Tag: Teatro de las Américas

Teatro de las Américas — We are open! / !Estamos abiertos!

As you probably know Teatro has its own home at 321 W. 6th Street in downtown Oxnard. We continue to be very grateful to Pablo García and his construction company which did a great job of converting a building that had been empty for 10 years into a small and intimate Teatro space. We are happy to be here and are getting very active, especially as the COVID pandemic is coming under control. You will be receiving announcements about all the activities soon, if not already.

Teatro de las Américas — Summer Events at Teatro

Summer Theatre Camp

Spots still available!

In person 2-Week Summer Theatre Camp with Ms. Alina.

June 28-July 9 (no camp Jul 5)

9 AM -12 PM

LIVE Performance July 9 at 2 PM

Fee: $90 / Scholarships available

Where: 321 W 6th St., Oxnard

For registration Call or Email Alina



Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Summer Theatre Camp’

Teatro de las Americas to present a “Summer Theatre Camp” Monday through Friday from 90 a.m. to noon, June 28 through July 9 (no camp July 5), at 321 W. 6th St., Oxnard

A Live Performance will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, July 9.

Open to your ages 7 to 15, with 16 students for the in-person camp.

Cost is $90, but scholarships are available.

Teatro de las Américas — 5 days Italian FILM will be here!!

Festival for the Italian audience and, at the same time, on Teatro de Las Americas and Main Stage West virtual seasons for the American audience.

The audience can book to participate to the TALK with the company and other guests curated by Enrico Piergiacomi, By writing an e-mail you will receive the invitation and all the instructions.

INVENTING LIFE is a doc-film about TELL TALE, a theatre-dance piece that engages on stage the authors and their two children. The documentary has been filmed in theaters, locations in wild nature and in abandoned spaces: a theater company working in the absence of live performing. A proof of necessity. A dialogue with nature and with a theatre crowded by absents.

Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas — In Memory of Jim Valdez

It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that our great friend Jim Valdez died yesterday. Jimmy was with us for many years. His sense of humor always bubbling.
He was on stage, building stages, and always available for problem solving. He and Juanita were also generous donors and patrons. They were happy to support the costs of renovating the downtown teatro.
They moved to Phoenix last year. Juanita passed several months ago. Jim moved in with his sons and and spent his last months happily with them and their families. Jim’s son Dennis tells me it was a great joy for him to have his Dad with them.
We miss you Jimmy and we hope you are helping celestial teatros build sets.

March 28 — Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Inventing Life,’ doc/film

Inventing Life is a doc/film about Tell Tale, a theatre-dance piece that engages the authors and their two children. A piece of life on stage, that should have opened in California and Oregon in April 2020, remaining on the verge of our common uncertain future. An engaging, poetic work about the unfinished: a search to elevate the present to a mutual encounter between distant human beings.
The documentary has been filmed in theaters, locations in wild nature and in abandoned spaces: a theater company working in the absence of live performing. A proof of necessity. A dialogue with nature and with a theatre crowded by absents.

Through April 20 — Teatro de las Américas — Kids Theater Zoom NEXT 8 week workshop

Using active imaginations and active bodies, kids will dive into a world where anything is possible! Physical theatre blends comedy, improvisation, clowning, and acting into a one of a kind learning experience that engages students verbally, physically, visually, and intellectually. Ages 7-11 FREE

Dec. 3 — Open Mic Night / Noche de micrófono abierto at Teatro de las Américas

Join Ventura County Youth Poet Laureate,

Oxnard’s own Angelina Leaños for an Open Mic Night!

Friday, December 3, 2021

6 pm @ Teatro de las Americas: 321 W 6th St.

We welcome performers of any kind – music, spoken word, poetry and more – to come share their talent!

The event is free and open to the public.

Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas wishes you a Healthy and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

This past year, 2020, has been a mixed reality for your Teatro, an example of “Good News, Bad News.” 

Teatro now has a home of our own in Downtown Oxnard. We accomplished this long sought goal because of your generosity. The repairs and renovation of the building at 321 W. 6th Street cost in the neigborhood of $42,000. That money came from individual donors and business sponsors. We are overwhelmed by your generosity and at a loss to find the words to thank you adequately.

