April News from People’s Self-Help Housing

eNews | April 2021

With the effects of the pandemic lessening, and college decisons to be made, our CELEBRE students were able to take a safely, socially-distanced trip to visit ten campuses across the state. The stops at UC San Francisco, San Jose State, UC Davis, Sacramento State, and Sonoma State!
Dear Friend,
If you are a regular reader of our eNews, you will have noticed from past ‘People of People’s’ articles that we are a diverse and talented organization (see the following story on Top 50 Women in Business!) With over 200 employees, working across fifteen departments, our mission is executed by industry professionals with wide-ranging talents, a variety of perspectives, and all from very different backgrounds.

Our investment in internally creating opportunities for advancement has yielded impressive bench depth, cross pollination of ideas, and strong communication within our teams. Being able to move our mission forward through a ‘shared leadership’ model is not only allowing us to stay in tune with our team members, but also importantly with the cherished residents we serve.

The confidence our staff has gained knowing that their views and ideas are heard, considered and tactically implemented, allows them to be our ears and eyes in the community. Every day they are listening for specific needs and looking for strategic partnerships. Every member of staff is a specialist in their field, and each one, by knowing that they play a vital role, are keen to practically apply their much-valued expertise.

Transparent succession planning at all levels is giving us the ability to retain our existing talent longer, paying dividends on our human capital investments and bringing maturity to our processes. Our stated trajectory to cultivate and grow diverse leadership in all areas, is to the benefit of the individual, the organization, and to the challenging business of building affordable housing.

Every day PSHH is benefitting from the brightest and the best; I am so proud to be working alongside every one of them.

Returning Home
This month, in an emotional ceremony, PSHH welcomed the Villagomez family (pictured) to Guadalupe Court Apartments, the location of their former family home. The site located on the northern end of Guadalupe, has now become 38 affordable housing units for farmworkers. Attended by two generations of the Villagomez family, the small group gathered to honor the memory of Villagomez matriarch ‘Esther’.

Reading from a letter sent by a family member, PSHH CEO & President Ken Trigueiro read “Esther stayed here caring for the property…she liked field work… [and] said she never wanted to do anything else. She may be looking down from heaven with a happy heart knowing that 38 families will live in comfort.”

As a small token of thanks to the Villagomez Family, who all shared their heartwarming memories of Esther, rose bushes were gifted to commemorate the visit.

Chief Operating Officer Makes Top 50!
Congratulations to PSHH’s Chief Operating Officer Anna Miller, who has been recognized by the Pacific Coast Business Times as one of their Top 50 Women in Business!

As a member of our executive team, Anna oversees the property management, supportive housing, education, and IT services of PSHH. Lending her strength to policy development, process improvements, and to creating and managing complex organizational budgeting, Anna brings two-decades of low-income and multifamily housing experience to her role. She also serves her community as a Board Member for the 5Cities Homeless Coalition and a Grover Beach City Council member. We invite you to send your congratulations to Anna!

Pop-Up Vaccination Clinic
Partnering with the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department, Covid-19 vaccines were made available to all PSHH residents living in Morro Bay.

Similar collaborations are being developed with public health departments throughout the Central Coast, PSHH is proud to be playing its part in making the communities safer for everyone!

April Partnerships
Thank you to all our incredible partners who have helped support our mission this month:

  • Santa Barbara Foundation – $5,000 in support of the Supportive Housing Program in Santa Barbara County
  • Community Foundation of San Luis Obispo County – $10,000 in support of the Resident Assistance Fund
  • County of San Luis Obispo – $48,000 in support of the Supportive Housing Program in San Luis Obispo County
During COVID-19 closures, contact us with inquiries at (805) 781-3088 or info@pshhc.org. For property contact information, visit pshhc.org/looking-for-housing.