Category: Noticias

Bilingual report: Ventura County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Offers Helpful Tips for March 3rd Presidential Primary Election; Poll Workers Still Needed

VENTURA — Due to recent changes in legislation, the Ventura County Elections Division anticipates possible long lines at the polls on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. In an effort to prepare and staff each of the 389 polling places to accommodate…

Bilingual report: Teatro de las Américas announces ‘Volunteer of the Year Recognition’

Jimmy, Becky, Holly, Bob We honor you! / ¡Los elogiamos! Beginning in 2016, Teatro created the “Volunteer of the Year Recognition”. The first awardee was James (Jimmy) Valdez. At that time Jimmy had been on, behind and building the stage for many…

Bilingual report: Sign up today for Oxnard’s Project Assist Utility Rate Assistance Program for income-qualified customers

OXNARD — The City of Oxnard is offering two more sign-up opportunities on January 22 and 23 for the Project Assist Utility Rate Assistance Program for income-qualified customers. Eligible residents will receive a $15 monthly discount toward their trash, sewer,…

Bilingual report: Poll Workers Needed for March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election

VENTURA — The Ventura County Elections Division seeks volunteers to staff and manage 390 polling places throughout the county for the upcoming March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election. Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark Lunn stated, “Being a poll worker is a…

Bilingual report: Three Political Parties to Permit No Party Preference Voters to Participate in Presidential Primary Election

VENTURA — The American Independent, Democratic, and Libertarian parties adopted a party rule allowing No Party Preference voters to participate in their March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election. The Republican, Green, and Peace and Freedom parties did not adopt this rule.…

Bilingual report — Ventura County Veterans Services Office Helps Veterans Reclaim Their Lives

VENTURA — For Tom, joining the Navy at barely eighteen brought him a deep sense of pride and community. For the first time he truly felt part of something and even today, he still smiles when he recalls handling radio communications…

Bilingual report: Jan. 21 — Special Board of Supervisors Meeting to be held in Thousand Oaks

THOUSAND OAKS — On January 21, 2020 at 6:00 pm, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors will hold a special evening meeting in the Thousand Oaks City Council Chambers at the Civic Arts Plaza/Scherr Forum, 2100 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd.  This…

22 de febrero — Taller Sobre el Bienestar Emocional y Salud Mental (Conexión Con Mis Compañeras)

OXNARD — El programa Conexión Con Mis Compañeras, por parte de la organización MICOP (Mixteco/Indígena Community Organizing Project), quiere invitar a la comunidad Latina/Indígena al taller “Mujeres Y Nuestro Bienestar Emocional”. En el taller las personas aprenderán sobre la salud…

22 de octubre — Women’s Economic Ventures lanza una serie de seminarios bilingües y gratuitos de Educación Financiera en línea para empoderar a los dueños de pequeños negocios durante el COVID

Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) ha lanzado una serie de seminarios de educación financiera en línea para empoderar a los dueños de pequeños negocios y aumentar su alfabetismo financiero durante el COVID-19. La serie se centra tanto en las finanzas personales como las de negocios y cada sesión ofrecerá herramientas y estrategias simples para ayudar a los participantes a manejar el impacto de la pandemia en sus finanzas. Los seminarios gratuitos en línea estarán disponibles en español e inglés. Para obtener más información y registrarse para los próximos seminarios:

Bilingual poetry of Santa Maria High School Spanish Teacher Enedina Castañeda selected for display at the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of Mexico City

Courtesy photos. Photo credits: Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior SRE) Binational Congress Dic 5, 2019, ClaryArts – Clara Victoria Martínez Rojas SANTA MARIA — The bilingual poetry of Santa Maria High School Spanish Teacher Enedina Castañeda was recently selected and…

Bilingual report: City of Oxnard Celebrates the Holidays at the 12th Annual Tamale Festival on Dec. 7

OXNARD — The community is invited to celebrate the holiday season at the City of Oxnard’s annual Tamale Festival on Saturday, Dec. 7  from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Plaza Park (500 S. C St.) in Downtown Oxnard. The…

Bilingual report: Declaration of Intention period Extended for Two Judicial Offices to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12