Due to the Corona Virus we are unable to welcome you to our teatro. As a consequence, there were no live stage productions in 2020.

We rose to the challenge by bringing Virtual Theater to you vía Zoom:
·       a series of conversations with Latinx actors and
·       acting classes for adults and children.

Bilingual report — Teatro de las Américas: Casting and Update/Tenerlos al tanto

Merino Productions is a Multilingual Solutions Agency based in Ventura County with a national and international curriculum in video productions, voice-overs and document translations.  

Our experience with local government agencies, has shown a need to raise awareness on multiple subjects such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, drunk driving, drug addiction, personal growth and multicultural awareness. 

Merino Productions has decided to start a new community awareness program on all these matters and will be volunteering hours to create a series of on-going bilingual (English and Spanish) videos. We are looking for volunteer actors and actresses of all ages to help us create these video messages. 

Teatro de las Américas presents ‘Yo Cuento (I Tell)’ Zoom workshops on Aug. 18, 25, Sept. 8, 15

YO CUENTO (I TELL) continues..
with James Donlon

August 18, 25,
September 8, 15 

Learn basic storytelling, acting, directing, and staging to produce an original Teatro work using your own personal stories.

James Donlon: actor, director, and playwright presenting his original performance work internationally for 5 decades. 
Film coach to Oscar winners.
Pre-registration required, no fees

Teatro de las Américas’ ‘Pláticas on Wednesday’ with actor/director James Donlon to be held July 28

James Donlon: actor, director, and playwright presenting his original performance work internationally for 5 decades. Film coach to Oscar winners.
Pre-registration required, no fees
Sign up now, send email to info@teatrodelasamericas.org

Teatro de las Américas — Newsletter / Noticias

Pablo García and his son Javier are working on the renovation of the building at 321 W. 6thStreet and it is coming along great. It will certainly be ready for plays and workshops by the time the Corona Virus restrictions are lifted.

Teatro de las Américas — The latest news for you / Noticiero

We hope all of you are doing well and wearing facemasks during this pandemic. Not masks like the ones James Donlon and Alina Ceñal are wearing! 
A good friend of our Teatro has been making face masks and donated many to us. If you do not have a face mask, contact Margaret Cortese by text (805-231-0127) or email (info@teatrodelasamericas.org). We will find a way to get it to you.

Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas announces ‘Volunteer of the Year Recognition’

Jimmy, Becky, Holly, Bob We honor you! / ¡Los elogiamos! Beginning in 2016, Teatro created the “Volunteer of the Year Recognition”. The first awardee was James (Jimmy) Valdez. At that time Jimmy had been on, behind and building the stage for many…

Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas — Busy working on own theater venue in downtown Oxnard

OXNARD — We have been busy working to open our own Teatro venue in downtown Oxnard. The lease with the owner of the building, that is, the City of Oxnard, has been finalized.  We worked out the probable costs and realized we…

Sept. 16 — Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Pláticas on Wednesdays’ with Carlos Gomez ‘The Beauty and the Baker’

Pláticas on Wednesdays :
(Thank you IVONNE COLL, for spending time with us on the last platica !!)
“The Beauty and the Baker”
September 16, 7PM PT

Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas to present play ‘Too Many Tamales’

Your monthly news & updates NOT YOUR USUAL CHRISTMAS PLAY! Visit our Website: www.teatrodelasamericas.org Follow us on FACEBOOK TOO MANY TAMALES Teatro de las Américas presents the play “Too Many Tamales” (in both English and Spanish with supertitles). Maria is an…

Teatro de las Américas: Casting ‘Cumbia de mi Corazón para Noviembre

CASTING CUMBIA DE MI CORAZÓN para NOVIEMBRE BUSCAMOS ACTORES PARA ESTA OBRA EN ESPAÑOL CASTING Teatro de las Américas presenta la obra Cumbia de mi corazón dirigida por Armando Rey, en noviembre, 2019. Personajes: El Supervisor: tipo burocrático recien exaltado a…

