Allan Hancock College hosts Career Exploration Day for high schools, college students

More than 1,500 local high school and college students visited Hancock’s Santa maria campus for the college’s annual Career Exploration Day on Oct. 4. *** El 4 de octubre, más de 1,500 estudiantes del colegio y preparatorias locales visitaron el campus de Santa María para el Día de Exploración de Carreras. Courtesy photo.

SANTA MARIA — Allan Hancock College invited more than 1,500 local high school and college students to its Santa Maria campus on Oct. 4 for the college’s annual Career Exploration Day.

The in-person event offered participating students the chance to explore potential career paths and learn more about the college’s academic and career technical education programs.

“This event is an invaluable opportunity for students to see firsthand how higher education can open doors to rewarding career pathways and transform their futures,” said Hancock Superintendent/President Kevin G. Walthers, Ph.D.

Students who attended the event were also able to meet and speak with representatives from more than 100 local businesses, as well as Hancock faculty and staff from the college’s various departments and degree programs.

In addition, more than 50 of this year’s participating businesses were actively hiring for entry-level positions and took resumes and interviewed Hancock students who were searching for jobs. Hiring businesses include PG&E, the Santa Barbara County Education Office, SpaceX, Adient Aerospace and many more.

“It’s great to be able to meet the students who are interested in a job and have a face-to-face conversation with them” said Miguel Torrez-Fausto, a club director for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast’s Railroad Clubhouse location. “I can get to know them, learn their interests and what they are studying and find what might be the best fit from the positions we have open. You can’t always do that when it’s just an online application.”

The college’s annual Career Exploration Day was organized by Hancock’s Career Center, which provides resources, support, and opportunities for students seeking employment. To learn more about the Career Center, visit



El 4 de octubre, Allan Hancock College invito? a ma?s de 1,500 estudiantes de preparatorias locales al campus de Santa Mari?a para el Di?a de Exploracio?n de Carreras.

El evento presencial ofrecio? a los estudiantes participantes la oportunidad de explorar posibles trayectorias profesionales y aprender ma?s sobre los programas acade?micos de educacio?n te?cnica del colegio.

“Esta es la perfecta oportunidad para que los estudiantes vean como la educacio?n abre puertas profesionales para transformar sus futuros,” dijo el superintendente/presidente de Hancock, Dr. Kevin G. Walthers, Ph.D.

Los estudiantes que asistieron a este evento conocieron a representantes de ma?s de cien industrias locales y facultad y personal de los varios departamentos acade?micos del colegio.

Adema?s, ma?s de 50 de las empresas participantes estaban contratando para puestos de nivel inicial, aceptaron curri?culums y realizaron entrevistas a estudiantes de Hancock que estaban en busca de empleo. PG&E, la Oficina de Educacio?n del Condado de Santa Ba?rbara, SpaceX, y Adient Aerospace fueron varias de las empresas contratantes este an?o.

“Es increi?ble poder conocer a los estudiantes interesados en obtener empleo y tener una conversacio?n cara-a-cara con ellos,” dijo Miguel Torrez-Fausto, director de la

Railroad Clubhouse de & Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast. “Puedo conocerlos, conocer sus intereses y lo que estudian para dirigirlos a las posiciones que tenemos disponibles, algo que no se puede hacer por internet fa?cilmente.”

El evento anual es organizado por el Centro de Carreras (Career Center) de Hancock, que ofrece recursos, apoyo y oportunidades para estudiantes buscando empleo. Para ma?s informacio?n sobre Career Center, visite