Don’t wait for last-minute foreclosure help

Michael, left and Stephen Szakos of Team Szakos. staff report

It was a full house at a foreclosure crisis educational forum held Jan. 21 at the Oxnard Public Library, reported David Cruz during his morning radio show Jan. 25 on KOXR AM-910. He made his comments during the weekly segment featuring an interview with Michael and Stephen Szakos of Cobalt Realty in Ventura.

The forum featured a variety of companies providing information on loan modifications and other issues. It was presented by Team Szakos.

Why were there so many people attending the forum? Cruz asked.

Because people are still looking for answers and are still not finding any, Michael Szakos said.

What is the benefit of not waiting to get help? Cruz asked.

“It takes the stress out of making a last-minute decision,” Szakos said. “You can think much more clearly if you don’t have to make a last-minute decision.”

It also lessens the risks of falling victim to scam artists, he said.

Finally, the earlier you ask for help, the better chance you have to keep your home.

“The percent of success increases the more time you give us to work with you,” Szakos said. “If you come to us with a month or more of time (before the foreclosure deadline), the success rate is 90 percent. If you give us a week or two, it’s down to 50 percent.”

Cruz urged his radio audience to attend the free community information forum on the mortgage crisis presented by Team Szakos at 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Café on A., 438 So. A St., Oxnard. For more information, call (888) 700.9658, visit or send an email to

The Szakos can also be heard live each Wednesday morning on the David Cruz bilingual radio program on KOXR AM-910. The show is aired from 6 to 9 a.m. Monday through Friday.