Agromin Expects To Recycle Thousands Of Christmas Trees

Photo courtesy of Agromin.

OXNARD — The weeks after Christmas are a busy time for green waste recycler Agromin. The Oxnard-based company will receive thousands of Christmas trees from local waste haulers in the weeks following Christmas.

Once the holidays are over, tree owners are asked to cut up their trees so limbs and branches fit in their green waste recycling barrel. Waste haulers will collect the trees on regular waste pick-up days and deliver them to Agromin.

After being dropped off at Agromin, any remaining tree decorations are removed. The trees are ground and then composted over a 60-to-90-day period in long windrows at compost facilities. The resulting mulch and soil amendments are used by growers, landscapers and consumers.

“Christmas trees are grown, enjoyed and then returned to the earth as compost,” says Bill Camarillo, Agromin CEO. “It’s the perfect green recycling story.”