VENTURA — Declaration of Intention period Extended for Two Judicial Offices to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2019. *** Período de Declaración de Intención para la Elección Primaria Presidencial del 3 de marzo de 2020 se Extiende para Dos Cargos Judiciales…

Bilingual report: Flood Preparedness Week focuses on Ventura County’s flood risks

Ventura County Public Works Agency provides testing, education and additional resources to reduce impact of flooding on communities. VENTURA COUNTY — In the wake of fire season, it is imperative to understand the damage and risks of flooding that can…

Bilingual report: Teatro de las Americas announces casting for ‘Too Many Tamales / Demasiados tamales’

OXNARD — CASTING: (Teatro de las Américas is preparing for the Spanish-language play “Too Many Tamales,” written by Lina Montalvo based on the book by Gary Soto. The play will be presented Dec. 6 through 15.) Teatro de las Américas prepara la obra…

Secretario-Registrador, Registrador de Votantes Lunn anuncia planes para el Evento del Día Nacional de Inscripción de Votantes el 24 de septiembre de 2019

VENTURA — El Secretario-Registrador, Registrador de Votantes del Condado de Ventura Mark Lunn anuncío planes de organizer un evento el 24 de septiembre de 2019 en el Día Nacional de Inscripción de Votantes, con el fin de inscriber a votantes en…

Bilingual report: Test drive an Electric Vehicle at the Ventura National Drive Electric Week Event

VENTURA — The County of Ventura is partnering with Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance to host the Ventura Electric Vehicle (EV) Ride and Drive event on September 17th.  The public is invited to test drive a variety of electric vehicles, learn…

Secretario-Registrador, Registrador de Votantes Lunn Anuncia la Elección Primaria Presidencial del 3 de marzo de 2020

VENTURA – – El Secretario-Registrador, Registrador de Votantes del Condado, Mark A. Lunn anunció hoy que las peticiones de firmas en lugar de honorarios de presentación para la Elección Primaria Presidencial del 3 de marzo de 2020 se pueden obtener de…

Bilingual report: County of Ventura Farmworker Resource Program Celebrates Program Launch

OXNARD — The County of Ventura’s Farmworker Resource Program on Aug. 22 hosted a reception in celebration of the launch of the program and to introduce the community to the staff and services available to both farmworkers and growers in…

Bilingual report: County provides options for parents to safely surrender newborns

VENTURA — Occasionally parents face difficult and desperate circumstances and find they are not ready or able to raise a newborn. These parents have the option under the Safely Surrendered Baby Law to legally and safely surrender their newborn baby within…

Clinicas del Camino Real Inc. Celebrates Men’s Health Week — June 10 through 16

VENTURA COUNTY — Clinicas del Camino Real Inc. celebrates Men’s Health Week, June 10 through 16. National Men’s Health Week is part of a national campaign which begins June 10th and ends on Father’s day June 16th 2019, with the goal of raising awareness…

Ayuda Para los Afectados por los Incendios Woolsey y Hill

OXNARD —  El 805 UndocuFund proporciona Fondos Para Desastres para ayudar a las personas y familias indocumentadas que se han visto afectadas económicamente por la pérdida de sushogares, salarios y/o empleo debido a los recientes desastres naturales. Hay fondos disponibles para…

26 de abril — El Consejo Ambiental Comunitario Anuncia el Festival del Día de la Tierra SB 2019 Concierto de viernes por la noche con evento agregado para extender la celebración

SANTA BARBARA — El Consejo Ambiental Comunitario (Community Environmental Council-CEC) celebrará su Festival del Día de la Tierra de Santa Bárbara 2019 en Alameda Park el sábado 27 de abril de 11 a.m. a 8 p.m. y el domingo 28 de…

La mejora de la calidad del agua para las playas del condado de Ventura conduce a un agua más limpia para los visitantes de la playa

Varias playas en el Condado de Ventura han sido eliminadas de la Lista Federal de Aguas Perjudicadas VENTURA COUNTY —  27 de marzo de 2019: siete de las playas del Condado de Ventura fueron votadas para ser eliminadas de la…

Bilingual report: Human Services Agency to Host Free Tax Preparation Assistance

VENTURA — Concerned about filing your taxes? The Human Services Agency is partnering with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) to offer free tax preparation assistance to individuals and families with earnings up to $55,000 in 2018. Staffed by a…

