Tag: whales

Sixteen global shipping companies slowed cargo ships for 181,000 nautical miles in 2020 program off California coast to protect blue whales and blue skies

The partners in an initiative to cut air pollution and protect endangered whales announced results from the 2020 program and recognized the shipping companies that successfully participated, reducing speeds to 10 knots or less in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Southern California region. The program’s new Southern California region extends from Point Arguello (in Santa Barbara County) to waters near Dana Point (by the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach). The voluntary incentive program, called “Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies,” ran May 15, 2020 through November 15, 2020.

Shipping companies receive recognition and financial awards based on the percent of distance traveled by their vessels through the Vessel Speed Reduction (VSR) zones at 10 knots or less and with an average speed of 12 knots or less. The 10-knot target complements the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) requests for all vessels (300 gross tons or larger) to slow down during the months of peak endangered blue, humpback, and fin whale abundance to protect these whales from ship strikes.

Port Customers Shine Earning Blue Skies, Blue Whales Awards

Protecting the whales and our local air quality is not only a top priority for the Port, but also its ocean carriers. Maersk, GLOVIS, K Line, and NYK Line all earned recognition for participating in this voluntary program. This vessel speed reduction initiative aims to cut air pollution and protect endangered whales in the Santa Barbara Channel and San Francisco Bay through incentivizing shipping lines to reduce speeds to 10 knots or less in these sensitive areas.

March 24 — Celebration of the Whales Festival Offers Family Fun, Prizes, and Chalk Art

OXNARD — Visitors who attend the 22nd Annual Celebration of the Whales Festival at the Channel Islands Harbor are going to be in for a variety of surprises. This year’s event will feature new family-friendly activities, chalk art, and prize…