Bilingual report: Mohammed Hasan’s ‘Drought Is Not a Four-Letter Word’ has been translated into Spanish

'Drought Is Not a Four-Letter Word'VENTURA — “Drought Is Not a Four-Letter Word,” a 52-page book that describes the state’s water issues, has been translated into Spanish, according to author Mohammed A. Hasan.

Sequia: La realidad sin frontera: La guía ciudadana sobre nuevas agues” comes at an important time as the state discusses a sustainable project that would make California drought proof and also provide water to northern Mexico. Southern Arizona and Nevada, Hasan reported. Such a project would allow the Colorado River to again flow to Sea of Cortez.

Sequía — La realidad sin frontera'California’s recurring drought problem can be solved permanently by new sustainable water solutions, said Hasan, who has 41 years of experience with water issues and is a co-founder of the Ventura startup company PODenergy, Inc.

“Drought Is Not a Four-Letter Word” describes the agencies that make water decisions – ranging from small special districts to the state and federal governments – and the need for an entirely different approach to the problem.

“While the whole world has changed in the last fifty years, and while severe drought is taking hold of California in historical fashion, our water supply has not changed. Human life, in constant need of water, is being put at risk. Only by changing our thinking and our approaches to new technologies can we benefit the thirsty people of California,” Hasan said.

“Individual citizens do not have to feel powerless,” he said. “They are asked to sacrifice so much, but once they understand and comprehend the needs, they also can participate in the solutions.”

Mohammed A. Hasan

Mohammed A. Hasan

Hasan has experience in both the public and private sectors. He was an engineer with the Ventura Regional Sanitation District, the utilities superintendent of the city of Oxnard and is the Principal Engineer and Owner of Hasan Consultants, in Ventura.

The book is written in clear and simple English and is prepared for average citizens. It is free of technical and bureaucratic language. It is available from

Hasan holds dual M.S. degrees from the University of Iowa. He’s a licensed professional engineer in California and a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He’s also a leadership fellow of the American Public Works Association and a distinguished life member of the American Water Works Association.

Hasan has helped develop theories for the reduction of carbon dioxide via ocean afforestation. Rotary International has honored him as a Paul Harris fellow. He lives in Ventura with his wife, JoAnn. They have two daughters.


Mohammed A. Hasan will be making a presentation on “California’s water crisis and possible solutions” at Las Vegas, Nevada at Tri-state Seminar to be held Sept. 20-24. This is where water professionals from CA, NV and AZ will be attending. The presentation is at 7:30-8:20 am at South Point Hotel on Sept. 20th.

“I expect  many of the attendees to be interested in the Spanish book,” Hasan said.

  • Click here to purchase a copy online of “Drought Is Not a Four-Letter Word”
  • Click here to purchase a copy online of “Sequia: La realidad sin frontera: La guía ciudadana sobre nuevas agues”
  • Copies of the books can also be purchased by calling 805-218-5574.


Hay una crisis de agua en California, y con la actual sequía y la fuerte posibilidad de que el cambio climático impactando nuestros patrones del clima, es el momento de re-imaginar soluciones para resolver esta crisis.

Sequia: La realidad sin frontera: La guía ciudadana sobre nuevas agues” ofrece una breve sinopsis del problema y cómo los humanos han contribuido en gran medida a nuestra escasez de agua. Pero más allá del pensamiento del fin del mundo, existen soluciones tecnológicas que pueden resolver la escasez de agua y ayudar a las personas a sentirse capaces de participar en estas soluciones. De la crisis a la acción, los ciudadanos, ingenieros, científicos, gestores del agua, los formuladores de políticas, los políticos – todo el mundo puede participar mediante el uso de algunas de estas ideas para resolver el problema de escasez de agua en California.

Mohammed A. Hasan es el principal ingeniero y propietario de Hasan Consultants, una empresa de ingeniería civil y ambiental basada en Ventura, California. Él posee la doble M. S. Los títulos obtenidos en la Universidad de Iowa. Él es un ingeniero profesional con licencia en California y un Fellow de la Sociedad Americana de Ingenieros Civiles. Él es además un Fellow de dirección de la Asociación Americana de Obras Públicas y miembro de vida de distinción de la American Water Works Association. Hasan enseñó clases de ciencias del agua en Ventura College y es cofundador de la compañía de lanzamiento PODenergy, Inc., que ayudó a desarrollar teorías para la reducción de emisiones de CO2 y la reversión del cambio climático a través de la forestación oceania. Rotary Internacional lo ha honrado como Paul Harris Fellow. Su participación en la comunidad se extiende por más de cuatro décadas. Hasan vive en Ventura, California, con su esposa, JoAnn. Tienen dos hijas.