Santa Barbara Latino Philanthropic Leaders Raise Over $15K to Support Board Leadership Development and Invite New Members to join the 2022 Giving Cycle

A group of Latino leaders have come together to pool financial resources to support local nonprofits that are committed to the development of Latino leaders.

SANTA BARBARA — The Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle (SBLGC) announced that it will invest over $15,500 in three nonprofits in the greater Santa Barbara region. The SBLGC is part of the Latino Community Foundation’s (LCF) Latino Giving Circle Network™, a philanthropic group harnessing the collective power of paying it forward and civic engagement.

The three organizations selected for funding fall into the group’s priorities of board leadership development and mental health:

Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (Santa Barbara) – CAUSE is a base-building organization for social, economic and environmental justice with Central Coast working class and immigrant communities.

Future Leaders of America (Santa Maria) – develops youth resiliency and leadership to create long-lasting systemic change by empowering and mobilizing youth leaders to advocate for policies that improve their lives and the lives of their peers and their communities.

Leading from Within (Santa Barbara) – Leading From Within invests in leaders who drive and create change.

“Leading From Within is thrilled to be supported by the Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle,” said Ed France, executive director of Leading from Within. “We’ve seen our largest to date interest and selection of emerging leaders who identify as Latinx, allowing us to be a vehicle to support more Latinx leaders and increasingly representative community leadership overall.”

Since launching in 2019, the Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle has invested $22,300 back into its community.

“We are incredibly grateful to the Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle for their support,” said Gloria Soto, executive director of Future Leaders of America. “Thanks to their generosity, FLA will provide professional leadership development to staff to better serve youth across the Central Coast.”

According to the 2019 Causes Count: The Economic Power of California’s Nonprofit Sector report, Santa Barbara’s nonprofit sector is made up of approximately 1,960 active nonprofits that generate a total revenue of over $3 billion.

“Santa Barbara is a very special and generous community,” said Theresa Huerta, founding member of the Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle. “And there is a lot of opportunity to increase the diversity of our philanthropic efforts especially in board leadership.”

About the Latino Community Foundation and Latino Giving Network — The Latino Community Foundation is on a mission to unleash the civic and economic power of Latinos in California. The Foundation has the largest network of Latino philanthropists in the country and has invested $10 million to build Latino civic and political power and leadership in the state. It is the only statewide foundation solely focused on investing in Latino youth and families in California. For more info, visit:

From Baby Boomers to Millennials, CEOs to emerging professionals, immigrants to US-born, Latinos and non-Latinos, the Latino Giving Circle Network (LGCN) is comprised of more than 500 active members that are harnessing the collective power of paying it forward and civic engagement. Currently, LGCN is comprised of 19 Giving Circles across the state of California with new ones emerging each year. The Latino Giving Circles offer a forum to partner with leaders and organizations offering community driven solutions, learn about pressing issues impacting Latinos, and engage in local civic action. For more info, visit:

About the Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle — The Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle was founded by Santa Barbara-area Latinos in 2019 to address the needs of Latinos in Santa Barbara County and is committed to bringing about lasting social change. The giving circle makes annual grants to nonprofit organizations led by and building power with the Latino community. The concept is simple. Anyone can be a member, no matter their wealth. Each person pledges to donate at least $1,000 a year or $84 a month.