Bilingual report: Deadline Extended to Apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance

SACRAMENTO — The deadline for California wildfire survivors to register for federal assistance has been extended to Thursday, Jan. 31, 2019. Disaster grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are available to eligible homeowners and renters impacted by the mid-November…

Bilingual report — Fire-Damaged Septic Systems and Wells May Be Eligible for Assistance

SACRAMENTO —  California residents whose homes were damaged or destroyed by the November wildfires in Butte, Los Angeles, and Ventura counties, may be able to get help paying for some household repairs not usually covered by insurance. Repair or replacement of…

Bilingual report: Food benefits now available for Ventura County wildfire victims

SACRAMENTO –The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) today announced that, as part of the continuing disaster recovery effort, individuals and families impacted by the wildfires in Ventura County may be eligible to receive one month of Disaster CalFresh food…

Bilingual report: Ventura County Health Care Agency Discovers Vaccine & Medications Ineffective and Launches Remedy

VENTURA COUNTY — Ventura County Health Care Agency Discovers Vaccine & Medications Ineffective and Launches Remedy. Click here for the English-language version Click here for the Spanish-language version

Bilingual report: Deadline for Woolsey Fire victims to apply for Individual Assistance from FEMA is Jan. 11

THOUSAND OAKS — The deadline for residents affected by the Woolsey or Hill fires to apply for Individual Assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency is January 11, 2019. Residents can apply online or at the Disaster Recovery Center FEMA…

Bilingual report: November 6, 2018 Statewide General Election Final Results and Certification Announced

VENTURA — Ventura County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark Lunn announced today the final election results for the November 6, 2018 Statewide General Election with 100% of precincts reporting. A total of 313,871 ballots were cast in this election. 63.28% of…

Bilingual report: County/City recovery partnership extends Local Assistance Center through Nov. 25

VENTURA — The County of Ventura and the City of Thousand Oaks will extend operation of the Local Assistance Center at the Thousand Oaks Grant R. Brimhall Library through Sunday at 5 p.m. Located at 1401 E. Janss Road in…

Bilingual report: Community meeting (Nov. 19) for South Coast residents affected by the Woolsey fire

VENTURA — The County of Ventura will provide fire recovery information at a community meeting for Ventura County residents on the South Coast who have been affected by the Woolsey Fire. The meeting will take place: Monday, November 19, 6:30…

Bilingual report: Ventura County to provide recovery information at community meeting (Nov. 17) for Bell Canyon residents affected by the Woolsey fire

VENTURA — The County of Ventura will provide fire recovery information at a community meeting for Bell Canyon residents who have been affected by the recent fires. The meeting will take place: Saturday, November 17, 1:00 p.m. Bell Canyon Community…

Bilingual report: Wildfire smoke and face masks being distributed in Ventura County

VENTURA COUNTY — Due to continuing unhealthy air conditions resulting from the fires affecting Ventura County, free particulate respirators (N-95 masks) are being distributed / distribución as part of a coordinated effort of the Ventura County Public Health Department, Emergency Medical Services…

7 de diciembre — Talleres de Servicios de Empleo

Location: West County America’s Job Center 2901 N. Ventura Rd., 3rd Floor, Oxnard 805-204-5171 Diciembre 7 – 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Tecnicas para la Busqueda de Trabajo (Job Search Techniques), Esta diseñada para personas que estan buscando empleo. Los…

El Secretario-Registrador, Registrador de Votantes Lunn anuncia la fecha límite para inscribirse para las elecciones generales estatales del 6 de noviembre de 2018

VENTURA — El Secretario-Registrador, Registrador de Votantes del Condado de Ventura Mark Lunnanunció hoy la fecha límite para inscribirse para votar en un lugar de votación en las elecciones generales estatales del 6 de noviembre de 2018 es el lunes, 22 de octubre…

Bilingual report: Nov. 4 — County Hosts Work Session to Discuss General Plan Update Alternatives Report and Policy Topics

VENTURA — The public is invited to attend the joint Ventura County Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Work Session No. 4 on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 1:00 p.m., on the General Plan Update Alternatives Report. Staff will be presenting the Alternatives…