People’s Self-Help Housing — Your support is needed!

Make your generous gift!
At one of our ten Learning Centers, 62% of students began the academic year two or more grade levels behind their peers. By the end of the year, only 5% of students were still two or more grade levels behind.

Also greatly improved was the number of students reading at or above grade level: increasing from 10 to 42%.

In a year, the Supportive Housing Program provides:

• 11,000+ community resource referrals

• 8,800+ hours of case management

World War II Veteran and 102 years young, this cherished resident continues to live independently at one of our senior properties.

Thanks to onsite property managers and compassionate social workers, he remains healthy, active, and connected to the community!

For over twenty years, our caring supportive service teams have responded with compassion, expertise, and a friendly smile to ensure that all residents have the opportunity to be at their best. Whether it’s a visit from a social worker, help with homework, or connections to the community, our counselors, educators, and advocates are alongside in moments of need.

Join us in recognizing 20 Years of Supportive Services!

Make your generous gift!
People’s Self Help Housing

1060 Kendall Road

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401