Tag: Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination

Bilingual report — Dec. 1, 2021 – COVID-19 Update

A confirmed case of the Omicron variant is in California. Californians can protect themselves by getting vaccinated and boosted, wearing a mask, getting tested if they have any symptoms and staying home if sick. Get the facts about the Omicron variant here: bit.ly/omicronvariant

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 29, 2021

Since Wednesday, there are 323 new COVID-19 cases reported and 14,189 new tests performed. There are 36 people hospitalized, 5 in the ICU. There has been 1 new death of a 73 year old female. Our thoughts and sincere condolences to the loved ones of those that have passed away. The R-effective for Ventura County is .88 which means the spread is likely decreasing.

The California Department of Public Health has released a statement about the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus. Read it here.

Bilingual report — Nov. 24, 2021 – COVID-19 Update

The holiday celebrations started early for children receiving care at the Pediatric Unit at the Ventura County Medical Center! This year the Ventura County Fire Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) team used a rope rescue system that allowed them to position Santa Claus on the pediatric level of the hospital where there is an outdoor play area. The rope rescue exercise helped deliver toys to special children and also gave the US&R team valuable training. Join us in dropping off a toy, sporting good or unperishable food at any fire station or participating location to help bring joy to children in need this season. More information at: vcfd.org/sparkoflovedropoff.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Nov. 22, 2021

Public Health Nurse Mallory Perper and Kyle Culkin of the Emergency Medical Services Agency were among the amazing staff members that made the COVID and Flu Vaccine event at Santa Clara High School in Oxnard over the weekend a great success! Brittany Romane RN BSN of the Public Health Immunization Program is pictured giving both flu and booster shots to Ross Kocen, volunteer with the Medical Reserve Corps. Ross has volunteered at vaccination sites since December of 2020 when the first COVID vaccines arrived in our county! Our team continues to work hard to move us forward and we are so grateful!

County of Ventura — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 19

Thumbs up for Fridays and booster shots! All adults 18+ are encouraged to get their booster shots – 6 months after Pfizer or Moderna, 2 months after J&J. Make an appointment at MyTurn.ca.gov or call 833-422-4255. Appointments are not required at county clinics. Check the schedule at www.vcrecovers.org/vaccine.
Thank you Ventura County, let’s keep moving forward!
Photo by Laenen Photography

Bilingual report — County of Ventura — Nov. 17, 2021 – COVID-19 Update

Dr. Ali Maamar-Tayeb leads the incredible team at the Ventura County Medical Center and Santa Paula Hospital treating patients with some of the most complex neurological cases. We are so proud to have Dr. Maamar-Tayeb on our team and appreciate his work in again achieving the American Heart Association Stroke- Get With The Guidelines- Award! Learn more at www.vchca.org.
COVID-19 Update

Bilingual report — County of Ventura November 15, 2021 – COVID-19 Update

Our Public Health mobile team has administered over 65,000 COVID vaccine doses! Their efforts are in partnership with local organizations and are focused on areas with lower vaccination rates. We are so grateful for their continued work to help us move forward!

Bilingual report — County of Ventura November 10, 2021 – COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update
Since Monday, there are 302 new COVID-19 cases reported and 9,663 new tests performed. There are 35 people hospitalized, 2 in the ICU. There has been 1 additional death of a 94 year old male. Our thoughts and sincere condolences to the family and loved ones of the community member.

75.8% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.
82.1% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
83.4% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.

Public Health vaccination clinics and state testing sites will be closed in observance of Veteran’s Day on Thursday, November 11, 2021. Other providers also offer testing and vaccines. More infomration: www.vcrecovers.org.

Children ages 5 and over are eligible for COVID-19 vaccines. Talk to your child’s doctor or visit MyTurn.ca.gov to make an appointment.

Find a vaccine site and filter by vaccine type at www.vaccines.gov.
Get a digital copy of your vaccine record: https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/
Booster Information | Booster Questions & Answers

Bilingual report — Nov. 5, 2021 – COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update
Since Wednesday, there are 19 new COVID-19 cases reported and 13,527 new tests performed. There are 37 people hospitalized, 6 in the ICU. There have been 2 additional deaths of a 75 year old male and a 97 year old male.Our thoughts and sincere condolences to the family and loved ones of those who have passed. The R-effective in Ventura County is 1.05, which means that the spread of COVID-19 is likely stable.

