Art Pub newsletter touts Oxnard’s growing art movement

“A movement is afoot in Downtown Oxnard. In recognizing art and culture as powerful tools for connecting people to each other and to a city, we are developing an arts district in the area,” said Tracy Hudak, the recently appointed arts impact director for the Oxnard Downtown Management District.

“We are actively seeking artists who would like to participate in and contribute to the vibrancy of Downtown Oxnard. Our first priority is to create more artist space — social space as well as affordable work space, living space, and exhibition, rehearsal & performance space. Next week we’re launching ART PUB, a monthly happy hour for the arts community. Hot on the tail of that we’ll be distributing an ARTISTS SPACE NEEDS SURVEY to get your input in helping us to plan and design space.

“Our first step starts here by inviting you to receive a monthly newsletter letting you know of opportunities for artists of all stripes to work, play, create and connect in the historic core of Oxnard.

“Please subscribe and please recklessly forward to your friends and colleagues who might be interested! And thank you for doing what you do,” she said.

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