 94 años. Nuestro más sentido pésame a todas las familias de los miembros de la comunidad que han fallecido.
El tiempo de duplicación es 2167.5 dias.
El R-efectivo (número promedio de personas a las que cada persona infectada transmitirá el virus y representa la velocidad a la que se propaga el COVID-19) es .84, lo que significa que la propagación del COVID-19 probablemente esté disminuyendo; R-efectivo para CA es .88 en este momento.
El estado actualiza el plan para permitir actividades adicionales con modificaciones para reducir el riesgo – Las actualizaciones de reuniones, recepciones, conferencias y eventos y presentaciones en vivo en interiores entran en vigencia el 15 de abril. Más información en el siguiente sitio web:
Todas las personas de 16 años o más ahora son elegibles para recibir la vacuna COVID-19. Programe su cita cuando estén disponibles en o llamando al 833-422-4255.
¿Necesita la primera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19? Programe su cita en Si ya recibió la primera dosis y no programo su cita en My Turn, programe la segunda cita en serecuperavc.orgo llame al 805-477-7161.
El estado ha publicado guías para personas totalmente vacunadas. Las actividades permitidas incluyen:
Personas que estén completamente vacunadas pueden:
  • Pasar tiempo con otras personas que están completamente vacunadas, incluso en interiores, sin mascarillas y distanciamiento social
  • Pasar tiempo con personas de un solo hogar que no están vacunadas y a bajo riesgo de COVID-19 en interiores sin mascarillas o distanciamiento social
  • Abstenerse de la cuarentena y las pruebas después de una exposición conocida si es asintomática (fuera de del lugar de trabajo)
El Condado de Ventura detendrá el uso de la Vacuna COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson
Por una abundancia de precaución, el Condado de Ventura está siguiendo la recomendación de la Administración de Drogas y Medicamentos (FDA) y los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) para pausar el uso de la vacuna Johnson & Johnson después de los informes que 6 mujeres entre las edades de 18 y 48 años desarrollaron unos raros casos de coágulos de sangre de 6 a 13 días después de recibir la vacuna. Esta pausa tomará efecto hasta que la FDA y la CDC completen su revisión, que se espera que tome varios días.
Estas reacciones son extremadamente raras, ya que casi 7,000,000 personas han recibido la vacuna Johnson & Johnson en los Estados Unidos hasta hoy. Las personas que recibieron la vacuna en las últimas 3 semanas se deben monitorear por cualquier síntoma de estos coágulos raros, incluyendo los dolores de cabeza graves, el dolor abdominal o de piernas, y la falta de aliento. Se recomienda contactar a un proveedor médico si se desarrollan estos síntomas. Las personas que no tienen un proveedor médico pueden ir a una sala de emergencias o una atención de urgencia o llamar al 2-1-1 para comunicarse con un proveedor de atención médica o llamar al 9-1-1 si se necesita una respuesta de emergencia.
No ha habido informes de reacciones adversas graves en el Condado de Ventura de las vacunas COVID19. Se han administrado 13,685 dosis de Johnson & Johnson en el Condado de Ventura.
Se puede encontrar un comunicado conjunto de la CDC y la FDA acerca de Johnson & Johnson
Para apoyar a nuestra comunidad agrícola durante esta pandemia, el Programa de Recursos para Trabajadores Agrícolas ha creado un programa de salud: Cultivando Salud en la Agricultura, en colaboración con Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC). A través de este nuevo programa, un equipo de médicos de VCMC está disponible para visitar a ranchos locales para proporcionar información la cual incluye:
• Cómo reconocer los síntomas del COVID-19
• Recomendaciones para el tratamiento del COVID-19
• Sitios y horarios de las pruebas
• Cómo los trabajadores y sus familias pueden
mantenerse seguros
• Muchos otros recursos disponibles
Para programar una visita in situ, llame al
O mándenos un correo electrónico al
Más información:
¡El Condado de Ventura ingresa al Nivel Anaranjado del Estado!
Todas las actividades autorizadas bajo el nivel Anaranjado del Estado pueden reasumir de acuerdo con la dirección del Estado:
  • Parques de atracción: parques pequeños pueden abrir al aire libre con una ocupación máxima del 25% o 500 personas, lo que sea menos; debe haber reservaciones o venta de boletos por adelantado y solo se permiten asistentes locales (del mismo condado en el que el parque está localizado)
  • Bares (donde no se sirve comida): abierto al aire libre con modificaciones
  • Salas de juego y apuestas por satélite: abierto al aire libre con capacidad máxima del 25%
  • Centros de Entretenimiento Familiar: abiertos en el interior para actividades naturalmente distanciadas como el boliche y cuartos de escape; carreras de kart, mini golf y jaulas de batear solo al aire libre con modificaciones.
  • Gimnasios: abiertos en el interior con una capacidad máxima del 25%; albercas en el interior abiertas al 25% de ocupación
  • Hoteles y alojamiento: centros de ejercicio ahora pueden abrir con el 25% de ocupación máxima; albercas en el interior abiertas al 25% de ocupación
  • Cines: abiertos en el interior al 50% ocupación máximo o 200 personas, lo que sea menos
  • Museos, zoológicos, acuarios: abiertos en el interior al 50% de ocupación máxima.
  • Oficinas: abiertas en el interior con modificaciones aunque el teletrabajo aún es recomendable
  • Eventos en vivo al aire libre: abiertos al 33% de capacidad
  • Lugares de adoración: abiertos en el interior con el 50% de ocupación máxima
  • Venta Minorista (incluyendo tenderos independientes): abiertos en el interior a capacidad total con modificaciones.
  • Restaurantes abiertos en el interior con el 50% de ocupación máximo
  • Centros de Compras (incluyendo “swap meets” y centros comerciales en el interior): abiertos a capacidad total con modificaciones; áreas comunes deben permanecer cerradas y las áreas de comida deben tener una capacidad reducida.
  • Bodegas, cervecerías, destilerías: abiertas en el interior al 25% ocupación máxima o 100 personas, lo que sea menos; solo miembros del mismo hogar pueden compartir una mesa.
  • Deportes juveniles: las competencias entre dos equipos son permitidas para ciertos deportes según las Pautas para Deportes Juveniles del Estado