Category: Cultural

Ventura County Civil Grand Jury Announces Release of Report on Charter School Implementation of State Mandated Sex Education – AB329

The 2019-2020 Ventura County Civil Grand Jury surveyed eleven charter schools authorized either by a school district located in Ventura County or by the Ventura County Office of Education, concerning policies and procedures for implementation of curriculum on sexual health.

The California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) requires parents/guardians of students in grades 7 through 12 be given written notice that the school will be providing mandated sexual health curriculum. The Grand Jury inquired by written survey:

Bilingual report — Community Invited to Take Action on Local Transportation System Reform

The Community Environmental Council (CEC), in partnership with Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) and Just Communities, invites the community to participate in online and phone listening sessions as part of their Connected 2050/Conectados 2050 long-range planning effort.

The public is invited to request a listening session by visiting the (English) or (Spanish) website. The public can also sign up to get updates and give input by texting “CONNECT” to (833) 956-0921.

Ventura County Public Health Department Issues Guidance for Reopening Additional Sectors

As Ventura County’s hospitalized COVD-19 cases have stabilized, the Ventura County Public Health Officer has issued new guidance permitting the reopening of additional businesses that were previously closed. Sectors that may reopen with modifications, social distancing protocols, and completion of the attestation process include, but are not limited to:

June News from Peoples’ Self-Help Housing

Diego Barraza, recent graduate from Santa Barbara High School and participant in the PSHH College Club! Diego has been accepted to UC Davis, where he will be pursuing a major in Environmental Science and Medicine this fall!

To celebrate more of our incredible graduating students, visit!

United Way of Ventura County’s Stuff The Bus Campaign — Day of Action

Sunday, June 21st is United Way’s Day of Action!

You can participate by joining
United Way of Ventura County’s
2020 Stuff the Bus campaign!

Provide essential school supplies for local students experiencing homelessness or from disadvantaged families. 

You can help pave the path to academic success for a child from a homeless or low-income family. Furthermore, your support not only provides essential school supplies – studies show that it also promotes learning, building self-esteem, and helps ensure that our youth stay in school. 

The Santa Paula Art Museum Is Open!

 The Santa Paula Art Museum is open again! The Museum and gift shop will be open regular hours: Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Admission is $4.00 for adults, $3.00 for seniors, and free for students and members. For the safety and comfort of museum guests and volunteers, anyone inside the Museum is required to wear a face covering for the duration of their visit (per the California Department of Public Health, this excludes children age 2 years and under, and persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering).

See What’s Currently on View at the Santa Paula Art Museum

We are so excited to welcome you back to the Santa Paula Art Museum to enjoy two never-before-seen exhibitions: Inspiration and Influence and Santa Paula Sojourn! The Museum and gift shop will be open regular hours: Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Guest commentary — Open Letter to Scott Whitney, Chief of the Oxnard Police Department

Hello Scott,

It has been a while since we last talked or met. I think the last time we talked was at the old Social Security building, a few times in the past two years when you announced to us (CORE) and other community organizations and leaders your intentions to revising the two original Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions (OCGI). You law enforcement folks saw the adverse decisions being render by courts up and down California that much of the language of the ill-conceived and hastily drafted Civil Gang Injunctions in California were being challenged, and upon judicial review were not passing judicial muster and where in eminent danger of being struck down and rendered unconstitutional. Under your leadership the OPD, and the Ventura County District Attorney’s Offices, saw the writing on the wall and decided to drastically rewrite and modify significant language of the original OCGI.

Chiques Organizing for Rights and Equality (CORE) has been fighting for the abolishment of both the Colonia and Southside Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions since their inception in 2003-2004 on the simple grounds that they are racist, profile a specific class of Oxnard residents (Latino men) and are outright unconstitutional, not to mention horrifically written and ambiguous ordinances. ABOLISH THE TWO OCGI NOW!!!!

Bilingual report — A message from County of Ventura CEO Mike Powers

We all watched in horror as Mr. George Floyd was killed by a Minnesota police officer, it is incumbent upon us to recognize the pain and the outrage of this injustice. Each time one of these needless and tragic events happens, it seems we all pledge and hope it will get better. And then this happens again. We have reached a tipping point from which we can never go back. My heart is with the family of Mr. Floyd, with the African American community and with all members of our community who are hurting, feeling hopeless, and afraid. 