Sept. 21, 22 — Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas opens with La Celestina in 8 days

OXNARD — La Celestina, also known as The Comedy of Calisto and Melibea, published in 1499 is attributed to Fernando de Rojas, adescendant of converted Jews. The story tells of a bachelor, Calisto, who uses the old procuress Celestina to bewitch love from Melibea, an unmarried girl…

Teatro de las Americas update for June 22

Click here for more information on Teatro de las Americas Your monthly news & updates The Oxnard Film Society is a valued companion non-profit. We value their work, so we will be recommending their movies.. / Lo tenemos en alta estima…

Teatro de las Américas update for March 6

Oxnard Film Society supports Teatro de las Américas Wow! Oxnard Film Society is showing a great movie to support our Teatro. We love you OFS! Come, enjoy the movie! Teatro de las Américas Oxnard FilmSociety SPECIAL SCREENING: Fundraiser for Teatro…

Feb. 24 — Teatro de las Américas presenting Acting Workshops / Talleres de Actuación

James Donlon, actor and director extraordinaire, is presenting 2 acting workshops on Saturdays February 10 and 24 from 10am to 2 pm at his studio. James Donlon, actor y director extraordinaire, presenta 2 talleres de actuación los sábados 10 y 24…

Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas presents ESA RISA NO DE LOCOS Oct. 6, 7, 8

OXNARD — Teatro de las Americas, TEATRELA (Teatro de Repertorio Latinoamericano de Venezuela) and Oxnard College present ESA RISA NO DE LOCOS, a theatrical show for the whole family with two exceptional Latin American comedies (comedias costumbristas), two centuries apart,…

Teatro de las Américas issues casting call

OXNARD — Teatro de las Américas is conducting a Workshop-Created play with a casting call from 3 to 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 28 at the Black Box Theater at the Oxnard College Performing Arts Center, 4000 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard. The…

Sept. 15, 17 — Teatro de las Américas: ‘Esa Risa No Es De Locos’

OXNARD — Teatro de las Américas, TEATRELA (Teatro de Repertorio Latinoamericano de Venezuela) y Oxnard College presentan ESA RISA NO ES DE LOCOS, un espectáculo teatral para toda la familia con dos excepcionales sainetes (comedias costumbristas) latinoamericanos, de dos siglos…

Bilingual report: Hasta el 1 de octubre — Don Perlimplín de Federico García Lorca / Se Estrena el Próximo Fin de Semana

Teatro de las Américas, TEATRELA (Teatro de Repertorio Latinoamericano de Venezuela) y Oxnard College presentan el musical de cámara AMOR DE DON PERLIMPLÍN CON BELISA EN SU JARDÍN, de Federico García Lorca, con música original de Pantelis Palamidis. Un elenco…

July 22 — Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas to present Acting Workshop / Taller de actuación

    ¡Una gran oportunidad aprender de un maestro de teatro! A great opportunity to learn from one of masters of theater! ACTING WORKSHOP FOR TEATRO’S ACTORS James Donlon, Director of Men on the Verge of a His-panic Breakdown starring…

Through July 28 — Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas to present workshop for children, youth

OXNARD — Doing theater has many benefits, especially for children and youth because it increases confidence in expressing themselves in social and learning situations.  Doing theater in Spanish is  also advantageous because it enhances development in the young brain when it…

Hasta el 27 de mayo — Teatro de las Américas y Oxnard College presentan ‘Los encantos del relajo’

Qué: “LOS ENCANTOS DEL RELAJO” Quién: Teatro de las Américas y Oxnard College presentan la comedia de Norma Román Calvo, Los encantos del relajo, dirigida por Robert Sánchez Cuándo: Del 12 de mayo al 27 de mayo viernes y sábado, 12, 13,…

Hasta el 27 de mayo — Los encantos del relajo

Qué LOS ENCANTOS DEL RELAJO Quién Teatro de las Américas y Oxnard College presentan la comedia de Norma Román Calvo, Los encantos del relajo, dirigida por Robert Sánchez Cuándo Del 12 de mayo al 28 de mayo • viernes y…

March 18 — Teatro de las Américas to present for one night only ‘Esperanza Rising’

OXNARD — Teatro de las Américas to present for one night only “Esperanza Rising” at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 18 at the Oxnard College Performing Arts Center, 4000 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard. “Esperanza Rising” is a story of a young girl…

Last weekend: Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Esperanza Rising’ Sept. 30 through Oct. 2

WHAT: “Esperanza Rising” WHO: Teatro de las Américas and Oxnard College present a play written by Lynne Alvarez based on the book by Pam Ryan Muñoz. Music by Victor Zupanc. Directed by Miguel Heredia. WHEN: Fridays and Saturdays, September 16, 23, 24, 30,…

Teatro de las Américas to hold light design workshop on Aug. 6

OXNARD — Teatro de las Américas announces this exciting  workshop: “Science and Art of Dealing with Lights I” This workshop is for directors, producers, high school teachers, tech kids, photographers, actors, students.  It is particularly helpful for “talking to light…

Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Words From A Cuban Father’ and ‘Circo de tu corazón’ June 25, 26

WHAT Words From A Cuban Father and Circo de tu corazón WHO Teatro de las Americas and Oxnard College present a double header of theatrical fun with playwright and performer Alina Ceñal and director and performer James Donlon WHEN Saturday,…

La Celestina, una cantata mediterránea el 20 de marzo

OXNARD — Teatro de las Américas inicia su Ciclo de Teatro del Atril 2016 con la tragicomedia clásica de Fernando de Rojas “La Celestina” en una versión de cantata mediterránea de Costa Palamides, quien dirigirá este montaje, para Teatro de las…

Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Locuras en Wichita’ on March 11 and 12 at Oxnard College

OXNARD — The 2016 season begins when Teatro de las Américas and Oxnard College present Lina Gallegos’s comedy, WILD IN WICHITA, directed by Denise Blasor. Don’t miss this charming play. An elegant Puerto Rican woman and an irreverent Mexican man fall in love when they meet at…

Local news briefs

OXNARD — El Concilio Family Services is seeking nominations for 2016 Latino Leadership Awards. The deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 15 The 27th annual Latino Leadership Awards will recognize individuals and business partnerships that have made significant contributions to…

Teatro de las Américas to present final two performances of ‘Your Friends Would Never Harm You’ on Dec. 4, 5

OXNARD — Teatro de las Américas will present final two performances of “Your Friends Would Never Harm You” at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 4 and 5 at the Oxnard College Black Box Theatre, 4000 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard…

Teatro de las Americas, MusicaLatitudes, and Oxnard College to present a Christmas concert on Dec. 6

OXNARD — Teatro de las Américas y MusicaLatitudes invite the community to participate in a free Christmas choir program that will be featured in Songs and Odes of Christmas at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6 at Teatro de las Américas at Oxnard…

Teatro de las Américas, Oxnard College to present ‘Songs of the Mediterranean’ dinner, concert fundraiser on Oct. 1

Teatro de las Américas and Oxnard College continue their 2015 Season of Concert-Dinners with “Songs of the Mediterranean” from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 1 at The Bistro at Culinary Arts Building at Oxnard College, 4000 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard. In this third edition, guests…

Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas to present ‘Our Lady of the Clouds’ on Sept. 27

OXNARD — Teatro de las Américas will present ‘Our Lady of the Clouds’ at 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 27 at the Oxnard College Black Box Theatre, 4000 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard. The play is directed by Pantelis Palamidis. Written by Arístides…

Oxnard College Performing Arts Center to present Teatro de las Américas’ ‘Pedro Infante y la Suegra Triunfante / Pedro Infante and the Triumphant Mother-in-law’ May 7 through 10

OXNARD — The Oxnard College Performing Arts Center will present Teatro de las Américas’ “Pedro Infante y la Suegra Triunfante / Pedro Infante and the Triumphant Mother-in-law” at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sundays, May 5 through 170at the Black…