County of Ventura COVID-19 update for May 11 — No cost COVID-19 testing is available for all community members at two state testing sites

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Evening, Here is your COVID-19 update for May 11, 2020. Moving forward stats will be provided Monday through Friday. Stats from Saturday and Sunday will be included in the Monday report.


12 new cases

678 total cases

458 recovered cases

19 deaths

28 hospitalized

11 ICU patients

13, 715 tested


View today’s press conference at:


Testing: No cost COVID-19 testing is available for all community members at two state testing sites. Please register by calling 1-888-634-1123 or online at Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8 am to 8 pm. The sites are located at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center at 800 Hobson Way in Oxnard, CA 93030 and at the Thousand Oaks Library – Newbury Park Branch, 2331 Borchard Road, Newbury Park, CA 91320.


Stage 2: On Friday, May 8 the County of Ventura reached an important turning point for our community, County and local economy. We have now moved to Stage 2 of 4 on the State of California’s roadmap to reopening where some lower-risk workplaces can gradually open with adaptations. This allows for retail businesses to use curbside pickup or delivery to sell their goods and related manufacturing and logistics businesses to open. More than 400 businesses have already registered to reopen! Learn more at Learn more about the State’s Roadmap at:


Rumor Alert: There is a rumor that the County of Ventura is removing positive covid patients from their homes. That is not true. If a person cannot safely isolate at home and they would like an alternative location then a different location is offered. View a clip from our Public Health Director Rigo Vargas on this topic: Here’s a statement from our Public Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin – “What I would like to say to those people who interpreted what I said as forcibly pulling people from their homes if they become COVID positive is that if I conveyed that, it was a mistake on my part and I apologize for that. I am sensitive to that as well. We have no intention of taking people from the environments they feel safe and comfortable in. To demonstrate our past actions, because they speak louder than words, we have managed over 600 people in our county with COVID-19 and we have not forcibly removed anyone from their home or wherever they wanted to be. We have removed about 7 of our seniors who were living in Long Term Care Facilities (LTCF) and had them admitted to one of our hospitals. This was to protect the other seniors and to observe those hospitalized for worsening of their symptoms. If COVID establishes itself in a LTCF (a nursing home), it can kill dozens as it did in Washington State. We also placed two homeless people who were COVID positive in a motel because they wanted to return to a crowded camp in the river bottom. Virtually everyone wants to stay in their home. It is safest when such a person can have their own room and bathroom but many of our COVID cases have not been so fortunate. When that is the case, our Communicable Disease nurses find ways of keeping them in their home such that it is still safe for the others who are there.”






Summary #
New cases 12
Total cases 678
Recovered Cases 458
Ever hospitalizations 123
Current hospitalizations  28
Ever ICU* 35
Current ICU  11
Active Cases Under Quarantine 201
Deaths 19
People Tested 13,715
*Current hospitalizations does not include those from LTC facilities that no longer require acute care but are being held at the facility to protect others.  Current ICU is underreported because we do not get notification when hospitalized patients are transferred to ICU. 
Age and Sex of Confirmed Cases: Female Male %
Age 0-17 15 8 3.4%
Age 18-24 41 22 9.3%
Age 25-44 111 91 29.8%
Age 45-64 129 136 39.1%
Age 65+ 57 68 18.4%
Unknown 0 0 0.0%
Total 353 325 100.0%
% by Sex 52.1% 47.9%  
Race/Ethnicity** % Cases % Deaths % of Population
Latino 47.2% 21.1% 44.5%
White 38.4% 68.4% 43.2%
Asian 6.6% 5.3% 7.4%
African American/Black 0.9% 5.3% 1.7%
Multiracial 0.7% 0.0% 2.5%
American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.7% 0.0% 0.3%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.9% 0.0% 0.2%
Other 4.8% 0.0% 0.2%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
**There are 220 cases not included in this analysis because of missing race/ethnicity data. 
Confirmed Cases: # %
Travel Related 19 2.8%
Person-to-person acquired 211 31.1%
Community acquired 316 46.6%
Under investigation 132 19.5%
Total 678 100.0%
City/Zip*** # % of Total Population**** Rate per 100,000 pop.
91320 – Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park 19 2.8% 46,191 41.1
91360 – Thousand Oaks 37 5.5% 42,104 87.9
91361 – Thousand Oaks/Lake Sherwood/Westlake 16 2.4% 20,487 78.1
91362 – Thousand Oaks/Westlake 28 4.1% 36,980 75.7
91377 – Oak Park 14 2.1% 14,226 98.4
93001 – Ventura 19 2.8% 33,139 57.3
93003 – Ventura 14 2.1% 51,304 27.3
93004 – Ventura 11 1.6% 30,473 36.1
93010 – Camarillo 36 5.3% 44,240 81.4
93012 – Camarillo/Santa Rosa Valley 17 2.5% 37,622 45.2
93015 – Fillmore 19 2.8% 18,832 100.9
93021 – Moorpark 37 5.5% 38,325 96.5
93022 – Oak View 2 0.3% 5,550 36.0
93023 – Ojai 6 0.9% 20,656 29.0
93030 – Oxnard 40 5.9% 62,016 64.5
93033 – Oxnard 74 10.9% 83,319 88.8
93035 – Oxnard 29 4.3% 28,321 102.4
93036 – Oxnard 31 4.6% 48,022 64.6
93040 – Piru 3 0.4% 1,831 163.8
93041 – Port Hueneme 13 1.9% 24,129 53.9
93060 – Santa Paula 34 5.0% 34,229 99.3
93063 – Simi Valley (Santa Susana) 55 8.1% 56,563 97.2
93065 – Simi Valley 122 18.0% 74,780 163.1
93066 – Somis 2 0.3% 3,481 57.5
Total 678 100.0% 853,896 79.4
***7 cases provided a PO Box address that has been assigned to another zip code within the city.
****Population estimates for 2020 from (Demographics Dashboard).
Data Current as of 8:00 am on 5/11/2020 from CalREDIE