It is time we seize this moment and work to stop these events from happening. Together, as a community we can and will do it. We must do more. It starts with having an open and honest dialogue with one another. We value our relationships with our community members and community groups. We are stronger together. We stand in solidarity with those who wish to ensure all have a sense of safety, belonging, justice, equity and peace regardless of race, gender, age, sexuality or other identities.

Bilingual commentary — The Pervasiveness of “White Privilege”

At this time, once again, we find ourselves discussing the unfortunate reality of “white privilege” in our unspoken, pernicious societal rules.  “White privilege” is that social construct that makes it easier for whites to work within the grand system, to manipulate it in their favor if they choose to do so, to benefit from the blessings of a social order without even trying, simply by virtue of the color of their skin. Whites often are not even conscious of the privileges extended to them at the expense of non-whites. Whites can almost be forgiven for being unaware—indeed, clueless—of the generational suffering of those who do not participate in the grace that flows from the fountain of privilege.

Museum of Ventura County — New MVC Insider + Albinger Archaeological Museum Virtual Tour and more!

While all sites are still closed to the public, MVC is preparing to re-open with limited, members-only hours, in mid-July, expanding to the general public in August.

Thank you to all of you who completed our online survey. Your responses are critical in developing our re-opening plans. Our first priority upon re-opening will be the safety of guests and staff. We will have more information about what to expect when you visit the museum in the next e-blast. 

Meet the 2020 Ventura County Teacher of the Year

Eva Cherrie from Elmhurst Elementary School in Ventura VENTURA COUNTY — The Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE) is pleased to announce that Eva Cherrie from Elmhurst Elementary School in the Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) is the 2020 Ventura County…

Bilingual report — Food Distribution Events Planned Throughout Ventura County, California & Washington State to Support Essential Frontline Farmworkers During COVID-19 Pandemic

This Saturday, June 13th, the farmworkers’ rights group “Feeding the Frontline: Feeding our Farmworkers” will join with Latino activists and donors throughout California and Washington State to provide food distribution events for farm-working families who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic even while working to feed Americans. These efforts will include events in six agricultural counties throughout California, including Ventura, Santa Barbara, Monterey, Tulare, Fresno, and San Benito counties.

“This pandemic underscores the invaluable contributions farmworkers provide our communities, state, and nation,” shared Roberto Juarez, who heads Clinicas Del Camino Real, an organization helping lead Saturday’s events. “What COVID-19 has done to farm workers is to simply lay bare and even exacerbate the inequities they were already facing – ranging from health care disparities to poor living conditions and low wages that families simply cannot live on. …”

CAP Media — Message to CAPS friends and family

Dear CAPS friends and family,  

Citizens all across the nation are letting their voices be heard in peaceful protest, condemning the reprehensible actions of police officers in Minneapolis that resulted in the horrific death of George Floyd.  All of us at CAPS Media were sickened and saddened by what we saw.   

We do not condone racism, discrimination, inequality or violence towards anyone.  We stand in solidarity with our community and support everyone in exercising their first amendment right to assemble and to petition government to redress grievances.   

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Black Lives Matter

This has been an especially difficult last couple of weeks as we continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic while being forced to confront the reality of systemic racism with the murders of several Black lives over the last few months – George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Tony McDade. This isn’t the first time there have been protests in the streets over the taking of Black lives and a lot of the anger and pain you see is because of the reality for Black Americans knowing this won’t be the last time they have to protest in the streets to get justice and make change – and knowing that the next time the protest might be for them. We must take this time where we are already being forced out of the norm and out of our routine to look within our collective soul as a country and address the pain and discomfort of racism that has existed since the founding of our country. 

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for June 10 — Ventura County Pandemic Rental Assistance Program

The Ventura County Pandemic Rental Assistance (VCPRA) program may provide temporary rental assistance for Ventura County residents with very low incomes who owe past-due rent because of a hardship due to COVID-19. Online applications will be accepted June 17 – July 1, 2020. Learn more at

CSUCI History students record personal stories during a pandemic in “plague journals”

“Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both” —C. Wright Mills, American Sociologist CAMARILLO — “During that first two weeks I walked around in circles uncertain of what to do…

United Way of Ventura County — Our diversity, equity, and inclusion values

Dear Friends,

These are challenging times for our community and country. But the challenges we’re facing also provide us with a tremendous opportunity for growth and progress. At United Way of Ventura County, embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion is not only the right thing to do, it is necessary to our success. To learn more about our diversity, equity, and inclusion values and commitments, please read our statement, linked here and available on our website.