75.5% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.
81.6% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
83.0% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.

The state testing sites will be closed In observance of Veteran’s Day on Thursday, November 11, 2021. Other providers also offer testing. COVID testing information is available at www.vcrecovers.org.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update

Pfizer Bio-NTech vaccine available for 5- to 11-year-olds in Ventura County

The Pfizer Bio-NTech vaccine has been approved for 5- to 11-year-olds and may be available in Ventura County beginning today. The California Department of Public Health’s vaccine appointment system, MyTurn.CA.gov, will be updated by tomorrow November 4, and that is when the Ventura County Public Health Department will begin offering the vaccine to this age group. Families are encouraged to contact their medical provider for information about the vaccine. “I welcome the authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup and California Department of Public Health of the COVID-19 vaccine for children of five years of age and older. This will protect our children and get us closer to our goal of herd immunity,” said Public Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin.

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Oct. 25, 2021

Since Friday, there are 53 new COVID-19 cases reported and 14,406 new tests performed. There are 33 people hospitalized, 9 in the ICU. There have been 3 additional deaths of a 44 year old male, 58 year old female, and an 89 year old male. Our sincere condolences to the loved ones and friends of those who have passed away. The R-effective in Ventura County is 0.84, which means that the spread of COVID-19 is likely decreasing.

81.0% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
82.5% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
74.5% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

There have been temporary closures at the state testing sites today due to rain and wind. Please contact your testing provider before getting tested to confirm whether they are open. View testing locations at www.vcrecovers.org/testing.

COVID vaccine and testing information: www.vcrecovers.org
COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Questions & Answers
View flu vaccine clinics here: www.vchca.org/flu-shots

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Oct. 20, 2021

COVID-19 Update
Since Monday, there are 331 new COVID-19 cases reported and 9,464 new tests performed. There are 30 people hospitalized, 9 in the ICU. There has been 1 additional death of a 58 year old male. Our sincere condolences to the loved ones of the community member who has passed away.

80.7% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
82.2% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
74.1% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

Booster Information
Pfizer booster shots are approved by the CDC and FDA. The Moderna and J&J vaccines are still pending full approval. Residents who received Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will need to wait until the FDA and CDC review the data and determine the need for and safety of boosters for these vaccines. Click here for Booster Information.

COVID vaccine and testing information: www.vcrecovers.org

Bilingual report — Ventura County Health Officer extends indoor face covering order and issues criteria for lifting order

The Ventura County Public Health Officer has extended the indoor mask order, requiring all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, to wear face coverings when indoors in public settings, with limited exceptions. “The order is necessary to reduce the rate of community spread and to reinforce the need for safe interactions. We will continue to monitor transmission rates, hospitalizations, deaths and vaccination rates throughout the County,” said Public Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 update for Oct. 18

COVID-19 Update

Since Friday, there are 107 new COVID-19 cases reported and 16,107 new tests performed. There are 34 people hospitalized, 9 in the ICU. There has been 1 additional death of a 78 year old male. Our sincere condolences to the loved ones of the community member who has passed away.

80.5% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
82.0% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
73.9% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

Booster Information
Pfizer booster shots are approved by the CDC and FDA. The Moderna and J&J vaccines are still pending full approval. Residents who received Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will need to wait until the FDA and CDC review the data and determines the need for and safety of boosters for these vaccines. Click here for Booster Information.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

Since Thursday, there are 78 new COVID-19 cases reported and 11,484 new tests performed. There are 40 people hospitalized, 7 in the ICU. There has been 1 additional death. Our sincere condolences to the loved ones of the community member who has passed away.

80.4% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
81.9% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
73.7% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

Mask Order Update

The Order of the Ventura County Health Officer requiring all individuals in the County to wear face coverings in all indoor public settings and businesses will be extended. More information will be provided on Monday.


County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Oct. 11

Since Friday, there are 253 new COVID-19 cases reported and 13,900 new tests performed. There are 54 people hospitalized, 4 in the ICU. There have been 0 additional deaths.

80.1% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
81.6% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
73.3% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

Booster shot information
COVID test information (State sites closed on October 11)
Get your flu shot


Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Oct. 8, 2021

Since Thursday, there are 82 new COVID-19 cases reported and 6,569 new tests performed. There are 57 people hospitalized, 10 in the ICU. There have been 0 additional deaths.

79.9% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
81.5% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
73.2% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Sept. 29

Since Monday, there are 234 (140 today) new COVID-19 cases reported and 13,704 new tests performed. There are 63 people hospitalized, 13 in the ICU. There have been 6 additional deaths of a 53 year old male, 68 year old male, 46 year old male, 51 year old male, 50 year old male, and an 87 year old male. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who have passed away.

79.3% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
80.9% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
72.2% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

96% of total reported COVID-19 deaths in Ventura County were among individuals with comorbidities.

Booster shot information.
COVID test information.
Get your flu shot.


Bilingual report — Ventura County Now Administering Pfizer Booster Shots to Eligible Residents

Following the Centers for Disease Control and the California Department of Public Health endorsements, eligible County of Ventura residents can begin receiving their booster doses at any sites offering the Pfizer vaccine. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 booster vaccine is recommended six months or later following the primary vaccination series for certain individuals.

People previously vaccinated with Pfizer BioNTech whoSHOULD receive a booster include:

Age 65 years and older;
Long term care residents; and
Age 50 through 64 years with underlying medical conditions or at increased risk of social inequities (including communities of color and others at risk of inequities).

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Sept. 22, 2021

We are so grateful for our amazing Respiratory Therapists! Ramiro Mares, Anait Serobyan, Jessica Rodriguez, and Scott Riegman (left to right) are among the many RTs helping COVID patients with breathing complications. Our daily actions help them. Thank you VC for continuing to do your part!

Bilingual report — Ventura County Public Health Extends Indoor Mask Order

Ventura County Public Health has extended the indoor mask order, requiring all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, to wear face coverings when indoors in public settings, with limited exceptions. The order will continue to be in effect until October 19, 2021 or until it is extended, rescinded, superseded, or amended by the Health Officer. “Our current case rate of 19.3 is still considered widespread community transmission by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health,” said Public Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin. “We need to see a continued decrease in the case rate and hospitalizations before safely lifting indoor masking requirements to help prevent future surges.”

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Sept. 17

Since Wednesday, there are 328 (184 today) new COVID-19 cases reported and 13,116 new tests performed. There are 96 people hospitalized, 31 in the ICU. There have been 9 additional deaths of a 23 year old male, 47 year old male, 51 year old female, 71 year old female, 84 year old female, 95 year old female, 66 year old male, 83 year old male, and an 81 year old male. 

All deaths were among individuals that were unvaccinated.

Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who have passed away.

78.2% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
79.9% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
70.9% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

Find vaccine and testing information at www.vcrecovers.org.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Sept. 15, 2021 —

The last email update was sent on Monday, September 13, 2021.

Since Monday, there are 371 new COVID-19 cases reported and 11,050 new tests performed. There are 97 people hospitalized, 32 in the ICU. There have been 4 additional deaths of a 55 year old female (not vaccinated), 67 year old female (not vaccinated), 93 year old female (not vaccinated), 79 year old male (vaccinated). Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who have passed away.

78.2% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
79.9% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
70.7% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.


Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Sept. 13, 2021

The last email update was sent on Thursday, September 9, 2021.

Since Thursday, there are 1,146 new COVID-19 cases reported and 33,781 new tests performed. There are 111 people hospitalized, 34 in the ICU. There have been 6 additional deaths of a 79 year old female, 67 year old male, 75 year old male, 71 year old female, 35 year old male and a 87 year old male. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who have passed away.

78.1% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
79.7% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
70.1% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

Testing information: www.vcrecovers.org/testing

Vaccine information: www.vcrecovers.org/vaccine

Bilingual report — When Science Becomes the Enemy

There has always been a certain degree of distrust toward science in this country—sometimes justifiably so. But over the past year and a half, that distrust has been amplified to literally dangerous levels, mostly via social media (many people’s only source for “news”) and extreme right-wing hysteria on the news channels. 

The severe lack of science education in this country has fomented the massive paranoia that brings many of our fellow citizens to misunderstand, misinterpret, despise, and deny scientific information. National and state leadership that plays into the hands of an insidious disinformation campaign are decimating conservative bastions throughout the country with completely preventable illness and death. 

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Sept. 2, 2021

Since Wednesday, there are 93 new COVID-19 cases reported and 5,794 new tests performed. There are 123 people hospitalized, 29 in the ICU. There have been 3 additional deaths of a 64 year old male, 91 year old female, and a 64 year old female. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who have passed away.

77.1% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
78.8% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
68.8% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

Anyone age 12 and older can get vaccinated for free in Ventura County. Anyone who is immunocompromised 12 or older can get a booster at any vaccine location.

How do I get a copy of my vaccine record?
Visit myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov California’s Digital COVID-19 Vaccine record portal to get a digital copy in minutes.

Find information about COVID-19 vaccines and testing at www.vcrecovers.org

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Sept. 1, 2021

September 1, 2021 – COVID-19 Update COVID-19 Update Since Tuesday, there are 183 new COVID-19 cases reported and 5,585 new tests performed. There are 124 people hospitalized, 24 in the ICU. There have been 5 additional deaths of a 58…

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Aug. 30, 2021

Since Friday, there are 469 new COVID-19 cases reported and 12,366 new tests performed. There are 134 people hospitalized, 23 in the ICU. There have been 2 additional deaths of a 85 year old male and an 84 year old female. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who have passed away.

76.7% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
78.5% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
68.4% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

Anyone age 12 and older can get vaccinated for free in Ventura County. Anyone who is immunocompromised 12 or older can get a booster at any vaccine location.
No appointment is needed at County Public Health vaccine clinics. View the schedule at www.vcrecovers.org/vaccine
Schedule an appointment at MyTurn.ca.gov or call 833-422-4255
Visit www.vaccines.gov or call 1-800-232-0233 to find additional vaccine locations including pharmacies and other health care providers.

Find information about COVID-19 vaccines and testing at www.vcrecovers.org

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 26, 2021

Shout out to our team of respiratory therapists for their incredible work in helping COVID patients breathe. This crew was on the night shift helping people survive… it is monumental. Their work saves lives. May we all make small choices to make big impacts on the health of our community. Thank you, Ventura County!

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Aug. 23, 2021

Since Friday, there are 701 new COVID-19 cases reported and 12,169 new tests performed. There are 158 people hospitalized, 37 in the ICU. There have been 4 additional deaths of a 81 year old female, 67 year old male, 72 year old male, 63 year old male. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who have passed away.

75.9% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
77.7% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
67.4% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

For more information visit www.vcrecovers.org

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Aug. 18, 2021

Since Tuesday, there are 255 new COVID-19 cases reported and 4,772 new tests performed. There are 143 people hospitalized, 31 in the ICU. There has been 1 additional death of a 63 year old male. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of those who have passed away.

75.2% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
77.2% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
66.8% of Ventura County’s population 12+ are fully vaccinated.

For more information visit www.vcrecovers.org

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 13

There are 289 new COVID-19 cases reported since Wednesday and 4,481 new tests performed. There are 123 people hospitalized, 30 in the ICU. There have been 0 additional deaths.

66.3.% of Ventura County’s community members 12+ are fully vaccinated.

California information
64.1% of California community members 12+ are fully vaccinated.

For more information visit www.vcrecovers.org

Bilingual report — August 12, 2021 – COVID-19 Update for Aug. 12, 2021

There are 166 new COVID-19 cases reported since Wednesday and 4,475 new tests performed. There are 121 people hospitalized, 27 in the ICU. There has been 1 additional death, 49 year old male. Our thoughts and sincere condolences to the loved ones of those that have passed away.

74.4% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
66.2.% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has been fully vaccinated.
76.5% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.

For more information visit www.vcrecovers.org

VCCCD Board Approves Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations for Students and Employees

After thorough discussion and research, the Ventura County Community College District Board of Trustees unanimously approved the policy COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement for Employees and Students at its Aug. 10 meeting. The policy requires that everyone who accesses in-person, on-site campus/District programs or who participates in off-site District/college services in person will be required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The goal is to protect the health and well-being of students, faculty, staff, administrators and the communities VCCCD serves, as well as maintain higher education access and attainment for the District’s approximately 31,000 students.

Effective Oct. 15, the mandate allows time for unvaccinated employees, students and the public to complete two-dose vaccines. The mandate recommends immediate implementation with the vaccines the Food and Drug Administration approved under Emergency Use Authorization, including those from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson).

Ventura County Office of Education — State to Require Vaccination or Testing for School Employees

Dr. César Morales, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools, (on Aug. 11) applauded a new move by the State of California to require all school employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing. “With the continuing spread of the highly contagious Delta variant, this is a commonsense step that will help ensure the safety of students and employees as schools reopen for the new year,” said Dr. Morales. “Most school employees are already vaccinated, and I’m confident others will now follow suit.”

Bilingual report — Ventura County Public Health Issues Health Advisory Urging Vaccinations and Masking Indoors

Due to the current surge, Ventura County Public Health (VCPH) is urging all Ventura County residents that are eligible but have not yet been fully vaccinated to get vaccinated as soon as possible. In alignment with state and federal health authorities, VCPH officials also continue to strongly recommend mask wearing indoors in public places regardless of vaccination status. While Ventura County continues to be aligned with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on masking, which recommends that everyone regardless of vaccination status wear masks indoors, and that requires those that are not fully vaccinated to mask indoors, officials are closely monitoring the current surge in case additional mitigation measures are needed.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 9, 2021

Since Friday, August 6, there have been 598 new COVID-19 cases reported and 8,616 new tests performed. There are 116 people hospitalized, 23 in the ICU. 5 additional deaths of a 60 year old male, 69 year old female, 68 year old female, 95 year old male, and a 75 year old male. Our thoughts and sincere condolences to the loved ones of those that have passed away.

SBCC Board approves vaccination requirement

At a special Santa Barbara City College Board of Trustees meeting held on August 5, 2021, the Board passed Resolution No. 1 COVID-19 Immunization. The resolution requires that on Oct. 1, 2021, or upon issuance of final FDA approval for at least one COVID-19 vaccine – whichever comes earlier – all students and employees and members of the public must provide valid documentation of “full” COVID-19 vaccination (as defined by the U.S. Center for Disease Control) to SBCC as a condition of (a) entering an SBCC campus building, (b) attending an in-person SBCC class, or (c) using a service located off-campus for obtaining an approved exemption based on medical, disability, religious grounds, or a deferral based on pregnancy.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Aug. 4, 2021

Since Monday, August 2, there have been 269 new COVID-19 cases and 6,595 new tests performed. 0 additional deaths.

73.3% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
65.4% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has been fully vaccinated.

COVID-19 Cases Among Fully Vaccinated Individuals as of August 4, 2021:
Fully vaccinated: 474,932
Total cases among vaccinated individuals: 688
Rate of infection among fully vaccinated: 0.14% (688/474,932)
Total hospitalizations among fully vaccinated: 35
Hospitalization rate: 0.007% (35/477,932)
Total deaths among fully vaccinated: 3. All individuals were over the age of 65 and had comorbidities.

Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for July 30, 2021

Since Wednesday, July 28, there have been 346 new COVID-19 cases and 7,026 new tests performed. 0 additional deaths.

72.7% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
64.9% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has been fully vaccinated.
75.1% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose. 

As of July 28, 2021, there have been 359 breakthrough cases in Ventura County.

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for July 28, 2021

Since the last update on Monday, July 26, there have been 268 new COVID-19 cases and 5,237 new tests performed. 1 additional death of an 89 year old male. Our thoughts and sincere condolences to the loved ones of those that have passed away.

72.3% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
64.7% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has been fully vaccinated.
74.8% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose. 

As of today, July 28, 2021, there have been 359 breakthrough cases in Ventura County.
This is .076% of the 469,530 Ventura County residents who are fully vaccinated, tested positive and meet the CDC’s definition of a breakthrough case.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura Public Health Advisory: Public Health Strongly Recommends All Community Members Wear Masks Indoors to Prevent Further Spread of COVID-19

With cases of COVID-19 rising locally and increased circulation of the highly transmissible Delta variant, the County of Ventura Public Health Department strongly recommends that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks indoors in public places. This serves as an extra precautionary measure for those who are fully vaccinated and will further limit spread of the Delta variant in the community at large.

“The Delta variant is spreading quickly in our State. All community members should take action to protect themselves and others against this potentially deadly virus,” said County of Ventura Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin. “While vaccines remain our best tool against COVID-19, masking in indoor and crowded outdoor settings will help us curb the spread of this latest wave of infection. Ventura County data have recently shown that unvaccinated people are 22 times more likely to become infected and hospitalized than vaccinated residents. Several of our hospitalized people have been vaccinated and that is several too many.” 

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for July 19, 2021

“At first I wasn’t for it but then I talked to the nurse on site at the vaccination clinic and she answered some of my questions and I felt more comfortable getting vaccinated. I work with kids at the Boys and Girls Club and I’m glad that now I’m protected and so are they.” Amri Cardenas, 24, from Fillmore got vaccinated this week at the mobile vaccination clinic at the Boys & Girls Club of Fillmore. Thank you Amri for protecting yourself and your community!

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for July 14, 2021

Since the last update on Monday, July 12, there have been 80 new COVID-19 cases and 4,148 new tests performed. 0 additional deaths.

70.8% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
63.2% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has been fully vaccinated.
73.5% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
66.0% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has been fully vaccinated.

Anyone ages 12 and older can get a COVID-19 vaccine for free in Ventura County. No appointment is needed. View the schedule of vaccine sites at www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/. Want to plan ahead? Schedule an appointment at www.myturn.ca.gov or call 833-422-4255.

COVID-19 are available at Ventura County Public Health Clinics and Mobile Clinics, pharmacies, health care providers, ambulatory and urgent care, among other locations.

Click here for information about COVID-19 testing.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for July 12, 2021

Shout out to Emma Cervantes with the Ventura County Public Health Department who has supported COVID-19 response ensuring language access for Spanish and Mixteco-speaking community members. “We as Disaster Service Workers are here to help and support our community especially in times of great need,” said Emma. Thank you, Emma, and all County Disaster Service Workers for helping our community move forward!

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for July 7, 2021

COVID-19 Update

Since the last update on Wednesday, June 30, there have been 88 new COVID-19 cases and 12,185 new tests performed. 4 additional deaths of a 70 year old male, 96 year old female, 98 year old female, and a 58 year old male. Our thoughts and sincere condolences to the family and friends of those that have passed away.

70.1% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose.
62.3% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has been fully vaccinated.
73.0% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose.
65.8% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has been fully vaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is the best protection against COVID-19 and its variants.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for June 30 2021

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

Please note there have been changes to the hours of operation.

Vaccination clinics will be closed on Monday, July 5 in observance of the Fourth of July holiday

Ventura County Fairgrounds (Now closed)

North Oxnard – Public Health
2240 E. Gonzales Rd, Suite 140
Oxnard, CA 93036
Walk-in hours: Monday-Friday 10:30am-4:30pm. Open until 6:30pm on Thursdays.
Vaccine: Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen

Oxnard Rose Avenue (New hours of operation)
(Babies R Us Building)
2340 N Rose Ave, Oxnard, CA 93030
Walk-in hours: Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-6:30pm, Saturday 9:00am-4:30pm
Vaccine: Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen (Now offering Janssen)

South Oxnard C Street
(Tent in the parking lot, near Las Islas Clinic)
2500 S. C Street, Oxnard CA, 93033
Walk-in hours: Monday-Friday 10:30am-4:30pm
Vaccine: Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen

Oxnard College (New hours of operation)
3250 S Rose Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033
Walk-in hours: 9:00am-5:30pm Saturday-Monday, 12:00pm-7:30pm Thursday-Friday
Vaccine: Pfizer and Janssen (Now offering Janssen)
*State operated.
Closed on July 4

Anyone in need of a second dose does not need an appointment to get vaccinated at the above clinics. Please be sure to select a clinic offering the vaccine you received for your first dose.

For more information, visit https://www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for June 28, 2021

Ventura County renters and landlords who need help with rent or utility payments due to COVID-19 may qualify for assistance.

The CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program helps with unpaid or future rent & utilities. And now, it’s faster and easier to apply! Answer fewer questions & submit less paperwork. Visit http://HousingIsKey.com or call 833-687-0967 to schedule an appointment for local assistance.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for June 23, 2021

Reina (left) and Blake (right) got vaccinated at the De Anza Academy of Technology and the Arts (DATA) Middle School Mobile Vaccine Clinic in Ventura recently. Reina just finished the 9th grade and Blake is in middle school. They were both happy to be getting vaccinated in time for the summer. Thank you Reina and Blake for getting vaccinated to protect our community!

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for June 17, 2021

We are so grateful for staff and Disaster Service Workers at the Ventura County Medical Examiner’s Office (MEO) who support our community in the most difficult of times when losing loved ones.

As the Disaster Service Workers return to work, we hear from Gina Rae Hendrickson (pictured at the bottom left) who was deployed for five months at the MEO and fulfilling her public servant role. At the height of the pandemic, the Medical Examiner’s Office played a crucial role in supporting our community hospitals including St. John’s Regional Medical Center and Ventura County Medical Center. Gina Rae helped manage the huge influx of calls and helping families and community facilities manage the impact of the pandemic crisis in our community.

Bilingual report — City of Oxnard facilities reopened to the public on June 15 for in-person services during regular hours of operation

City facilities reopened to the public on June 15, 2021 for in-person services during regular hours of operation. When visiting City buildings, community members must wear a mask and follow social distancing protocols. Masks will be available for visitors.

Condado de Ventura — Actualización de la vacuna COVID-19

Hoy, el estado de California ha reabierto y levantado la mayoría de las restricciones de COVID-19. ¡Gracias a todos en el Condado de Ventura por su compromiso en proteger a nuestra comunidad y ayudar a superar la pandemia!

Obtenga más información acerca de los planes del Estado de California para reabrir la economía de manera segura: https://covid19.ca.gov/safely-reopening/

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for June 10, 2021

Since June 8, 2021, there have been 35 new COVID-19 cases and 6,532 new tests performed. There have been 0 additional deaths.

66.8% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has received the first dose. 56.6% of Ventura County’s population 12+ has been fully vaccinated. 
70.2% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has received the first dose. 60.6% of Ventura County’s population 18+ has been fully vaccinated. 

COVID-19 vaccines are available for people 12 and older. No appointment is required. Want to plan ahead? Make an appointment at myturn.ca.gov or 833-422-4255. The schedule of county clinics and mobile events can be found at: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for June 3, 2021

Gabriel Ramirez served as a Disaster Service Worker and is now returning entirely to his duties at the Public Works Agency as an Engineering Tech, where he focuses on research and development in the areas of geographic Information systems, computer programming, remote sensing, and video development.

He has been an important part of COVID-19 response including supervising a testing site at the start of the pandemic. As a videographer, Gabriel has also been helping to share important messages with our diverse community in Ventura County. He is pictured above filming Euclides del Moral, head of the Mexican Consulate in Oxnard, encouraging the community to get vaccinated.

We thank County Disaster Service Workers, like Gabriel, who have helped us get through the pandemic. We are so grateful for their service to our community.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura reports COVID spending plan totals $373 million in support

“The pandemic impacted just about every part of our community and economy,” said County Executive Officer Mike Powers. “We budgeted and allocated funds in order to address multiple community health, social and economic impacts as well as basic needs.” The County’s COVID-19 Spending Plan encompasses costs incurred by the County from March 2020 through June 30, 2021. The plan is comprised of actual costs to-date and estimated costs through the end of June 2021 reported out now as the County reaches the end of the fiscal year.

County of Ventura — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for June 1, 2012

Patty Zoll, from the county’s Human Resources Department, was among the amazing team of Disaster Service Workers (pictured above) at the Ventura County Fairgrounds COVID-19 vaccine clinic until May 10. Like all Disaster Service Workers (DSWs), she paused her regular work in Training and Development to respond to the pandemic. When the days were heavy, she reminded herself that DSWs are a part of history in helping Ventura County access vaccines and end the COVID-19 pandemic. She is pictured here with the DSW crew from the Fairgrounds that became “like family.”