Santa Barbara County First District Supervisor Das Williams — Preparing for Wildfires

Wildfire Insurance and Preparedness

I hear frequently about the acute level of crisis homeowners are facing when it comes to wildfire insurance — rates are going up dramatically, and in many cases, homeowners don’t have options because insurance companies aren’t writing new policies. That’s why I jumped at the chance to bring Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara to Santa Barbara. This past week, he hosted a town hall and answered questions about the recent deal he struck with insurance companies, and what we can all do to lower these rates – for ourselves, and our neighbors.
Watch the Town Hall Video

Save Money and Become Safer From Wildfires

Every action under the Insurance Commissioner’s Safer from Wildfires program will qualify you for an insurance discount, and help prevent and prepare for fire danger. The Santa Barbara Fire Safe Councilcan help provide the guidance and resources to make these potentially lifesaving property improvements.
Keep embers out

Installing 1/16 to 1/8 inch noncombustible, corrosion-resistant metal mesh screens over attic vents can keep wind-blown embers out of your house.

Clear the first 5 feet

Removing greenery and replacing wood chips with stone or decomposed granite 5 feet around your home prevents fire from getting a foot in the door

Become a Firewise community

With Firewise USA, communities as small as 8 dwelling units or as big as 2,500 can create an action plan and start being safer together. Firewise USA is a nationally recognized program with proven results, sponsored by the National Fire Prevention Association.

Learn More
Having Trouble with your insurance company? I encourage you to contact the Insurance Commissioner’s Consumer Complaint Center at 1-800-927-4357 (HELP).

Town Hall on Managing Human-Bear Conflicts

Managing Human-Bear Conflicts

Thursday, November 2nd

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Montecito Library Meeting Room

1469 E. Valley Road

Montecito, CA 93108

or via Zoom

RSVP to Attend

Celebrating New MTD Electric Busses

I couldn’t be more excited for the arrival of Santa Barbara MTD’s first 40-foot all-battery-electric buses! Last week I got to join their team at their new EV-charging bus depot to celebrate this huge step forward for our climate and air quality.

This is yet another reminder that when you take the bus to get to work or school, you are helping us make progress on climate change where we desperately need it most.

MTD has expanded service options this year with the new 19X Express, serving Carpinteria, the Eastside, and SBCC. Join me and take the pledge to take the bus at least once a week.

Plan Your Trip with SBMTD

Congratulations Cold Spring School!

Congratulations to Cold Spring Elementary School on this incredible accomplishment! We certainly have some dedicated teachers, classified staff, and administrators in our community who are dedicated to helping our kids learn and thrive.

Das Around Town

Welcoming the Ceylon International Film Festival at their opening ceremony.

Speaking at Domestic Violence Solutions’ Annual Vigil for those lost to domestic violence.

Das joins the Sierra Club Santa Barbara Chapter Annual Breakfast.

Contact Us: (805) 568-2186

Das Williams, 1st District Supervisor

Darcel Elliott, Chief of Staff

Kadie McShirley, District Representative

Spencer Brandt, District Representative & Scheduler