Un mensaje de los doctores de las salas de emergencias del Centro Médico del Condado de Ventura y el Hospital de Santa Paula

Las comunidades de California continúan enfocándose en detener la propagación de COVID-19 a través del distanciamiento social. Estos esfuerzos son prometedores, pero una consecuencia involuntaria ha sido una brecha cada vez mayor entre las personas con padecimientos y los proveedores de atención médica. El departamento de emergencias del Hospital de Santa Paula ha visto una disminución en el número total de visitas a la sala de emergencias. “Esto es de esperar, cuando las personas no están saliendo fuera de casa”, explica el Dr. Richard Rutherford, médico de emergencias y director de calidad y seguridad de Seaside Emergency Associates. “Pero también nos preocupa que algunos miembros de nuestra comunidad se queden en casa cuando realmente tienen una emergencia médica”. A algunas personas les preocupa ser una carga al hospital durante una pandemia. Otros temen que puedan infectarse con el virus COVID. “Hemos visto pacientes con ataques cardíacos, derrames cerebrales y otras enfermedades críticas que han esperado demasiado para visitar el hospital”, lamenta el Dr. Rutherford. Demorar la atención médica de estos eventos potencialmente mortales puede dificultar que el equipo del departamento de emergencias recupere la salud de los pacientes.

Melissa Livingston named Director of the Ventura County Human Services Agency

By a unanimous vote on June 8, the Board of Supervisors concurred with the recommendation of County Executive Officer Mike Powers to appoint Melissa Livingston as the Director of the Human Services Agency.

“Melissa has been an influential County leader during her 40 years of service,” said County Executive Officer Mike Powers. “She has been a great partner and an integral member of our County leadership team in supporting the mission to provide comprehensive and compassionate services for our diverse communities. Dedicated, bright and compassionate, she has dedicated her life to helping the most vulnerable. She is exceptionally well qualified, and this is critical, especially as our community recovers from the impacts of COVID-19.”

Social Justice Fund for VC on the Challenges of Racism

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County condemns police brutality, the continued police violence against our Black brothers and sisters, the over-policing of communities of color and all systems of oppression that have plagued this nation for far too long. We join in the grief for George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and the numerous others who have been murdered and victimized by this violence. This outrage cannot only be a moment! This needs to be a time for reflection and a call to action for all of us to actively engage in dismantling and elimination of the institutional, systemic and intentional racism that permeates throughout all levels of our society.

Ventura County Schools Preparing to Reopen Campuses

New State Guidelines Will Support Local Efforts VENTURA COUNTY — The California Department of Education (CDE) today released new guidelines for the safe reopening of the state’s public school campuses. The guidelines contain recommendations regarding a variety of measures to…

Guest commentary — The Vexations of History

Oxnard Police Department officers cut short the lives of Meagan Hockaday (d. 3/28/15), Alfonso Limon (d. 10/13/12), Michael Mahoney (d. 8/14/12), Robert Ramirez (d. 6/23/12), and Juan Zavala (d. 6/28/2014).

Consequently, any City of Oxnard official who empathetically condemns the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police must also memorialize their deaths. Especially Robert Ramirez, who like Floyd and Eric Garner in New York, could not breathe as the medical examiner of Ventura County determined his death a police homicide from prone restraint asphyxia—choking.

Only then can we, as a community, have an authentic conversation on police violence elsewhere.

Guest commentary — No Justice! No Peace!

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. By Armando Vazquez / Guest contributor Just…

Bilingual commentary — Emerging Into a New World

It’s happened throughout history: a catastrophic event occurs, whether that be war, pestilence, a sudden attack or a pandemic, and then the people who are impacted emerge into a very different world.  Think of a destroyed Europe immediately after World War II, the people of New York City after 9/11, the survivors of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fires that destroyed the city, the surviving dazed and severely injured citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the only atomic bombings in history and the people who had the good fortune of surviving the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1917 – 1918. 

