Aug. 4 — Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — Opportunity to Demonstrate your Underwater Optical Communications Technology

Demonstrate your underwater optical communications technology at FATHOMWERX Lab as part of ANTX Coastal Trident 2022!
The underwater optical communications demo day is intended to give industry and government a test tank to demonstrate and test their technology, in addition to meet Department of the Navy individuals who work in the optical communications space as part of the Advanced Naval Technology Exercise (ANTX) Coastal Trident.
Location: FATHOMWERX Lab
319 Ponoma Street
Port Hueneme, CA 93041
At the FATHOMWERX Lab you be able to demonstrate your underwater optical communication and show at any of the following levels:
  • Under water transmission and receival of any data
  • Under water transmission and receival of data that controls a UUV
  • Over air transmission and under water receival of data that controls a UUV
Demonstrations will be scheduled in time slots that allow for setup and demonstration, taking place between 8/2-8/4.
After applying, you will be contacted by a FATHOMWERX team member.
Test tank dimensions: 25′ wide x 50′ long x 12′ high with portholes on the side.
CLICK HERE to sign-up!
For additional questions contact the FATHOMWERX team at
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