Application Period Closing April 19 for Ventura County Grand Jury

VENTURA COUNTY — The Ventura County Grand Jury invites residents of the county interested in becoming grand jurors to submit an application for the 2024-2025 session no later than April 19th.

The Grand Jury is an independent panel of 19 Ventura County citizens who serve for one fiscal year, from July to June. Near the end of its term, the Civil Grand Jury files a report of its findings and recommendations with the superior court presiding judge. Afterward, the report is available to the public.

The Civil Grand Jury is tasked with the responsibility to investigate and report on the operations, accounts, and records of local governmental agencies, including the county, cities, special districts, and school districts.

If you are interested in applying to serve in the Grand Jury or want more information, please visit the Grand Jury website at: