Bilingual report — Allan Hancock College receives provisional approval to offer Bachelor’s degree

Allan Hancock College received provisional approval for a new bachelor’s degree that it hopes to offer local students. *** Allan Hancock College recibió la aprobación provisional para ofrecer un bachillerato a los estudiantes locales.

Decision Moves the College One Step Closer to Expanding Educational Options

SANTA MARIA — Allan Hancock College reached a historic milestone with the provisional approval from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for its Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Applied Professional Studies. Provisional approval means the program has cleared key initial requirements and is one step closer to being finalized.

This milestone represents a significant achievement in the college’s ongoing commitment to providing affordable and accessible higher education to Central Coast students. Hancock could begin offering the four-year degree to students as early as the fall of 2026 if final approval is granted.

“The provisional approval of our bachelor’s degree marks a defining moment for our college and the region,” said Hancock Superintendent/President Kevin G. Walthers, Ph.D. “This program will give our students access to high-quality, affordable education, helping them secure meaningful careers in industries critical to the Central Coast. We are proud to continue expanding opportunities for our community.”

In addition to offering local access, the program provides a highly affordable pathway to a bachelor’s degree. Students at Allan Hancock College will pay just $46 per unit for the first two years and $130 per unit for the final two years, bringing the total cost of the four-year degree to $10,560. For Hancock Promise-eligible students, the first two years’ unit fees will be waived, reducing the total cost to just $7,800. This affordability helps students achieve their academic and career goals while keeping student debt to a minimum.

The Bachelor of Science in Applied Professional Studies is an applied career technical education degree program that prepares students for professional roles in industries as diverse as agriculture, manufacturing, professional services, space/launch enterprises, and health care. Graduates who earn the degree will be well-prepared to step into entry-level professional positions, which will help support and grow local businesses by offering a highly skilled workforce that is more likely to remain in the community.

“We’re excited that Allan Hancock College has cleared the first hurdle,” said Michael Boyer, chief executive officer of the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce. “This program is perfectly tailored to meet the needs of businesses, workers, and students in our community.”

Access to a four-year degree within the college’s service area would also expand opportunities and educational equity for Hancock students, according to Hancock Board of Trustees Vice-President Hilda Zacarías.

“This bachelor’s degree program is a game-changer for Northern Santa Barbara County students, many of whom are first-generation college students and face significant barriers to higher education, such as the high cost of university tuition and the need to travel long distances to four-year institutions,” said Zacarías. “By offering this degree locally, Hancock is giving our students a real chance to achieve their academic and career goals without leaving the community they call home.”

Hancock applied for approval of the bachelor’s degree program in January 2024. The proposal garnered vocal support from Central Coast businesses, community organizations, and elected officials. Organizations standing with the college include the Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County boards of supervisors, as well as the cities of Santa Maria, Buellton, Solvang and Pismo Beach. The Santa Maria Bonita School District, Santa Maria Joint-Union High School District, the Santa Barbara County Office of Education and 37th District State Assemblyman Gregg Hart also voiced their formal support of bringing bachelor’s degrees to Hancock.

“It’s been a long road to reach this point, so we are very proud to see the bachelor’s degree move forward,” said Hancock Board of Trustees President Greg Pensa. “We owe a great debt of thanks to all of the faculty, staff and administrators who are working tirelessly to make this degree program a reality for our students.”

Now that the degree program has been provisionally approved, the application will enter the intersegmental consultation phase, where further collaboration and feedback will be offered from key stakeholders, including UC and CSU universities, before the final approval can be granted by California Community Colleges Board of Governors. Stakeholders from the UC and CSU systems can still object to the degree proposal, but the college hopes to get final approval for the program by March 2025.

“We’re excited that the Chancellor’s Office recognizes the importance of this program, and we are confident that further collaboration with our UC and CSU partners will make this opportunity a reality for our students by 2026,” said Dr. Walthers.

To learn more about Hancock’s bachelor’s degree program proposal, visit



La decisio?n representa un avance importante para ampliar las oportunidades educativas

Allan Hancock College alcanzo? un hito histo?rico con la aprobacio?n provisional de la oficina de la cancilleri?a de California Community Colleges (Chancellor’s Office) para ofrecer su bachillerato en ciencias (B.S.) en estudios profesionales aplicados. Esta aprobacio?n indica que el programa cumple con los requisitos iniciales y representa un paso ma?s hacia su implementacio?n definitiva.

Esta decisio?n representa un logro simbo?lico en la lucha para ofrecer educacio?n econo?mica y accesible para los estudiantes en la costa central. Si la implementacio?n es finalizada, Hancock podra? ofrecer el bachillerato a partir de oton?o de 2026.

“La aprobacio?n provisional de nuestro bachillerato marca un momento decisivo para nuestro colegio y la regio?n,” dijo Kevin G. Walthers, Ph.D., superintendente/presidente de Hancock. “Este programa brindara? a nuestros estudiantes acceso a una educacio?n de alto calibre, ayuda?ndolos a obtener carreras en industrias clave para la costa central. Estamos orgullosos de seguir ampliando las oportunidades para nuestra comunidad.”

El programa no solo brinda acceso local, sino que tambie?n ofrece una opcio?n econo?mica para obtener un bachillerato. En Allan Hancock College, los estudiantes pagara?n solo $46 por unidad durante los primeros dos an?os y $130 por unidad en los u?ltimos dos, lo que hace que el costo total sea de $10,560. Para los estudiantes que sean elegibles para la Promesa Hancock (Hancock Promise), se eliminara?n las tarifas de los primeros dos an?os, reduciendo el costo total a solo $7,800. Esta asequibilidad permite a los estudiantes alcanzar sus metas acade?micas y profesionales, mientras mantienen su deuda estudiantil al mi?nimo.

El bachillerato en ciencias en estudios profesionales aplicados es un programa de educacio?n te?cnica y profesional (CTE) que prepara a los estudiantes a desempen?ar roles profesionales en industrias tan diversas como la agricultura, manufactura, servicios profesionales, empresas espaciales/de lanzamiento y atencio?n me?dica. Los graduados que obtengan este ti?tulo estara?n bien preparados para ocupar puestos profesionales de nivel inicial, lo que contribuira? al crecimiento de las empresas locales al ofrecer una fuerza laboral altamente calificada que tiene ma?s probabilidades de permanecer en la comunidad.

Segu?n Hilda Zacari?as, vicepresidenta de la junta directiva de Hancock (Board of Trustees), ofrecer un bachillerato en el a?rea de servicio del colegio aumentari?a las oportunidades y fomentari?a la igualdad educativa para los estudiantes de Hancock.

“Este bachillerato es un gran avance para los estudiantes del norte del condado de Santa Ba?rbara, muchos de los cuales son de la primera generacio?n de estudiantes en ir a la universidad y enfrentan obsta?culos como el alto costo de la matri?cula y la necesidad de viajar largas distancias para ir a la universidad,” dijo Zacari?as, “Al ofrecer este ti?tulo localmente, Hancock les da a nuestros estudiantes la oportunidad de alcanzar sus metas acade?micas y profesionales sin necesidad de dejar su comunidad.”

Hancock solicito? la aprobacio?n de su bachillerato en enero de 2024. La propuesta recibio? un amplio respaldo de empresas de la Costa Central, organizaciones comunitarias y funcionarios electos. Entre las entidades que apoyan al colegio se encuentran las juntas de supervisores de los condados de Santa Ba?rbara y San Luis Obispo, asi? como los gobiernos de las ciudades de Santa Mari?a, Buellton, Solvang y Pismo Beach. El distrito escolar de Santa Mari?a-Bonita, el distrito escolar de Santa Mari?a Joint-Union, la oficina de educacio?n del condado de Santa Ba?rbara y el asamblei?sta estatal del distrito 37, Gregg Hart, tambie?n manifestaron su apoyo formal para ofrecer el bachillerato en Hancock.

“Despue?s de tanto esfuerzo, nos sentimos muy orgullosos de que el programa de bachillerato siga adelante,” comento? Greg Pensa, presidente de la junta directiva de Hancock (Board of Trustees). “Queremos agradecer de corazo?n a todos los profesores, personal y administradores que han puesto su dedicacio?n para hacer de este programa una realidad para nuestros estudiantes.”

Ahora que la propuesta del programa de bachillerato ha recibido una aprobacio?n provisional, la solicitud pasara? a la fase de consulta interinstitucional. Durante esta etapa, se buscara? la colaboracio?n y retroalimentacio?n de actores clave, incluidas las universidades de UC y CSU, antes de que la junta de gobernadores (Board of Governors) de California Community Colleges otorgue la aprobacio?n final. Aunque los representantes de UC y CSU au?n pueden presentar objeciones a la propuesta, el colegio espera conseguir la aprobacio?n definitiva para marzo de 2025.

“Nos entusiasma que la oficina de canciller (California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office) reconozca la importancia de este programa. Estamos seguros de que, al seguir colaborando con nuestros aliados de UC y CSU, podremos hacer realidad esta oportunidad para nuestros estudiantes en 2026,” comento? el Dr. Walthers.

Para ma?s informacio?n sobre la propuesta sobre el programa de bachillerato, visite (en ingle?s)