Best of 2020 from Peoples’ Self-Help Housing!

In a year like no other, so much happened. Here are our Top Five stories from a year where almost every day was newsworthy! 
A Friendly Voice 
Due to the almost overwhelming Covid-19 related needs of residents, our Supportive Housing Program saw requests for assistance increase by 217%.Help was given to navigate the unemployment process, secure pandemic related benefits, access food programs, and disaster relief assistance. Social workers made hundreds of wellness phone calls to the vulnerable, providing a friendly voice during a time of isolation and escalating need. Keep residents connected with a gift to Supportive Housing.
Bringing More People Home
Fueled by a $15M gift from the State of California, PSHH joined forces with the Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo (HASLO), El Camino Homeless Shelter (ECHO), and the City of Paso Robles on Project Homekey. This innovative project saw the start of the conversion of a former Motel 6 in Paso Robles into affordable housing and services for people experiencing homelessness.A first-in-the-nation program, this collaboration was forged in the summer, and saw its first residents welcomed home in November. Bring more people home with your generous gift today.
Rental Relief
The fear of not being able to make rent, gripped hundreds of thousands throughout the state as job losses and stay at home orders immediately affected income.At PSHH, we were able to raise and distribute over $120,000 in rental assistance, for utility payments and other financial emergencies related to Covid-19. Provide more relief with a gift to the Resident Assistance Fund.
Taking the Lead
This year marked a special occasion for Peoples’ Self-Help Housing – our 50th Anniversary! Alongside the anticipation and celebration of this milestone, our organization also saw a number of leadership changes; after over a decade of service, President & CEO John Fowler, announced his retirement.In October Ken Trigueiro was appointed to lead the organization. We also welcomed a new Executive Vice President, Morgen Benevedo and Chief Operating Officer, Anna Miller. In honor of the over 200 employees who are dedicating this chapter of their career in service to affordable housing, make a gift to our General Operations Fund.
Learning Together, While Apart
As schools across California rapidly closed, our education teams went into high gear transitioning our students to distance learning.Our youngest residents and their families had access to free high-speed internet, laptops, and digital literacy training. On their behalf, PSHH educators facilitated meetings with local school districts and coordinated food delivery services to ensure students kept up with their studies and learned with full tummies. Keep students learning with a gift to education.
Thank you for all your support this past year. Keep building with us in 2021!