Oxnard Performing Arts Center — June up

The PACC’s meeting and banquet rooms are now available to rent for events meeting the County’s health officer order. With five meeting rooms, outdoor areas, and two banquet rooms with a total combined square footage of over 14,611, the PACC has plenty of space to host county-approved gatherings. For more information, or to find out if your event meets these restrictions, feel free to call/ text us at (805) 385-8147 or email us at Please note, our office is also reopening by appointment only.

Oxnard-based El Lustrador Foundation update — Hope you are well/Esperando esten bien

We hope you and your families are doing well. Soon we well post photos of our help to our kids families at the Guatemala school. We are helping them with food because the COVID 19. Here we share an article in the main paper in Guatemala.Thank you for all your support.Deseamos que usted y su familia esten bien. Pronto compartiremos fotos de nuestra ayuda a las familias de nuestros niños en la escuela de Guatemala. Estamos ayudando con comida por el COVID 19. Aqui les compartimos un reportaje en uno de los periodicos mas importantes en Guatemala. Muchas gracias por todo su apoyo. …

Ventura County Activists Raise Funds to Support Essential Front-Line Farmworkers During COVID-19 Pandemic

Ventura County Latino and immigrant rights activists are taking action to support the region’s farm working families who continue to provide California residents with safe and healthy food options throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign, known as “Feeding the Frontline: Feeding our Farmworkers,” has launched a GoFundMe campaign to provide groceries, supplies, and even Mariachi music to workers in the fields. The all-volunteer group is seeking community support to raise $15,000, which will help cover the cost of distributing food, supplies, and public health literature to these “frontline” families. The group’s next distribution event will occur this Saturday, June 6, 2020 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Garden Acres Mutual Water Company in Oxnard, California.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Significant Testing Capacity Available & Business Reopening Webinar

Yesterday, the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department provided an update to the Board of Supervisors on COVID-19. Despite the reopening of more businesses and people out and about at the beach and downtown, our indicators have remained well within the guidelines set by the State. In fact, we have seen a 27% reduction of active cases. However, we need more people to take advantage of our increased testing capability. Many of you emailed me about procuring a greater amount of testing and now we ask that you please use it! I know many of you were not utilizing our local testing sites because you wanted to make sure they were available for healthcare workers, and other essential workers, but now there seems to be testing capacity for everyone who is interested. Please see more information on testing below:

Online appointment registration:

SCIART Opens Call for Entries for The NEXT Big Thing

Studio Channel Islands Arts Center (SCIART) invites artists to participate in the call for entries for SCIART’s exhibition, The NEXT Big Thing. The annual exhibition is an exciting showcase of contemporary art created by emerging artists, as well as nationally exhibited and award-winning artists, in all medium including video, film, performance, sound and installation art. This year’s show will be juried by art critic and journalist Leah Ollman. The exhibition will award three cash prizes. The deadline for artists to apply is July 12, 2020.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley (BGCGCV) offers Traditional Summer Camp

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley are gearing up to provide a fun-filled and educational Summer Camp for K-8th graders. 

Camp is offered at five Clubs including the Anderson Club located on the Los Cerritos Middle School Campus in Thousand Oaks, Johnston Club located on the Colina Middle School Campus in Thousand Oaks, Morton Club located on the Sequoia Middle School Campus in Newbury Park, the Notter Club, located on the Redwood Middle School in Thousand Oaks and the Grossman Club located on Chaparral Elementary School Campus.  Camp hours run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Righetti’s Annual Student Art Show and Film Festival join forces for a virtual art show

The power of art and film at Righetti High School has beaten these uncertain times with online assistance.

Righetti’s Annual Student Art Show and Film Festival have joined forces for a virtual art show at

Student artists created art in various programs throughout the year, including drawings in colored pencil, graphite, and ink; paintings using tempera, watercolor, acrylic, and gouche; 3-dimensional art in paper mache, ceramics, and multi-media; as well as film and video, digital and film photography, and digital illustration. Because of the challenges of these times to students, the exhibited work represents a small sampling of the 500 students in these classes.

In an Unsettled World, the Ventura County Class of 2020 is Ready to Lead

It’s safe to say there has never been a senior year quite like this one. In March, the coronavirus crisis abruptly forced students from their schools and into a strange new world of distance learning. Then at the end of May, the death of George Floyd and resulting protests threw important and difficult issues of racism and equity into the spotlight in a way most students have never experienced.

