Assemblymember Irwin’s Bill to Create an Integrated Education Data System Passes Higher Education Committee

SACRAMENTO — California is one of just six states lacking an integrated education data system that spans across levels of education and into the workforce. California’s existing data systems are disconnected and operate independently, meaning policymakers are unable to monitor student success across segments and answer critical questions about state progress towards educational attainment and workforce goals.

“Without complete and meaningful data, decision-makers at the state, local, and campus levels are each left with only a fraction of a student’s journey,” said Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin. “AB 1466 is a critical step toward making sure our decisions are based on the whole picture. With nearly 10 million students attending primary, secondary, or undergraduate institutions in California, it is imperative that we remove the barriers between these silos of information.”

AB 1466 would convene a cross-cutting group of stakeholders to produce recommendations for the creation of a longitudinal data system that leverages our existing data infrastructure. The report will address key elements of structure, governance, and access, as well as establish a timeline of key milestones and future improvements.

This data will be used to help policymakers better serve students by evaluating the effects of state spending, identifying equity gaps in the educational pipeline, and fostering greater collaboration between all levels of instruction.

“California lags behind the rest of the nation in terms of fully understanding the opportunities, roadblocks, and outcomes of its students and its citizens,” said Sara Arce, Policy Director for the Campaign for College Opportunity. “A strong intersegmental data system would capture where roadblocks to student success exist, where interventions are necessary, and where investments will pay off.”

After passing through the Assembly Education Committee unanimously, the bill passed the Assembly Higher Education Committee 9-2 on April 23rd.

— Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin represents California’s 44th Assembly District, which includes the communities of Camarillo, Casa Conejo, Channel Islands Beach, El Rio, Lake Sherwood, Moorpark, Oak Park, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Santa Rosa Valley, Thousand Oaks, and Westlake Village.

Assemblymember Irwin’s website: