A Guide to Flourishing Financially and Emotionally During Chaotic Times

“C.P.R., Core Prosperity Relief” Audio Class Begins September 1

If your relationship to money has become shaken in these unprecedented times, revive your prosperity pulse with “C.P.R., Core Prosperity Relief,” an inspirational transformative audio class offered in 15-minute day doses delivered direct to you September 1 through 30th.

Hosted by Dr. James Mellon, a sought-after teacher, author and inspirational leader in the field of personal growth, the program has helped thousands of people break free from the limiting beliefs that have kept them from recognizing their wealth with purpose.

“What you believe about things like money, prosperity, and success, end up playing out in your life,” says Dr. Mellon who is also the Spiritual Director of Global Truth Center in Los Angeles. After studying the mind for more than 20 years, he has designed an innovative way to change your financial beliefs and thus enhance your life.

It’s scientifically proven that you can change a habit in 21 days of consistent thinking. And in 30 days you can create a neural pathway from the desire to the result.

Core Prosperity Relief addresses struggles with finances, debt and old money habits. Designed for those concerned for their future and anyone who feels they are most definitely meant for a life much bigger than what they have been living thus far, it begins with assessing beliefs that are no longer serving you.

Participants have the option to participate in a Zoom with Dr. James each day or to listen to the recording at any time that works into their schedule. There is also a community blog for everyone to share their journey. Advance registration is required. The cost for the 30-day program is $120. For more information and to sign up visit: https://www.globaltruthcenter.org/cpr-course

*Global Truth Center Los Angeles is a place where all are welcome, sharing the belief we are One people living on One planet. With the goal to create a safe and sacred place where an individual can discover his or her own spiritual path and personal purpose in life, the Center honors the love inherent in all of humankind, bringing us a commonality of Spirit and Soul.