Devon Hartman, CHERP, from left; Meagan and Eric Tambini; Jutta and Peter Aichinger; and Third District Supervisor Joan Hartmann. Courtesy photo.
SOLVANG — The first 50 Home Challenge – Solvang participants to complete extensive home energy efficiency projects recently celebrated the milestone with city and county officials at Solvang City Hall.
Solvang Mayor Jim Richardson and Third District Supervisor Joan Hartmann presented plaques to homeowners Peter and Jutta Aichinger, and Meagan and Eric Tambini recognizing their commitment to energy efficiency and environmental stewardship. The presentation took place during the April 23 City Council Meeting.
“The Aichgers, Tambinis and other homeowners have shown great leadership in changing the way their homes use energy,” said Marisa Hanson, emPower Central Coast Program Specialist. “Energy efficiency and building technology have come a long way since many of Santa Barbara County’s homes were built. Making energy efficiency improvements not only uses our resources more wisely, it creates more comfortable living spaces.”
Soon after moving in, the Aichingers found that the outdated heating, ventilation and air conditioning system kept their new home less than comfortable. The 50 Home Challenge retrofit included replacing insulation and ventilation, dramatically changing extreme heat up and cool down to a much more gradual, comfortable and energy efficient experience. Peter Aichinger noted these changes have made the home much more livable, and the energy conservation benefits are also important to his family.
The Aichingers and Tambinis worked with an emPower Energy Coach to identify some common, energy-efficiency issues in their homes, such as outdated heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, insufficient insulation, and numerous cracks and gaps. The emPower program connected them with qualified local contractors and available rebates that saved them thousands of dollars on their retrofits.
The 50 Home Challenge is a joint initiative of Santa Barbara County’s emPower Central Coast program and the nonprofit CHERP (Community Home Energy Retrofit Project) to engage an entire community and retrofit 50 single-family homes to make them more energy efficient.
For more information or to schedule a home consultation with an emPower Energy Coach, visit www.empowersbc.org
About emPower Central Coast: The emPower program was established by the County of Santa Barbara to offer incentives, financing and free technical advice to help single-family homeowners make home energy upgrades easier and more affordable.
About CHERP: CHERP is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that was created to eliminate barriers to success of our critical, national energy efficiency goals.