This is the time of year when graduating seniors are usually celebrating with friends, attending proms and receiving their hard-earned diplomas in front of crowds of beaming family and friends. Instead, they are participating in car caravans, watching virtual graduations and contemplating an unsettled world where our economy, our social fabric, even our basic health and safety seem far from secure.

Against this backdrop, I am proud to introduce you to some remarkable Ventura County graduates who aren’t letting the difficulties of our current moment extinguish their spirit or stop them from pursuing their dreams. Among them are students who have personally felt the sting of social inequity and found the inner strength to rise above.

Meadowlark Service League Annual Giving to award grants

Meadowlark Service League Annual Giving will award grants to 24 local Ventura County charities and 25 college scholarships this June.  The annual celebration luncheon was cancelled due to Covid-19, but the grants will still be awarded to the recipient charities and students.  Meadowlarks raised $180,000 to support our community this year.  This small group of less than 20 active members, plus it’s generous supporting members, planned and executed 3 major fundraisers for the 2019/2020 Giving.  A full list of the grant recipients is provided below. 

Ventura County Public Health Issues Visitation Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities

The Ventura County Public Health Officer has issued visitation guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF). For more than two months residents of the facilities have not been able to have visits from friends and family members to protect these seniors from COVID-19 infection. These residents have missed special visits with their loved ones and the following guidance will allow for facilities to maintain and enhance the quality of life for these residents.

Bilingual report — STAY WELL VC Order – Safely Reopening Ventura County Effective May 29

This Order issued by the Ventura County Health Officer shall become effective at 11:59 p.m. on May 29, 2020. At that time, all current Orders of the Ventura County Health Officer shall expire and no longer be of any force or effect, except any and all prior violations of the previous orders remain prosecutable, criminally or civilly. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 120295 et seq., violation of or failure to comply with this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for May 29

Good Evening, Here’s your update on COVID-19 in the County of Ventura:

16 new cases

33 deaths – 1 additional death (a male in his 90s with a comorbidity)

1,078 total positive cases

21 in the hospital

11 in the icu

817 recovered

23,389 tested

Mercado de la Fundación del Colegio de Ventura reabre sus puertas el 30 y 31 de mayo

El mercado de la Fundación del Colegio de Ventura volverá a abrir el dia 30 y 31 de mayo y seguirá abierto todos los fines de semana. El mercado ha estado cerrado desde el 14 de marzo cuando las restricciones de distanciamiento social entraron en vigencia debido a la pandemia de COVID-19.

El Mercado inicialmente tendrá 39 puestos de proveedores y limitará de forma segura la asistencia de los clientes. Antes del cierre, el Mercado atraía a 2,000 compradores cada fin de semana con 300 a 400 vendedores.

UCSB — The Current — Keeping On

May 28, 2020 Top News Keeping On New initiatives have been offering resources and support for students and instructors adjusting to remote education. Read More ? Egregious Emissions Researchers find that over a 15-year period, a small percentage of industrial…

‘Cultivating Resilience In Loss and Grief’ Part of Hospice of Santa Barbara’s ‘Coping with COVID-19’ Information Series

In response to the growing need for emotional and practical support related to COVID-19 in the Greater Santa Barbara area, HSB now offers a comprehensive resource page called “Coping With COVID-19.” It includes videos and articles by our Community Education staff of dedicated experts, therapists and clergy. Topics include relevant issues we are all facing during the global pandemic. The Coping with COVID-19 Series is comprised of fresh original content. It addresses the many emotional and practical day-to-day challenges coronavirus is having on all of us including schedules, finances, the lives of our children and family, our plans our control over situations.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — State Action on Salons, Religious Services, and Graduations – With Restrictions

Yesterday, in response to Governor Newsom’s announcement, the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department issued a revised Health Officer Order which provides updated guidance for places of worship and providers of religious services and cultural ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, hair salons, and barbershops.The Order states that:

New Car Graduation Protocol Issued by Ventura County Public Health

Ventura County Public Health (VCPH) today released a revised protocol regarding vehicle celebrations for graduations and other special observances. The protocol has been modified to allow graduates to briefly exit their vehicles on a timed schedule to receive their diplomas. Diplomas may be distributed using a no-contact pick-up method, maintaining physical distancing of six feet or greater. The protocol allows school personnel to take photos of graduates outside of their vehicles. Family members will be permitted to take photos from inside their vehicles.  

