Mariachi Femenil Nuevo Tecalitán. Courtesy photo
FREE concert!
Friday, April 28, 7 PM
Isla Vista School, 6875 El Colegio Road, Isla Vista
Doors open one half hour before the show starts. Reception follows concert.
More info: (805) 252-3493 or facebook.com/vivaelartesb
Representing a deep family tradition at the forefront of the mariachi scene in Mexico, Mariachi Femenil Nuevo Tecalitlán is headed by Lupita Martinez, who manages the group; her sister, guitarist Adriana, performs. Their father Fernando Martinez, co-foundeded Guadalajara’s well-known Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán with their uncle, Pepe, who was the esteemed director of Mariachi Vargas until he passed away last year. Mariachi Femenil has recorded two CDs – Lo Bonito de Jalisco and Ay mi Jalisco – including many arrangements by Carlos Martinez. Mariachi Femenil Nuevo Tecalitlán tours extensively in Mexico and worldwide. They have played at the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City, have appeared many times at the world famous Encuentro Internacional del Mariachi y Charerreria in Guadalajara, and in 2010 they appeared as ambassadors for Mexican culture at the Barbican Theatre in London.
Come to these special free events:
• Thursday, April 27, 6:30 – 8:30 PM, Free Community Mariachi Workshop at Franklin Elementary School, 1111 East Mason Street, Santa Barbara, co-presented with Franklin Elementary School. The workshop is open to advanced students; observers welcome. Call 805 893-3382 for information.
• Sunday, April 30, 2 PM, Special Studio Sundays set at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1130 State Street, Santa Barbara, co-presented with SBMA. Make your own art while listening to the music of Mariachi Femenil Nuevo Tecalitlán!
Co-presented by the Marjorie Luke Theatre, the Guadalupe Cultural Arts & Education Center, the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center and UCSB Arts & Lectures, in partnership with the Isla Vista School After School Grant.
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