Military Stoles presented during SMJUHSD Drive-Thru Event on May 26

Approximately 60 SMJUHSD seniors are answering the call of military service and will join the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines after graduation.

Recruiters and staff will honor them in a special drive-thru ceremony from 6 to 7 p.m. tonight at Righetti High School’s bus loading zone. They will receive stoles from their recruiters to wear over their gowns. Social distancing will be the top mission.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for May 27

Residents who visit Ventura County Harbor Department-managed beaches and parks will have improved recreational opportunities and be able sit and lounge while practicing social distancing guidelines.

Harbor Department Director Mark Sandoval said the County is pleased to ease some of the soft closure restrictions –limiting beach and park access to physical activity – put in place in April 2020. The soft closure restrictions will be removed at Kiddie, Silver Strand, and Hollywood beaches and at the Harbor parks, including Peninsula and Harbor View.

CSUCI dance faculty asked to share virtual dance instruction techniques as part of prestigious UC Riverside lecture series on May 29

The list of dance scholars asked to speak as part of the Christena Lindborg Schlundt Lecture Series in Dance Studies reads like a Who’s Who in American Dance Research.

Now taking the lecture stage (virtually) on May 29 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. are CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Assistant Professor of Performing Arts/Dance Heather Castillo and Dance Lecturer MiRi Park.

“We were shocked and honored,” Castillo said. “Once a year they invite a guest lecturer, and this year, MiRi and I will be discussing our virtual experiences with dance education.”

UCSB — The Current — Fish Feed Foresight

May 26, 2020 Top News Fish Feed Foresight A new paper describes how fishmeal and oil alternatives can support aquaculture growth. Read More ? Wired for Marriage For the first time, researchers have explored the neural and genetic connections to…

700,000 Masks Being Distributed to Agricultural Community in Ventura County

 The Ventura County Office of Emergency Services, and the California Departments of Food and Agriculture, and Pesticide Regulations together have provided over 700,000 facemasks to help provide protection to farmworkers and other agricultural operations. The Agricultural Commissioner’s Office has been reaching out to growers, farm labor contractors, packer/shippers and pest control businesses to make arrangement to distribute masks from the Commissioner’s offices in Camarillo and Santa Paula.

COVID-19 Case Rate and California’s Diversity — Patterns in Coronavirus Exposure

Every case of COVID-19 is the result of someone having been exposed to the coronavirus. Here in California, as elsewhere, different people experience different exposures to the virus. Some individuals and families—those with work that can be done remotely, robust health insurance, and relatively easy access to a physician—have been able to reduce their coronavirus exposure by sheltering at home for the past eight weeks.

Guadalupe Union School District — Kermit McKenzie Intermediate School Promotion

About 150 Kermit McKenzie Intermediate School students will take their GUSD educational careers to the next level after they are promoted to high school on Tuesday, June 2.

There will be no physical graduation. Instead, a graduation video will include pictures of students and activities as well as encouraging words from current and former teachers. This video will be shared via email, ParentSquare, Social Media, and the school website.

Teatro de las Américas — Newsletter / Noticias

Pablo García and his son Javier are working on the renovation of the building at 321 W. 6thStreet and it is coming along great. It will certainly be ready for plays and workshops by the time the Corona Virus restrictions are lifted.

California State Student Association honors CSUCI faculty for helping to save $3.8 million in textbook costs for students

The Cal State Student Association (CSSA) has awarded CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Associate Professor of Communication Jacob Jenkins, Ph.D., the 2020 California State University Faculty Innovation & Leadership Award.

Two Santa Maria public high schools will celebrate academic excellence during separate drive-thru events

Two Santa Maria public high schools will celebrate academic excellence during separate drive-thru events today (Thursday, May 21).

Righetti High School’s senior awards are scheduled to be given out from 10 a.m. to noon in the bus-loading zone. About 190 students are involved, according to Daniel Solis, College and Career Specialist.

Museum of Ventura County — MVC survey plus chance to win $50 gift card!

The Museum of Ventura County is temporarily closed due to COVID-19 and is looking forward to reopening as soon as it is safe to do so.

We have put together a short survey to help us better understand how we can best serve you and the community during this time and when we reopen.